How do you find the support you need?



  • lioness0806
    lioness0806 Posts: 115 Member
    I rely on myself. I've tried a variety of workout schedules and finally after the third try I found something that I can stick to. Being on MFP and reading friends posts has helped, but in the end its not about what they do, its about what you do. So support yourself.
    Like I saw another poster on this thread say, I do my grocery shopping on Sundays for my meals. I pack my lunches and in my box I have fruits and veggies, a sandwich, and usually a couple of eggs. I usually have everything premade (except the sandwich), so its easy to eat healthy. If I remember, I have Werthers I throw in my luch box, but I don't do it everyday.
  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    When you get down to the most basic level, you have to support yourself or it won't work. Supporting yourself may mean seeking out an exercise buddy or find encouragement other places, but you can't expect someone else to be a consistent motivator. You have to monitor your own motivation and seek help when you need it. If you falter, don't blame someone else for not supporting you. Just figure out what you need and go for it. I like to read fitness magazine. I get obsessed with them and with being on MFP, but that is what keeps me going.

    Figure out what you need, and do it.
  • Beautifulsoull
    I keep myself going. No one else is going to make me get up and workout or cook my meals. I have a toddler who looks up to me. I want her to make the right choices in her life and not stuff her mouth with junk food all the time. I'm half way to my first big goal so thats whats pushing me to go hard 5-6days a week. I don't have family near me to cheer me on. My boyfriend supports me SOME, but likes to tempt me with food and say that one bite isn't going to hurt me, but he doesn't know that sometimes 1 bite isn't enough for me. He does thought negative comments to me, but its only the truth that I need to hear from time to time to remind me why I started this journey. I wish he worked out beside me but thats his choice.

    You just have to remember, only YOU can make this happen.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    For me it's not about staying motivated so much as it is about prepping ahead of time and choosing healthy foods I LOVE. I plan 80% of my meals out on Sundays (even the going out to eat is coordinated with my workout schedule usually). I cut everything up on Sundays, cook stews, soups, casseroles, etc that I can just grab and go, and pack a bunch of healthy snacks I can look forward to. Then when I feel like "I WANT a cookie" it's because I actually want it and not just because it's there and I'm too harried and hungry to think of a better alternative.

    Definitely this :drinker:

    I always have a plan ...... shopping for healthier foods ....... batch cooking so there are plenty of choices for busy days ....... and eating at a restaurant or having a treat without a guilty conscience, because I've already gone to the gym.

  • misslibbyh
    misslibbyh Posts: 90 Member
    its one thing that i actually never thought of when i was heavier and only noticed when i had dropped a fair bit. Friends and family are mostly the same aside from the either way to go on your loss or the you have lost too much. Public, people at work, people in the stores its hugely noticeable.

    You can do it, the support of the community is nice for sure but its you doing it :)

    I lost over 50 pounds once on the Atkins diet when I weight 50 pounds less than i do now. It put me very close to a normal weight range. Grocery clerks who were familiar with me gave me so many compliments... one even pulled me aside and said she hoped i was losing a healthy way. I'm guessing she suspected drug use or something because as you know Atkins works FAST.... that was 50 pounds gone in a month and a half. It's very difficult for me to see such slow results after that experience. I put it all back on and then some with my second child. Atkins didn't work for me the second time around. I've had job interviews that i just know I was not taken seriously because of my weight. People assume you are lazy if you are fat.

    People keep posting about self motivation and self support. Yeah yeah I know... I'm doing all that BELIEVE me. lol Still... You don't tell someone who has quit drugs to just hang out with their druggie friends and suck it up. Why would you have this attitude about people trying to change their life in other areas? Don't you change where you go and what you do? So.... Where do you go and what do you do?
  • stackhsc
    stackhsc Posts: 439 Member
    i dont know about the others but i'm not telling you to suck it up per say, more of own it.

    As for changing, i didnt. I go to the same places, hang out with the same people, do more or less the same things other than what i eat and that i exercise.
  • ginastone2
    ginastone2 Posts: 28 Member
    Why should who I hang out with and what I do change just because my eating habits are? My friends and my husband like to drink when they go out. I don't. So, they drink and I don't (usually this means I am the designated driver - lol)

    Why should eating around them be any different? If they choose to eat unhealthily, then so be it. I will choose to be my own person and make my own choices with my food just as I do with my choice to drink or not. My friends respect me and love me for who I am, not the choices I make.

    I understand your comparison to "druggie friends". But are they true friends if they aren't supporting your ability to make your own choices and respect you for that?

    I don't plan to change what we do for fun in the summer. My husband and I go to several motorcycle camp-outs each year and will continue to do that. Now what WILL change is the type of food I choose to take along. Instead of taking all of the chips, cookies, and junk food; I will be taking the fresh vegetables and fruits to munch on. I had already cut a bunch of pop out while on the camp-outs because it didn't satisfy my thirst as well as water. So that will probably stay the same....some pop, but mostly water. My friends will be the same because they have been pretty much the same since we started. I cannot imagine them not being around. I would miss them.