Which exercise is the most effective?

I am just curious as to what you guys think,,,,


  • cfa_girl
    cfa_girl Posts: 1
    I do a combination of Cardio and Weight Training. The WT is easy for me to do but the Cardio is a totally differant story. To make it tollerable, I walk on the highest incline and a very low speed. This way I'm working really hard but it's slow enough that I can read a book. This has also helped my kness!!!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    I agree with the cardio + strength, but the most effective exercise is the one you will do! Whatever one you will stick with, is the best! (even if it takes longer!)
  • sbilyeu75
    sbilyeu75 Posts: 567 Member
    I'm going to stick with the first thought that crossed my mind. It's one that you will do.
  • saran0h
    saran0h Posts: 3
    i'm all about hula hooping! ten minutes burns up to 100 calories. (that's the same as running on a treadmill.)

    it's low impact, fun, and despite popular (YOUR) belief, anyone can do it. i swore i couldn't... then i tried for about a half hour and had it.

    i've been eating 1200 calories and hooping for 30 minutes about five times a week and i've lost 12 lbs in a month.

    i watch jeopardy while i hoop. that's it. you can do it!
  • Always_lil_j
    i'm all about hula hooping! ten minutes burns up to 100 calories. (that's the same as running on a treadmill.)

    it's low impact, fun, and despite popular (YOUR) belief, anyone can do it. i swore i couldn't... then i tried for about a half hour and had it.

    i've been eating 1200 calories and hooping for 30 minutes about five times a week and i've lost 12 lbs in a month.

    i watch jeopardy while i hoop. that's it. you can do it!

    I love to hula hoop. I need to invest in one so I can start doing that sometimes instead of spending my time on the treadmill.

    I believe the best exercise is one you will do and actually stick with.
  • Bleux
    Bleux Posts: 186
    i'm all about hula hooping! ten minutes burns up to 100 calories. (that's the same as running on a treadmill.)

    it's low impact, fun, and despite popular (YOUR) belief, anyone can do it. i swore i couldn't... then i tried for about a half hour and had it.

    i've been eating 1200 calories and hooping for 30 minutes about five times a week and i've lost 12 lbs in a month.

    i watch jeopardy while i hoop. that's it. you can do it!

    I love to hula hoop. I need to invest in one so I can start doing that sometimes instead of spending my time on the treadmill.

    I believe the best exercise is one you will do and actually stick with.

    I love to hula hoop. Use to do it all the time as a kid. We need to get a group of us going!
  • questionablemethods
    questionablemethods Posts: 2,174 Member
    I'm going to stick with the first thought that crossed my mind. It's one that you will do.

    Agreed! Actually being physically active on a consistent basis is the first (and I think biggest) hurdle for many of us. After that, it is what will challenge you to continually improve in strength and endurance (both muscular and cardiovascular) as well as flexibility and balance. But don't get "analysis paralysis" (like I tend to) -- do what you know you can keep doing on a regular basis. :happy:
  • KristyO
    KristyO Posts: 126
    I agree with the cardio + strength, but the most effective exercise is the one you will do! Whatever one you will stick with, is the best! (even if it takes longer!)

    excellent advice. if you pick something you enjoy and can do often, you will do it. I love gym classes. I don't like working out alone, so i prefer to go to a class with a friend. Boxing classes are so fun and very effective. You can burn 500-900 calories in a 45 min - 1 hr class (depending on your weight). I was doing a horrible job watching calories over the last 6 months or so, but I was still taking my boxing classes and that helped me not to gain. Now that I'm back on track with calories I'm hoping to see a change on the scale.

    good luck to you!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    love my water aerobics 3 times a week. i get a fairly high calorie burn in an hour (but then i was really heavy when i started 8 mos ago.)

    then i do a combination: elliptical, stationary bike & weight training the other 3 (or 4) days for 1 to 1/2 hours.
    at home- wii fit or wii just dance are fun & keep me moving. or just a walk in the gorgeous spring weather.

    i wish my knee were in better shape i'd like to try zumba or an active aerobic/dance class, but i seem to be finding plenty of ways to be active.

    doing something is important, variety in the kinds of exercises is also good.
  • hill242
    hill242 Posts: 412 Member
    Generic: Exercise is most effective when it's something you enjoy.

    My 2 cents: If you have to choose between cardio and strength: Pick strength any day of the week.

    Personal: Crossfit body weight met-cons
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    The one that's fun for you and that you will keep up with. I did do some Richard Simmons DVDs at first. Now I do Couch 2 5 K, hundred pushups challenge, Yoga, and Pilates.
  • melissa97
    melissa97 Posts: 57 Member
    I love hula hooping!!!!!!! For me its the elliptical and walking pushing a double stroller. How do you guys find out about calories burned from hula hooping? I try to do it for 15 min a day.
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    I must be doing something wrong when I hoop. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to 100 calories. I just can't the darn thing spinning any faster than that.

    My first thought when I read the question was most effective for what. What are your goals? Overall fitness! Running a marathon. Being a body builder. Because you would probably work out a little different depending on what your overall goal is.

    But I agree find something you like and will keep on doing. I love my exercise bike and love walking!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    I must be doing something wrong when I hoop. It takes me about 20 minutes to get to 100 calories. I just can't the darn thing spinning any faster than that.

    My first thought when I read the question was most effective for what. What are your goals? Overall fitness! Running a marathon. Being a body builder. Because you would probably work out a little different depending on what your overall goal is.

    But I agree find something you like and will keep on doing. I love my exercise bike and love walking!

    Try moving your hips at different angles. I used to hula hoop to warm up before strength a couple years ago and I just had to find the right angle for me. My family would come in my room to ask me something and be all "uhhh... hula hooping?" I was all, "YEP!" lol Sadly, when I moved out, I gave my hula hoop to a resale shop. I really have been thinking about starting up again, though!!
  • saran0h
    saran0h Posts: 3
    i got a supercute, collapsible hoop from this website: http://www.hooplahdenver.com

    if you're a beginner, a larger hoop is easier to keep moving.

    i have never measured my own calories burned while hooping... i got the number from some articles i read online about hooping for exercise. just google it and search a while if you're interested.

    i love it and i'm getting better at doing some of the tricks! search on youtube- there's some neat stuff!