Ok gross but here goes....."dumping syndrome"

So last night I went out to eat with family and friends at the Common man Restaurant. I splurged, drinks, foods, desserts. Totally went over. I cant even begin to think or how I would calculate those calories.

But I thought it would be ok because I go out to eat maybe 2 - 3 times a year formally. I am big on cooking at home.

So I really out did myself.

Then, later on in bed my stomach got REALLY upset. My heart was beating really fast, I started sweating. I thought it was just a reaction from eating too much (which it was, more on that later). All night the stomach pain grew worse and worse my heart rate felt like it was coming out of my chest, my head started to feel dizzy and groggy.

I woke up for work feeling like i had been hit by a truck, and really hungover. THEN I went to the bathroom......several times.....I will tell you it was gross.

So here I am at work....and I STILL feel gross. My heart rate is down, no longer sweating, but my stomach is still in knots and I have not been able to stomach anything yet so far besides occasional sips of my morning coffee. I brought protien shakes for later. I am afraid to eat regular food right now.

So i looked it up on the web and it said usually people with by pass surgery will experience "dumping syndrome" where the food passes right from your stomach through your intestines and out in a rapid manner. Well I have never had gastric surgery so I looked up dumping syndrome from a health and fitness standpoint.

What I found was if you are eating healthy and go on a bender of sugar/salt/carbs/fats/alcohol (exactly what I did last night) you will experience dumping syndrome. The symptoms are rapid heartrate, naseua, diareah, vomitting, feeling full, cramps, fogginess, and sometimes even fainting...

Have you ever experienced this before?
It is so terrible I am convinced i can NEVER splurge again
after this terrible episode I am just getting grilled chicked and salads at the restaurant!
Right now I feel like ****
has this happened to you and what did you do to work through it?

Coffee prob isnt the best I know.

I dont think it was food poisening because no one else got it and we were all sharing and biting off each others plates.

It could be.

What I failed to mention was that I went to a baby shower a few weeks back and splurged on sugar and carbs and got sick in a very similair way, but nothing like last night.

The only difference was I probably splurged twice as much!


  • jorasims
    jorasims Posts: 75 Member
    This happened to me after a trip to Olive Garden a few months ago. I at the salad and 2 breadsticks and ordered Chicken Alfredo. I ate maybe a third of it and then had the rest boxed. The next morning I spent hunched over the sink with extreme nausea, headache, and general achiness. Only after spending some time in the bathroom did I feel better. Never again...lesson learned.
  • Firefox7275
    Firefox7275 Posts: 2,040 Member
    Or you might have mild food poisoning. Maybe don't self diagnose, get a medical professional to do that. Coffee is probably not the best idea with those symptoms, it triggers adrenaline release and stimulates the gut so causing many of those symptoms on a lower scale.
  • orapronobis
    orapronobis Posts: 460 Member
    Sounds like food poisoning to me...
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    I read the blog of a woman who something similar like this happened. She was eating great, then binged on an entire carton of icecream, she passed out and broke her jaw in three places.
  • misspastry
    misspastry Posts: 109 Member
    Do you live in Portsmouth?
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Hard to say whether it was this 'syndrome' or actual food poisoning, if anyone else ate similar to you, I'd ask them how they felt afterwards. Might well narrow it down.
  • Cait_Sidhe
    Cait_Sidhe Posts: 3,150 Member
    It's likely food poisoning or the flu. I'm not sure why you'd think it's something that happens to gastric bypass patients when you've never had a gastric bypass. Also, it could be panic attack related.
  • cindycrn40
    If you have been eating healthy then start eating crap again, your body is going to tell you about it. Trust me!!! Processed food with all those chemicals is what is really killing Americans! I am trying to start to eat clean...no added crap!
  • hdlb
    hdlb Posts: 333 Member
    Thats not "duming syndrome"

    I can tell you that from experience, because I DO have it. Its a pretty rare thing, mine is from my gall bladder surgery and its awful. Thankfully my doctor has me on meds to control it, otherwise no matter what I ate it would go right through. Fruits, veggies, meats. Didn't matter, and it would usually be failry quickly. If I did eat something greasy it would happen in less then an hour, and I would be in the bathroom for hours. Before being put on meds I couldn't leave the house somedays.

    I think what happened to you was you just overindulged and upset your stomach.
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    Never had it so extreme, but definitely if I have been eating really healthy for awhile and then have a junk food day, I get food "hangovers". Not fun, but definitely good motivation to keep an eye on what I'm eating! :)
  • bearwith
    bearwith Posts: 525 Member
    Not gross - but you already have the answer in your comments - you know it is not good for your body. Eventually your body will get used to it and you will not keep passing it out quickly but start absorbing it and put weight on. Your body will try to keep hold of the food.
  • helenstencil3
    helenstencil3 Posts: 5 Member
    You can definitely have this reaction to overindulging. Since I really started eating right and taking Alli, if I eat too much fat, I may as well not go anywhere the rest of the day. Let alone fried food. I don't know if it is truly the syndrome (anything can cause it, not just surgeries), but it is definitely our bodies telling us to slow down and we need to listen.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    Your body is adapting. Your also getting older. I'm sure more weird things are in store for you along the way. I'm going to go with food poisoning.
  • Cyndieann
    Cyndieann Posts: 152 Member
    Hydrate right now! Yes this has happend to me, after several weeks of salads then a massive steak dinner and everything that goes along with it! When you go from one extreme to another, you have to expect your body to react in a negative way. Next time you splurge, don't go overboard , include some of your usual foods and keep the portions of your "splurge" foods small, so you body isn't so "shocked". Works for me...enjoy your next dinner out :)