What do you like to eat pre workout?

What's everyone's favorite pre workout meal/snack?


  • prdavies1949
    prdavies1949 Posts: 326 Member
    Porridge an hour before.
  • StencilChild
    StencilChild Posts: 60 Member
    I bought IdealShape shakes. I drink 1 at least 30-60minutes before working out, then another one right after I workout. Seems to help w/ early morning hunger, and w/ the protein, it helps w/ the workout!
  • I usually do a cup of coffee and a banana but I wouldn't mind changing it up.
  • divemunkey
    divemunkey Posts: 288 Member
    Nothing. I prefer fasted workouts.
  • I usually work out in the mornings so my pre-workout is my breakfast. I've been trying to keep it kind of light, maybe an egg and some fruit, or oatmeal. I've been looking for some more ideas.
  • Pohudet
    Pohudet Posts: 179 Member
    Diet red bull on my way to the gym, in the car. Saves time, too!
  • kbauman09
    kbauman09 Posts: 40 Member
    I also eat oatmeal about an hour before I workout.
  • atlanticgypsy
    atlanticgypsy Posts: 51 Member
    - banana, with almond butter.
    - apple.
    - grapefruit.
    - hard boiled egg.
    - cup of black coffee

    something like that usually 30-45min before a workout. this is around 5:15am and 5:30 before my strength training bootcamp.

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  • BackTatJIM
    BackTatJIM Posts: 1,140 Member
    I only eat a small meal before the gym. Always something simple because I don't feel like cooking much at 4-5am. My top 2 would be wheat toast with peanut butter and sliced banana or cottage cheese with cinnamon and granola.
  • Oatmeal, or a banana.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    Carbs, usually dried fruit or whole wheat bread with peanutbutter or greek yogurt with granola.
  • dblaacker
    dblaacker Posts: 153 Member
    It really depends on the workout, and when I do it. I do a bit of cardio and lifting in the morning before going to my office for work/class on MWF, and I prefer to have something like a protein shake with fruit and toast, or Kashi go lean cereal and a banana because they provide me with a decent amount of protein, fiber and carbs to fuel my workout. I used to do fasted workouts, but I can't really afford to do that now because of my schedule. On TR I usually run with a friend in the afternoon so I try to eat lightly, but provide myself with plenty of fuel... I typically go for oats or healthier frozen waffles and fruit for breakfast, and a sandwich on low cal bread plus fruit and yogurt for lunch. I can't eat for two hours before I run or I feel terrible. =/ I
  • TheFitFireman
    TheFitFireman Posts: 185 Member
    Nature Valley bar with 1 scoop of whey protein.
  • Betteroats oatmeal,coffee, freshfruit:drinker:
  • Branok
    Branok Posts: 47 Member
    I always always always eat oatmeal. I used to do a clif bar, or scrambled eggs, but I find my best workouts happen after eating oatmeal...so I stick with that!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Kashi TLC Chewy Trail Mix granola bar is my go-to snack. Sometimes a slice or two of peanut butter toast.
  • jstandfield
    jstandfield Posts: 150 Member
    4 multi grain pancakes, 4 egg whites and 1 whole egg. Pow!
  • BigRedgw2010
    BigRedgw2010 Posts: 127 Member
    Coffee for my morning workout at 5am and a good fat burner for my noon workout.
  • Drudoo
    Drudoo Posts: 275 Member
    Peanut Butter and pre-workout drink. Peanut butter sticks to your stomach and won't make you sick. Well...in my case it works.
  • jennfranklin
    jennfranklin Posts: 434 Member
    1. fresh fruit, ezekiel sprouted wheat bread with almond butter.
    2.Hard boiled egg, steel cut oats, a cup of almond milk.
    3. raw almonds, and some dried apricots.

    pretty much anything that is going to give me some energy, a well balance between carbs and protein