Very confused. Worked out my BMR and TDEE

So on the topic before people said not to eat below my BMR but to definitely eat below my TDEE for weight loss... I used two different sites to find out my BMR and TDEE and they said both around 1852 for BMR and around 2600-2800 for TDEE.. what does this mean? I get 1440 from myfitnesspal... and I am trying to stick to 1200... so what do I actually have to eat? very confused


  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I'm stated on your first statement that people recommend that you not eat below BMR. Why are you aiming for 1200 instead of the 1440 that MFP gives you or your apparent BMR?
  • twilighter95
    because a girl I know on this has always stuck to 1200 calories a day and she has lost 86lbs
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    MFP gave you 1440 because of the weight loss goal you chose.
    My guess is you chose 2lb a week loss? Reason I'm guessing that is that it would have worked out your TDEE and then taken 1000 calories a day from that figure.

    The simple answer is chose the recommended 1lb a week loss as your goal. Then instead of 1440 your target will be1940.
    Bingo! That number is between your BMR & TDEE.

    Don't then take another cut off that number like you seem to be doing with your 1440/1200 numbers. The number MFP sets as your target gives you your deficit so you shouldn't take off a further calorie deficit.
  • ErinAlexa74
    1200 calories a day isn't suitable for anyone unless they are quite petite, sedentary, and/or very old.

    If your BMR is higher than 1200 (which it appears to be) then you need to eat at least your BMR. If your TDEE is 2600+, this means you can eat 1600 cals per day and achieve a -1000 daily deficit, which is the equivalent of 2lbs lost per week. That is the most weight you should try to lose within a week for healthy weight loss. Otherwise, you risk losing too much muscle mass. Besides, the human body can only burn SO much fat per day, and under-eating chronically will do nothing but bring your metabolism to a screeching halt, anyway.

    Eat your BMR. Stop being silly.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Your 10lbs heavier than me. I eat 1700 calories and can't really exercise at the moment. I lose steadily. I believe 1200 is too low, especially if your working out. I do control my carbs though. That is important to mention. I eat 35% protein, 35 % carbs and 30 % fat. Good, settings, goals, change goals, manual.

    If your eating a lot of processed food on 1200 likelihood is your feeling rubbish and hungry! Try to get lots of fresh veggies and salad in and just a little fruit.

    Once you eat a little more you'll have more energy to work out. I do not believe in eat more to lose more.. I haven't lost more eating more but I do feel a whole lot better eating more so that's a good reason for me.

    Google calorie dense foods and incorporate them into your healthy lifestyle eating plan. This is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change, and you need to feel good on a day to day basis and feel you can sustain what your doing otherwise you'll forever be going around in circles.

    Lots of protein will keep you full and satisfied, moderate carbs and sugar will stop your blood sugar levels shooting up and down and cause you to be hungry a lot more. Try 30g of sugar per day.

    Drink your 8+ glasses of water and keep the sodium sensible by not eating too many prepackaged foods.

    You can do this, but it's more than just a number. For me it is anyway if I eat more carbs or too much sugar I won't lose no matter what my deficit and I see this with so many of my MFP friends.

    The scale may freak out for a bit when you first increase cals. Always give a new plan 6 weeks. You may go up initially but will then start losing again and feel better for fuelling your body.

    Hope that helps!

  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    MFP doesn't want to be in the business of giving people individual minimums, so it spits out the 1200 that is recommended by the US government to ensure adequate nutrition. You shouldn't be eating below BMR. If that means that it takes longer for the weight to come of, so be it, especially since you will probably be happier with the end results that way (bigger muscles, tighter skin, etc.).
  • mumof5
    mumof5 Posts: 328 Member
    ou will drop the kilos if you go below bmr - but you will also have no energy, stuff your metabolism, not be able to exercise like a beast, you skin and hair will be dull...its up to you. do you want to lose the weight quickly and feel like **** for a while only to put the weight back on, or do you want to lose the weight a little slower, exercise and be healthy??? if so you will need to find your sweet spot between bmr and tdee - the spot that you are losing and still feeling great. your choice ;)
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    1200 calories a day isn't suitable for anyone unless they are quite petite, sedentary, and/or very old.

    If your BMR is higher than 1200 (which it appears to be) then you need to eat at least your BMR. If your TDEE is 2600+, this means you can eat 1600 cals per day and achieve a -1000 daily deficit, which is the equivalent of 2lbs lost per week. That is the most weight you should try to lose within a week for healthy weight loss. Otherwise, you risk losing too much muscle mass. Besides, the human body can only burn SO much fat per day, and under-eating chronically will do nothing but bring your metabolism to a screeching halt, anyway.

    Eat your BMR. Stop being silly.

    Really and that's your first post? You'll last a long time on here talking to people like that. If you haven't got anything to say in a constructive manner, don't say anything at all. This girl is clearly confused, she is 18 and needs a little guidance not someone belittling her!
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    sijomial for the win!
    Your body doesn't lose weight as well at very large deficits.

    You want to eat no less than your BMR because that's what your body uses circulating blood and processing toxins. Pretty important stuff, right? So, make sure you eat no less than your 1850 so your body doesn't start cutting back on the most important work.

    Don't cut too close to your BMR though because you still need energy to move around. TDEE - 20% seems like the optimal point for most people. 2600 * 0.8 is 2080.

    Eat 2080 and live your life. Take your measurements so you have something other than just the dumb scale to check your progress. Same for some candid "before" pictures, so you when you have a bad week, you can see how far you've come.

    Finally, as you lose more and more weight, your caloric needs will decrease a little for BMR and TDEE. Check those numbers based on your current details (weight age etc) every few months to stay on track.
  • calisunrise
    eat AT LEAST your BMR, burn off calories with exercise so you net 1440. simple.
    MFP doesn't suggest you consuming 1440 a day. it suggests you NETTING this much. (calories in - calories out = NET)
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    because a girl I know on this has always stuck to 1200 calories a day and she has lost 86lbs

    And now you know a girl who eats 1800 calories a day and has lost 65 pounds. You've got your numbers - USE THEM. :flowerforyou:
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    And now you know a girl who eats 1800 calories a day and has lost 65 pounds. You've got your numbers - USE THEM. :flowerforyou:

    wow, great point!
    And you know a guy who has lost 35 pounds eating 2350 a day...
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Good info Zara!!!
  • beachlover317
    beachlover317 Posts: 2,848 Member
    And now you know a girl who eats 1800 calories a day and has lost 65 pounds. You've got your numbers - USE THEM. :flowerforyou:

    wow, great point!
    And you know a guy who has lost 35 pounds eating 2350 a day...

    Nice to meet you "guy who lost 35 pounds". Anyone else?
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    Good info Zara!!!

    Thanks Herb! :-)
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    Same here, I've NEVER been able to eat below my BMR, it makes me cranky, I can't work out, I feel awful. I'm eating at 1880 a day now (1550 a day was too low) and losing 1.5lbs a week.

    I just hit 55lbs lost, 1200 is A number, not YOUR number.
  • Pattis11
    Pattis11 Posts: 34 Member
    Good advice here