New Here--Need Some Support!

Hi all! :)

Name's Elizabeth, but most people call me Eliza Jane, or Liz. Or really, just about anything. Just as long as it's nice, I don't care.

I've tried SO many times to lose weight, to no avail, and I think I've finally gotten committed enough to finish out my journey. I've lost about 45 lbs on my own, before MFP, and I need a little more support than what I'm getting from my friends and family.

So add me! It'll be a grand time :)


  • PlainOldElizaJane
    Bump? :/
  • MichelleKS37
    MichelleKS37 Posts: 10 Member
    Congrats on the weight that you lost before joining! Way to go!! First thing in my opinion that has to happen is you have to have feeling that you are ready to commit yourself. I have had a lot of trouble getting there but have finally found my motivation! I'm here for you to give all the support I can. But the thing I have learned on my journey it has to start from within. Sounds like you are there. Send me a message anytime you want. I'm here to root you on ;-)
  • PlainOldElizaJane
    Thank you so much! You're right about the commitment coming from within, it's something I had to learn these past couple of years. :) But I think I'm finally there. Fingers crossed!
  • GingerBiscuit_19
    GingerBiscuit_19 Posts: 75 Member
    Well done on losing the weight you already have before going! I have another 5st to lose (I have no idea how many pounds that is) so I have a long road ahead of me, but I feel ready for it this time! Need to get back to being 22 instead of living like I'm 72! Msg me anytime, but good luck on your journey and I look forward to seeing your successes! X
  • kslager77
    kslager77 Posts: 51 Member
    You are more than welcome to add me. :)
  • GingerBiscuit_19
    GingerBiscuit_19 Posts: 75 Member
    *joining MFP I meant, not going! Woops! X
  • mzparker10
    Hi Eliza..I am new here as well and looking for supportive, positive friends to encourage and help encourage me as we all battle this thing called weight loss!!!


  • pvnt
    pvnt Posts: 4
    Would like new friends to help me. I've been on nearly week n would like some extra support.
  • PlainOldElizaJane
    Thanks so much everyone :)
  • feliciawilkins3
    Hello Liz
    Like you I've tried many times before to lose the weight - but now, I am having a few health problems due mainly to my current size, so I have no choice but to lose the excess weight. So stay strong Liz, and keep up the good work and please add me - I can use all the encouragement I can get.
    Thanks Felicia
  • emilylovesnsn
    congrats on losing that.! Add me as a friend:) .. I'm currently 141 and wnat to be 100.