Any "Stepping out of y/our comfort zone" Success Stories?



  • Shikonneko
    Shikonneko Posts: 187 Member
    I'm super social-nervous (more than about 4 people in a room and I get edgy), but I managed to man up and go to a local game store's weekly tabletop RPG night. I was about out of my mind the whole time, but I survived and had lots of fun. I hope that being stuck so close to so many people will help me sort of decompress this anxiety so I don't auto-flee from the gym every time there's more than 3 people in the weight area. It's one thing if my trainer is there, 'cause I'm not alone and that helps, but ... people just scare me. :frown:
  • I have never been one to work out in front of people (except for a couple times where i walked on the treadmill at my college's fitness center) but last week I was invited by a guy from my church to join their Wednesday evening Devotional Boot Camp. I'm not a fan of doing anything resembling lunges or squats in front of people but I was surprised to find that I was able to keep up with the group (YAY for a person who is so out of shape) and the trainer who led the boot camp session praised my form. I've done tons of squats...just not in front of people.

    Also, I started the C25K program and although I felt like I was going to die after day 1, I did day 2 today and I didn't feel horrible and I finally found my jogging groove (a big step for a person who always swore "Jessi DOESN'T run").
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I was not a runner, never ran, never wanted to run. Last February I decided that I'd think outside the box and train myself to run a 5K. I did the C25K program and at the end of May I ran my first 5K. I did 4 others last summer. Still not much of a runner (14 min/mi) but I did something that I thought I'd never ever do!

    I so want to run or actually jog myself, but I constantly hear that naysayer voice, telling me..."SORRY" runnings not for you, you can't do it because you're too old, too outta shape and if you'll be curtains for you:devil: SO JUST SAY YOU CAN'T RUN and add a "yet" to it--but you know you NEVER will be able to:sick:

    This is such an inspiration post--WTG on running--WOOT!
    Hey I'm 51 and I did it, you can too!

    :heart: :drinker: :heart: You ROCK for posting THIS and your previous post too...Thank you so much!!!!!
  • iorahkwano
    iorahkwano Posts: 709 Member
    I bought a bikini for the first time when I was 21. I still didn't think I looked great in it, but I was "ok." Until then I only wore 1-piece or tankinis and wouldn't have shown anyone my soft untoned belly & hips.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I bought a bikini for the first time when I was 21. I still didn't think I looked great in it, but I was "ok." Until then I only wore 1-piece or tankinis and wouldn't have shown anyone my soft untoned belly & hips.

    That's just plain fabulous---YAY YOU!!!!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    I had a go at Pop Physique (recorded it off the telly lol) I looked at some of the moves and thought 'No way can I do that!' then I though, 'yes I can!' and got on with it. Must say my butt hurts now but hopefully that means it will be smaller soon lol
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I am stepping out of my comfort zone be reaching out way more than is natural to me. Normally I keep my goals to myself.

    1) I have asked some other mom's to choose one day a week to workout/walk with me. It gives me variety as far as company and makes me feel less "married" to any single friend or acquaintance, but a sure way to be committed to working out because I don't want to let anyone down. It gives them the once a week FOR SURE appointment to workout that keeps them on track the rest of the week. I'm sure for some of them it's their least strenuous workout day but they are graceful and kind enough to accept my invitation so I'm grateful for that.

    2) I have explored this online community and even though I am unsure whether the answers are not totally confusing me when I ask questions pertaining to my goals or methods, I like being amongst people who just believe in something.

    3) I am open about my weight loss method which is new for me because I know that almost all methods are open to cricism and may not work for everyone, but I want to be open about it in the hopes that if anyone else is doing the slim fast plan we can be friends and then if there's enough of us start a group to share info recipes tips and sale or coupon info.

    So far the workout buddies is working out in getting me more than I expected, invitations from them to various things. This community is much more warm and friendly than I thought and I have an awesome "friends" group here. And only one or two have criticised this plan but it was only on an open thread and not directed to me so not insulting to me at all. They were a little misinformed too, so that's okay they did not knock down my plan. Haven't found another slim faster yet, but I think that's because they are all on FB doing the online community offered by the product itself. It's okay because I get a lot out of the diary and the friends and their support it's a good balance.
  • kuiboop
    kuiboop Posts: 21 Member
    Today was my first day working out early in the morning on a workday (I'd always dreaded it but wanted to do it)!! Felt great!! :)

    U go gal. Last week I made a decision to go workout before work. It felt so good am actually looking forward to next wk workout
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    I always thought video workouts were weird. I don't know why, but I never really got into them and would feel awkward if anyone walked in on me. (Closet exerciser! I hate people seeing me work out.) Well, no one was home and I was curious about kickboxing so I found an exercise video on demand and I actually really enjoyed it! Now I found something new to do. :)
  • Felecia1923
    Felecia1923 Posts: 61 Member
    A toddler can't do it just to let you know my daughter
  • spicypepper
    spicypepper Posts: 1,016 Member
    Friday I became licensed to teach Zumba in a very large group class. I even posed with the ZES who taught the class which is something I don't normally do because I still don't like the way that I look.

    I'm now choreographing my playlist so I can teach my first class soon.

    Waaaaayyyyyyy out of my comfort zone! :wink:
  • kmdavis1105
    kmdavis1105 Posts: 16 Member
    Yesterday I went rock climbing for the first time! I've wanted to try it for quite some time, but was intimidated and nervous thinking that maybe I couldn't do it. Also, I moved recently, and don't have anyone here to partner with, so thought I wouldn't be able to do it. Through, I found another beginner who wanted to take a class and try it out for the first time.

    I LOVE IT!! Such a great workout, and I'll definitely be going back. I was also incredibly impressed with how not judged I felt. It's always so intimidating starting something new in such a public place, but everyone was so friendly and helpful. I can't say enough about how friendly the pro-staff was, when you find so many pro gym goers and athletes that seem to judge in these settings. SO MUCH FUN!

    This was WAY outside my comfort zone. Not only did I try a workout that I've never tried before, but I did it partnering with a complete stranger and putting my faults and weaknesses way out there as I climbed the wall for the first time. I want to go back today, but I don't think my arms would allow it! Thanks for all the inspiration on these posts!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Friday I became licensed to teach Zumba in a very large group class. I even posed with the ZES who taught the class which is something I don't normally do because I still don't like the way that I look.

    I'm now choreographing my playlist so I can teach my first class soon.

    Waaaaayyyyyyy out of my comfort zone! :wink:

    Wooooow...that's nothing less than tremendous and I'm so proud of you---WOOT!
  • gottalose55
    gottalose55 Posts: 44 Member
    I always said "if only I had a later work schedule I'd work out in the a.m.". Then I heard from a co-worker about her friend who got up at 4:30 a.m when her kids were little to run. I decided to start 5 a.m. workouts and it has been great. It helps "set" a healthy tone for the day, I get a good workout and I don't feel like I'm taking time away from anyone.
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member

    I wanted to DIE 11 months ago just doing 30 minutes on the treadmill, now I *could* go longer if I wanted to. When I had to stay off the treadmill for a week, I was grumpy!

    my chiropractor suggested I do weighted squats...which require me to go in the free weight area in the gym. I started going in there about 4 months ago, and I really like it! And I have a booty now instead of a pancake butt :love:

    as a result of doing the strength training, my thighs are firm, I have back and shoulder muscles ( no 'back boobs')...and normal stuff around the house ( lifting bags of chicken feed, moving bales of straw, etc) are much easier!

    Girl, that I wanted to die business is NO JOKE is it...all that huffing and puffing on the treadmill, honey I so KNOW exactly what you mean. I still am not up to doing 30 minutes straight on "the mill" I do 10-15 minutes at a time and break it up by doing 10-15-20 minutes on my bike and then getting back on the treadmill for the last 10-15 minutes. Being outta shape/lacking stamina does make one feel like they're bout to bite the dust...I know it does for me, and sweating something fierce to boot.

    ONLY consistency will help and I'm proud of you for keeping on keeping on---WOOT!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I always said "if only I had a later work schedule I'd work out in the a.m.". Then I heard from a co-worker about her friend who got up at 4:30 a.m when her kids were little to run. I decided to start 5 a.m. workouts and it has been great. It helps "set" a healthy tone for the day, I get a good workout and I don't feel like I'm taking time away from anyone.

    So's still a struggle for me, but I'm trying to make it a habit too!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    Stepping out of my comfort zone today by light jogging on the treadmill. Running or should I say "jogging" has been something I've said I just can't do...I'm going to try it today--for 1 minute sets/clip out of the 15 minutes two times I'll be treadmill walking--so light jogging for 2 minutes today--it doesn't sound like much, I know--but for me, it's truly stepping outta my "comfort zone".

    Also--this quote is what inspires me to do this:

    Press on – nothing can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Perseverance and determination alone are omnipotent.” ~Calvin Coolidge~
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Pushups. I've never been able to do more than 1 or 2 military style pushups, but at age 51 I decided I was going to learn to do them. It took longer than expected and I still hate them, but I can do them now. I'm almost up to sets of 25.

    One thing checked off the bucket list, I guess.
  • K251
    K251 Posts: 15 Member
    Running outside!! I have finally decided that I don't care if people look or care how fast I'm going. I have started and just love it. I weigh 215-ish and I can make 2 miles :) I'm not fast, but I really enjoy running outside. Next summer I plan on running a 5K.
  • Paz26
    Paz26 Posts: 23
    Well I started walking then every other light pole I would TRY to run/ jog (I'm sure it's someone's fast pace walk ) lol then I would try to catch my breath ..... Then run again .... It's stepping way out cause ..... It's embarrassing at my age/size I can't run for very long but I'm TRYING
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