Caloric intake for preggers



  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    You have no personal experience with the specific requirements of pregnancy.

    28YO've been pregnant, then? Didn't think so.

    Can either of you explain how becoming pregnant gives you a biochemistry degree? If your doctor was a male would you ignore his advice?

    Can you explain how saying somebody has a biochemistry degree on the internet should be trusted information?
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    Well I should have gone to bed an hour ago so here is a riddle:

    If you're obese, and even overweight, your doctor already recommends fat loss during pregnancy. I'm sure someone will figure this out before morning.

    And I refuse to engage with white knights who provide no science. At least make an appeal to authority or something.
  • angelams1019
    angelams1019 Posts: 1,102 Member
    You have no personal experience with the specific requirements of pregnancy.

    28YO've been pregnant, then? Didn't think so.

    Can either of you explain how becoming pregnant gives you a biochemistry degree? If your doctor was a male would you ignore his advice?

    Can you explain how saying somebody has a biochemistry degree on the internet should be trusted information?

    baahahahaha :laugh: Love it. He's just trying to get a rise out of you guys now that he has all the attention. This is probably the highlight of his day
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member

    baahahahaha :laugh: Love it. He's just trying to get a rise out of you guys now that he has all the attention. This is probably the highlight of his day

    I will admit to it being quite amusing, I wasn't going to reply to the original comment until the second one came up saying "you're a guy so you can't know anything". Ridiculous.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Well I should have gone to bed an hour ago so here is a riddle:

    If you're obese, and even overweight, your doctor already recommends fat loss during pregnancy. I'm sure someone will figure this out before morning.

    And I refuse to engage with white knights who provide no science. At least make an appeal to authority or something.

  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    Wow...this thread has blown to bits.

    I am 4 weeks postpartum. I ate at a deficit my First Trimester, mostly because I didn't know I was pregnant. And honestly, if you go to places other than here, geared towards mothers and weight loss, you'll get different information than here. While I agree that the OP is currently eating too little, eating at a small deficit the First Trimester will not kill her or her child, or make it malnourished. That wonderful being growing inside of her is basically a parasite, and will get the nutrients it needs whether the mother eats well or not. What the OP is doing by limiting her calories by so much is making it much harder for her, as the mother, to be healthy. And yes, in the long run, eating at a deficit would be unwise, but the Mother is the one who suffers, not the child.

    Now, back on topic....most of what I said I mentioned in the Private message I sent to you, OP. However, I would also like to add that there is a great group on here called "Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant". They are a bunch of pregnant, or at least experienced, women who can help you. But, the most important person you can talk to is your Doctor. I tracked my calories through my entire last pregnancy, as opposed to the other 3 before. I feel much healthier and happier now because I did do that. I didn't limit my calories after I found out I was pregnant, but I didn't go overboard and "eat for two" either. And from the time I found out I was pregnant to when I had my child, I only gained 12 pounds. And my Doctor was fine with that because we discussed what I was doing. Talk to your Doctor.
  • Toumani
    Toumani Posts: 78 Member

    Now, back on topic....most of what I said I mentioned in the Private message I sent to you, OP. However, I would also like to add that there is a great group on here called "Fit, Fabulous, and Pregnant". They are a bunch of pregnant, or at least experienced, women who can help you. But, the most important person you can talk to is your Doctor. I tracked my calories through my entire last pregnancy, as opposed to the other 3 before. I feel much healthier and happier now because I did do that. I didn't limit my calories after I found out I was pregnant, but I didn't go overboard and "eat for two" either. And from the time I found out I was pregnant to when I had my child, I only gained 12 pounds. And my Doctor was fine with that because we discussed what I was doing. Talk to your Doctor.

    This is really what it comes down to. I would mainly stick to my doctor's and/or nutritiounist's/doula's advice and not really go by what people on MFP are saying. No offense to you guys, but I think that would be the safest alternative. If you're still not sure, get a second opinion from another OB/GYN.

    I was lucky to have an incredibly experienced and excellent OB/GYN (and doula) who helped me through my twin pregnancy (my first and only pregnancy).

    I was also 36 at the time and it was considered a "risk pregnancy". I had blood taken every 4-6 weeks and at the end every 2 with regular weekly check-ups. Granted I come from a country where this is all covered by the insurance, but what I want to say is, with all of my liver, blood, cholesterol, iron levels being monitored, I was definitely eating more but never "for 3", if you will, and gained a good amount of weight, but still on good standing.

    The babies completely sucked the iron out of me, which I supplemented with pills, and I ate more of certain foods ***by the supervision of my doctor*** and the test results to keep everything in check. I carried them to 39.5 weeks with great success.

    Listen to people who have been working with pregnancies for many years. That's what they are paid to do: to guide you with sound advice.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Wow...this thread has blown to bits.

    I am 4 weeks postpartum. I ate at a deficit my First Trimester, mostly because I didn't know I was pregnant. And honestly, if you go to places other than here, geared towards mothers and weight loss, you'll get different information than here. While I agree that the OP is currently eating too little, eating at a small deficit the First Trimester will not kill her or her child, or make it malnourished. That wonderful being growing inside of her is basically a parasite, and will get the nutrients it needs whether the mother eats well or not. ... I didn't limit my calories after I found out I was pregnant, but I didn't go overboard and "eat for two" either. And from the time I found out I was pregnant to when I had my child, I only gained 12 pounds. And my Doctor was fine with that because we discussed what I was doing. Talk to your Doctor.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Well I should have gone to bed an hour ago so here is a riddle:

    If you're obese, and even overweight, your doctor already recommends fat loss during pregnancy. I'm sure someone will figure this out before morning.

    And I refuse to engage with white knights who provide no science. At least make an appeal to authority or something.

    A little science - medical research is not performed on pregnant women for various reasons ranging from ethics to variability to fetal risk.
    A little authority - as a biomedical engineer with a minor in biology I can assure you that the developmental needs - in terms of nutrition are the real focus that should be had during this period and that, in general, attempting a calorie deficit during pregnancy is not the path that guarantees the best micro nutrient needs. The risk of preeclampsia and eclampsia increases with obesity and under-nourishment - if someone is overweight and pregnant - the pregnancy is not the moment to lose weight for the ideal development of the beastie within.
  • RBXChas
    RBXChas Posts: 2,708 Member
    Well I should have gone to bed an hour ago so here is a riddle:

    If you're obese, and even overweight, your doctor already recommends fat loss during pregnancy. I'm sure someone will figure this out before morning.

    And I refuse to engage with white knights who provide no science. At least make an appeal to authority or something.

    Are you a MD? A fellow of the ACOG?

    Yeah, I didn't think so.

    I am on my second pregnancy. I was overweight/borderline obese the first time. My OB, who, by the way, is a MD and a fellow of the ACOG, advised me NOT to lose weight. She said I needed 200-300 calories above maintenance for my pre-pregnancy weight. My sister and SIL went to her for the five pregnancies between them and both were obese for all five pregnancies. I assure you, they were never advised to LOSE weight. (ETA that all five pregnancies, plus one of mine, resulted in healthy, full-term babies, including a set of twins who were born at "term," since that has a different meaning with multiples. The remaining one is my current pregnancy.)

    That said, if a doctor DID advise that a pregnant woman lose weight, certainly s/he would be monitoring the baby's growth on a more regular basis than s/he would for other women with normal pregnancies. No woman should take on that agenda on her own.

    A biochemistry degree is all fine and good, but you are not an OB or even a MD. As such, please refrain from attempting to override the advice we were all given by medical professionals.
  • 2204givme
    If you cut out sugar and grains completely, the nutrient density of your food will greatly increase without having to eat maintenance. There are negative health effects to being overweight and pregnant as well
  • bronnyd
    bronnyd Posts: 278 Member
    If you cut out sugar and grains completely, the nutrient density of your food will greatly increase without having to eat maintenance. There are negative health effects to being overweight and pregnant as well

    Yes, I think so. There is nothing wrong with LIMITING your sugar intake just as you normally would. Being pregnant does not mean you have to give yourself license to eat junk, but I don't think that being pregnant is the time for a calorie deficit OR experimenting with new diet restrictions like eliminating entire food groups.

    I think that in a situation like this it's important to think of calories as GOOD. Calories are your friend here. They are energy and your body NEEDS adequate energy to grow another life!!

  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    And from the time I found out I was pregnant to when I had my child, I only gained 12 pounds.

    So did you weigh more or less after you had your child from when you first became pregnant?
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    Well I should have gone to bed an hour ago so here is a riddle:

    If you're obese, and even overweight, your doctor already recommends fat loss during pregnancy. I'm sure someone will figure this out before morning.

    And I refuse to engage with white knights who provide no science. At least make an appeal to authority or something.

    Are you a MD? A fellow of the ACOG?

    Yeah, I didn't think so.

    I am on my second pregnancy. I was overweight/borderline obese the first time. My OB, who, by the way, is a MD and a fellow of the ACOG, advised me NOT to lose weight. She said I needed 200-300 calories above maintenance for my pre-pregnancy weight. My sister and SIL went to her for the five pregnancies between them and both were obese for all five pregnancies. I assure you, they were never advised to LOSE weight. (ETA that all five pregnancies, plus one of mine, resulted in healthy, full-term babies, including a set of twins who were born at "term," since that has a different meaning with multiples. The remaining one is my current pregnancy.)

    That said, if a doctor DID advise that a pregnant woman lose weight, certainly s/he would be monitoring the baby's growth on a more regular basis than s/he would for other women with normal pregnancies. No woman should take on that agenda on her own.

    A biochemistry degree is all fine and good, but you are not an OB or even a MD. As such, please refrain from attempting to override the advice we were all given by medical professionals.

    How much weight did you gain during that pregnancy? Was it under 25lbs? If so then you lost fat.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Yes, some people that are obese gain a smaller amount than average, which means they probably lose a little bit of fat. However, the scale never goes down, it still goes up. And they do this under the guidance of their own midwife or doctor and with the dietary guidelines given by them. It is not appropriate to give this type of advice over the internet. Every woman is fully capable of going to her own doctor or midwife and if she feels the doctor or midwife is not willing to pay attention to this, then she should switch anyway. If the doctor or midwife is not the right match and is not attentive to your specific situation then that's not going to be a good match during the pregnancy and birth anyway.

    The doctor may give some dietary guidelines as well. Those guidelines are usually influenced by the blood tests that reveal whether or not the woman has anemia or other issues.

    Most doctors are extremely careful about not allowing women to gain too much weight during pregnancy. Especially if there is already a weight problem, but even for people that are bordering on underweight.

    When I got pregnant I weighed 100 pounds and I had severe vomiting and could barely keep any food down, so I needed to eat and eat and eat as much as I could keep down. At 6 months pregnant I weighed 115. Then during the last trimester I gained weight more rapidly. During both pregnancies there was one month when I gained 12 pounds. And during the first pregnancy when that happened my doctor had me have a special meeting with a nurse to talk about managing my weight gain. He did not want pregnancy to result in me having a weight problem. Turned out not to be an issue because even at 9 months pregnant I was still within the normal weight guidelines for a non-pregnant person, after the birth I lost 25 pounds within the first week, and breastfeeding actually caused me to begin to get thinner than I wanted.

    There can be all kinds of health issues and complications during each person's pregnancy if things are not managed correctly, but if managed correctly turn out just fine. It is important to be working with a good midwife or OB.

    I know that personally, even though I have had 2 children, I am not capable of giving specific advice to pregnant women that are overweight because it is very different from my situation. So, I will not attempt to do that. She should see her midwife or doctor.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    Whether or not the scale moves up or down is just an indication of calories consumed. If an obese lady only gains 10lbs that's 15lbs of fat loss over 9 months. To go to zero weight gain and 25lbs of fat lost is a difference of 140 calories a day. It is preposterous to suggest that cutting out 140 calories a day is going to nutritionally starve a fetus.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    I think most of us can agree that:

    A) Talk to your obgyn/midwife/doula/registered practitioner of choice.
    B)Eat at least at maintenance until your doctor says otherwise.
    C)It is okay to limit certain foods and eat healthy, but not wise to eat too little so as to lose weight without proper knowledge

    I am nine months pregnant and was obese when I became pregnant. I lost 15 lbs during the first trimester bc I didn't know I was pregnant, and because of that my doctor told me the baby would grow at a slower rate because I was not taking in enough nutrients. She set me up with a dietitian, (HUGE HELP) and so far I have gained only 21 lbs, with four weeks to go. In the beginning, I was incredibly frustrated at not being able to lose the weight. I soon realized that I needed to accept what my body was doing and just eat as healthy as I could for my baby and I. I haven't used it as an excuse to eat junk 24/7, and I am the healthiest I have ever been my entire life.

    Congratulations on your pregnancy, and please listen to these wonderful ladies and up your intake a little and go see a doctor asap. The next 9 months are about your baby, not your weight loss. Not saying this to be rude, but a bit of tough love.
  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 1,282 Member
    Whether or not the scale moves up or down is just an indication of calories consumed. If an obese lady only gains 10lbs that's 15lbs of fat loss over 9 months. To go to zero weight gain and 25lbs of fat lost is a difference of 140 calories a day. It is preposterous to suggest that cutting out 140 calories a day is going to nutritionally starve a fetus.

    Since I know nothing about male castration, erectile dysfunction, or prostate cancer, I do not give advice on them. Please, take your rhetoric somewhere else. Just because you believe you are correct doesn't actually mean you are. Just leave the woman alone to speak to her doctor.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    Whether or not the scale moves up or down is just an indication of calories consumed. If an obese lady only gains 10lbs that's 15lbs of fat loss over 9 months. To go to zero weight gain and 25lbs of fat lost is a difference of 140 calories a day. It is preposterous to suggest that cutting out 140 calories a day is going to nutritionally starve a fetus.

    Since I know nothing about male castration, erectile dysfunction, or prostate cancer, I do not give advice on them. Please, take your rhetoric somewhere else. Just because you believe you are correct doesn't actually mean you are. Just leave the woman alone to speak to her doctor.

    I probably shouldn't address you but why do you think your sex prevents you having knowledge regarding health issues of men? I think feminists everywhere just shed a tear.
  • Pepper2185
    Pepper2185 Posts: 994 Member
    Whether or not the scale moves up or down is just an indication of calories consumed. If an obese lady only gains 10lbs that's 15lbs of fat loss over 9 months. To go to zero weight gain and 25lbs of fat lost is a difference of 140 calories a day. It is preposterous to suggest that cutting out 140 calories a day is going to nutritionally starve a fetus.

    Since I know nothing about male castration, erectile dysfunction, or prostate cancer, I do not give advice on them. Please, take your rhetoric somewhere else. Just because you believe you are correct doesn't actually mean you are. Just leave the woman alone to speak to her doctor.

    I probably shouldn't address you but why do you think your sex prevents you having knowledge regarding health issues of men? I think feminists everywhere just shed a tear.

    Why do you think you have greater knowledge on the specific nutritional requirements of pregnancy than an entire thread full of women who have been pregnant, plus the advice of their respective medical professionals?