Need help cutting carbohydrates and more protein

I have been loosing weight since beginning of last year with just counted calorie and couch to 10k jogging. After putting some of the weight on end of last year due to work commitments ( long days with daily travel) - I decided it that i will get to my ideal weight this year :)).

I joint the gym beginning of the year and have been going to a variety of classes ( Zumba, Pilates, circuit training, bike, running machine) 5-6 days of the week.
I also joint the fat fighter classes at that gym and have to cut the carbohydrates in my daily food in take and increase the protein instead. I am not a vegetarian but not a great meat eater either.

The problem I am having is how to cut the carbohydrates and eat more protein instead. Any inspiration welcome :)


  • cheshire1865

    I'm a massive fan of my carbs and am terrible for potatoes and pasta. One trick I've used is replacing mash potato with mashed cauliflower. You cook it like normal in boiling water, drain and mash. Then add a tiny bit of butter or milk and some herbs and serve it with anything :) and instead of rice, try quinoa or couscous. Both are lovely alternatives :)

    I'm not much of a meat fan either so I use quorn a lot. In shepherd's pie and spag bol, I use quorn mince. It's lower in fat than beef or lamb and doesn't have the same taste (which is a plus for me) but it makes a delish meal :)

    Hope this helps and good luck :D
  • sassika
    sassika Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you for your reply

    I will try the cauliflower mash this week, sounds really nice as I love cauliflower. What a brilliant :)x
  • mklassy123
    Do you eat salads? Adding beans, crabmeat or salmon, avocado, other vegies make for a great way to get in your vegies and protein. For breakfast I often have eggs or eggwhites with fat free cheese and vegies and beans, I cut out the bread. I try snacking on low fat dairy and/or nuts. I'm a night nosher, that's when I'll nosh on a high fiber cereal with low sugar and lots of fiber.

    If you do eat salmon, I poach mine in the microwave, it takes about 7 minutes. Quick and easy for the busy person. I always make enough dinner for two nights so I don't have to cook every night. Also a big vat of chili goes a long way, and you can add ground chicken or turkey or beef, tofu or just beans (I add beans no matter what).
  • melanierdesilva

    I eat a frozen fruit and protein powder shake every morning. It's sweet and delicious so it tastes like dessert, but it's healthy and has a ****load of protein. Also, when I eat pasta I eat Dreamfields which has far less carbs and tastes exactly the same. just a couple of ideas.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I'm completely vegan and I'm managing to eat less than 50g net carbs and at least 1g/kg body weight in protein. Protein powder has been a life saver. Make it a rule that whenever you eat carbs, you have to incorporate some protein. For example, I usually make oatmeal with 1/4 cup of oats (half a serving) and two servings of protein powder. If you google it, there are tons of protein powder recipes. I used to make it into pancakes all the time but there are also muffin recipes, I've made cookie recipes, etc.
  • sassika
    sassika Posts: 95 Member
    Thank you everyone, all comments have given me food for thoughts. Chilli sounds great, salmon love it, avocado is something I don't eat very often but will try adding to more of my salad meals.

    I have no experience with protein shake, but will have a look into it.

    Thank you all for your help x
  • mambagirl
    mambagirl Posts: 137 Member
    For Breakfast I had a low carb wrap tortilla (11 total carbs,10 grams of fiber)..with my eggs and bacon for a breakfast burrito.

    Zero% Fage Greek yogurt has 100 calories and 20 grams of protein.I don't have the container nearby but its somewhere around 11 carbs.I add frozen berries to give it some flavor.

    I drink the Atkins shakes sometimes..Strawberry is good.The coffee Mocha flavor is good too!

    The above tip about cauli mash is good,but I don't like the taste of it so I do half cauliflower and half potato.

    Chili and soups are good this time of year.With my Chili I'll still have beans,just less of them and a little more meat,tomatoes,and onions.
  • erinsueburns
    erinsueburns Posts: 865 Member
    If you are a coffee drinker you can try adding greek yogurt and protein powder to it. But the coffee needs to be a bit cooler by adding a few ice cubes or starting out with cold brewed coffee in the first place.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    more meat