Runners - Treadmill vs. Outdoors

Was talking to an acquaintance today about getting ready for some upcoming races. Told him I was excited to have just joined a little local gym so I can get on the treadmill a couple times a week (on my lunch break) to help with my training. His response was, "the treadmill is a workout, but it isn't running." I totally get that it is more difficult to run outside, but the treadmill sure feels like a run to me, especially playing with the speeds and incline. Would be interested to hear some thoughts on this... Are you a hard core outside runner or will you get on the treadmill when weather, schedule, safety, etc. are an issue? Any suggestions for programming the 'mill to help it be more of a "run," and less of a workout?


  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    I don't think the difference is as big as some people say it is. I put it on a 1% incline and generally run faster than I would outside, just to compensate for the fact that there's no way I'm going to do 10+ miles on a treadmill.

    It's a good option for the winter, certainly, but I still run outside as much as possible.
  • OutsideCreativ
    OutsideCreativ Posts: 143 Member
    I like outdoors better, for one, I like to be outside... but aside from that, I like that I can speed up or slow down whenever I want for as long as I want without waiting for the machine to catch up. I also have more productive runs outside because I'm more likely to push myself if I'm actually running towards something.
  • kvossandrews
    kvossandrews Posts: 210 Member
    I think it is easier to run outside. I have a treadmill but like to go running out side. I find the treadmill boring. It is what ever works for you. At least your not at home sitting on the couch...
  • a_certain_shade_of_green
    i love to run outdoors. it seems more fulfilling to me somehow. i can get the idea of a treadmill and how that appeals to some, but i just cant think of it as a real alternative for me.

    having said all that, when i'm trying to convince myself to run and the snow is on the ground and the freezing wind is biting my kneecaps and ears i'd kill for a treadmill at home... i still do the run tho, and it feels great

    you're probably doing the right things playing with the incline and speeds, and if it has programmable runs on there you could do that to mix it up
  • KenKoz54
    KenKoz54 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm curious about this, too - I've had ankle/knee injuries to the point a doctor once told me to not run outside and risk rolling it again...been running on a treadmill - got my flat 5k time down to under 32 minutes - I'm thinking I need to add @2 minutes outside in the relatively flat areas in Chicago - that sound about right?
  • Codefox
    Codefox Posts: 308 Member
    I hate the dreadmill but I just ran a marathon 2 weeks ago that was probably 50% trained for on the dreadmill. Its easier than outdoors but its still running.
  • felipejose74
    felipejose74 Posts: 21 Member
    I definitely prefer outdoors but sometimes it's not practical. I just got back into running a few months ago after a prolonged injury kept me away. The treadmill allowed me to work my cardiovascular strength up and extend some distance before heading out into the "real world". Additionally, my gym let's me drop off my 3 year old who LOVES to go to the gym with me in their Kids Club to which there's no equivalent if I head into the park for a run.

    If you're race training, the treadmill will only take you so far, but working with the incline you can get pretty close to outdoors. Don't let someone try and spew their elitest BS at you.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I have to say, it did feel better than my home route, which involves running up the same hill several times! (Oh how I hate that hill.) But other than that and the boredom factor, I just did not feel as passionately about the difference.
  • TurtleRunnerNC
    TurtleRunnerNC Posts: 768 Member
    I don't own a treadmill so outdoors is really my only option. I have an elliptical that I have used once since running & only because the weather was just too nasty outside. I have used a treadmill when out of town @ hotels & I don't care flr it as much. Better than nothing but I like the scenery running & the feel of my feet on the pavement. I also always feel like I'm still moving when I get off the treadmill & I don't like that feeling.
  • dorothytd
    dorothytd Posts: 1,138 Member
    I hate the dreadmill but I just ran a marathon 2 weeks ago that was probably 50% trained for on the dreadmill. Its easier than outdoors but its still running.

    I like the name! I'll probably end up 50/50 as well. Thanks.
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member
    Personally I love running outdoors.
    I think running on the treadmill is easier physically (the ground helps you by moving!) but mentally it's harder. Staying in the same place and watching the numbers slowly go up... ugh.
    I love the fresh air and being distracted by all the things you can see when you run outside.
  • Nashvilleash
    I think it just depends on the person. I prefer to be outside just so that I have things to look at outside. I also like feeling like I have air blowing around me so I don't feel as hot. I live in a little hilly area so I feel like I get conditioned a little better than if I ran on a treadmill. The treadmill is going to be easier on your joints than outside. I know someone that only runs on a treadmill. She ran a race with me and was more sore than running on a treadmill. (That could also be the adrenaline from the race.) However, when it's extremely cold/hot outside the treadmill provides another option. Again, I think it's just preference and what you want out of a run!
  • majope
    majope Posts: 1,325 Member
    I flat out don't like treadmills, so do virtually all my running outside. If it's too icy to run safely, I'll use the indoor track in the gym instead of the treadmill. But many people do some or most of their training on treadmills and don't have problems--my husband is one of them. If you have races planned, try to get outdoors for at least some of your runs because it does feel different, but apart from that, do what's easiest and most comfortable for you.
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    I love running outdoors, road or trail running, but have used the treadmill when recovering from a hip flexor injury, or occasionally for a speed workout when I couldn't make it to a track. Plus, sometimes its nice to put something on TV and just run without having to worry about where I am, what animals might be around me, and how many miles might be between me and my house.

    Its still a workout, but it is harder, and IMO, more fun to run outside.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I would say it is certainly easier, unless you either set it on an incline, or on rolling hills setting. I tried a 15 minute run outside and found it a killer compared to what I manage on the treadmill. Cycling is more my outdoor thing, not dared venture into anything serious outside yet but I might do once the weather gets warmer.
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    I'm probably the odd one here, but I actually think the dreadmill is harder. I can't control my breathing and natural running form on it, AND it's boring. I run much faster and enjoy it much more outdoors. Not sure what my deal is! Running on a 1-2% incline is a must though if you have to use it :)
  • melancholyjen
    melancholyjen Posts: 28 Member
    i definitely prefer to run outside. i found myself able to run much farther and enjoy is so much more. i'll run any way i can, as i have a treadmill at home as well, but if i can get outside, i'm doing it. regardless of whether you are on a treadmill or outside, you ARE running.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    Honestly I found it a lot better of a workout let alone a run to do it outside on pavement. I had the best results from doing it that way.
  • MisConway
    MisConway Posts: 25 Member
    Living in MN, I use the Treadmill for at leat 4 months out of year. I still prefer running outside, but I would never discount the benefits of running regardless of whether it is indoor or outdoors. Personally, I think running on the treadmill is harder, my pace outside is always faster than my treadmill pace.
  • GNeiswender
    GNeiswender Posts: 60 Member
    Hands down I would much prefer to be outside but with the cold winter weather it just isn't possible.

    I am training for a 10k in mid-April . . . so the treadmill it is . . . it is warm and there is no ice to slip on or snow to make my feet cold and wet.

    Looking forward to the warmer weather.