Need Some Motivating Fitness Friends!

Hi I am Holly,
Looking for some kick butt fitness friends to share motivational support with. :) I am new to this site & exercise regularly but didn't realize how many calories I was taking in at the end of the day so this tracker is just fantastic. Trying hard to meet my goal! Love to add some awesome peeps out there! :)


  • kamluv
    kamluv Posts: 4 Member
    Hi holly im kamron im looking for the same a fitness partner or a group to support each other
    I am restarting my life and the first step is getting healthy and getting back in shape

    Lets kick *kitten*!!!! 2013 new year healthy bodies!!!!!
  • HollySue25
    HollySue25 Posts: 69 Member
    Sounds Great! :)
  • kdub67
    kdub67 Posts: 181 Member
    Feel free to add me! I've never been a big fan of exercise but about a year ago I finally made it a habit. I've met my weight loss goal recently and am focusing on fitness and eating better (not there yet with the healthy eating, haha). I work out 5-6 days a week and would love other fitness-minded friends for support!
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    Heyy Holly! Am Rushika! Am new as well! Am trying to build a support circle as well and looking to lose 30pounds ! I exercise regularly as well! Hoping we can help each other! :D