Hungry all the time - making me want to quit!



  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    Anyone have some tips for me with my diary - am absolutely starving all the time! Only way I can stick within my cals is to excercise a lot but feeling quite fatigued and wanting to give up so need to get some tips. Have been concentrating on this for a few weeks but is all very new. Thanks

    1) Reset your goal to lose 0.5 pound a week.
    2) Eat back exercise calories, I'm going to guess you entered sededentary as your acitivity level.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Ratchet up the protein

    This definitely helps most people!

    Sugars, on the other hand, can make your blood chemistry go crazy and trigger your hunger response.

    , decrease the variety. Eat bland gently cooked foods so you don't get much pleasure from eating.

    This is crazy talk. As a matter of fact, most studies have found that we eat less when we pay attention to our food and find it satisfying. If your food is bland, you might zone out and not realize how much you are eating.
  • Bumbeen
    Bumbeen Posts: 263 Member
    Ratchet up the protein

    This definitely helps most people!

    Sugars, on the other hand, can make your blood chemistry go crazy and trigger your hunger response.

    , decrease the variety. Eat bland gently cooked foods so you don't get much pleasure from eating.

    This is crazy talk. As a matter of fact, most studies have found that we eat less when we pay attention to our food and find it satisfying. If your food is bland, you might zone out and not realize how much you are eating.

    Nah it's true, we evolved eating a diet that is basically the same thing every day. When you start adding all this modern variety, it really makes you look forward to eating instead of just seeing it as fuel.
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,173 Member
    Are you really hungry...or do you just want to eat? There is a difference. :)
  • joddumz
    joddumz Posts: 35
    Thanks guys, will def have a look at increasing the protein (for anyone who's looking I was away on a special weekend away just there so thats why foods were different but im pretty impressed i didn't blow it all).

    This week on the scales I have lost another pound. Happy with myself.

    Will gradually decrease sugars and increase protein and fiber. Loosing is a good reinforcer in itself :happy:
  • joddumz
    joddumz Posts: 35
    You say you're hungry all the time, and I can totally relate. There are days I seem to never get enough! I pack an entire day's worth of food with me to work, except for my dinner. This way two things happen, I have control over what I'm eating (I don't hit the vending machine) and I have plenty of food available. I usually don't eat all of it, but it's there if I need it. I don't give myself a hard time about eating when I'm hungry because I've already made the decision of what I'm eating, and they were good decisions.
    Good luck and stick with it!

    Yes definately!! I am just in an office now for the first time which I'm not used to but have been packing myself food for the day and remembering to lift out something for dinner for the night so I'm not making snap decisions when i'm hungry
  • valleemic
    valleemic Posts: 103 Member
    Eat more protein and vegetables... like salads with chicken or stirfry with shrimp/scallops. The veggies will allow you to have bigger meals while keeping the cals low. Have a snack between meals that contains a fruit and a protein (ex: apple and beef jerky). Lastly, stay away from the pre-packaged stuff... it's full of carbs/sugar and makes you hungrier!
  • Ok - so have now been doing MFP for over a month - am getting used to eating less, even when I go over my calorie intake for the day I am still below 2000, so thats always reassuring for me because I just think that at least I'm not gaining anything back those days. The weight is coming off slowly but surely and I have started to take iron tablets to boost my energy which def think is helping as have always been anemic/borderline.

    Can you guys get a wee bit more specific in terms of what actual foods I should cut down/increase?? What is meant by lean protein etc is a bit confusing for me I'm not the most knowledgable about foods etc.

    be kind - i have some weight to loose but not loads would like to be under 135 lb for the summer, and want to make changes that are sustainable and realistic since i still love my food

    am pretty regular in doing zumba for 1 hour twice a week and 1 hour of circuits training

    thanks x
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    I took a look at you diary and have a few concrete suggestions. Please note, when I say "cut", I am talking about your day to day eating. Really, you can have anything once in awhile, as long as you account for it!

    Cut: rice Krispy cereal
    Replace with: a high fiber cereal
    Better yet: Greek yogurt and a high fiber cereal

    Cut all white bread and flour ( except maybe sourdough)
    Replace with: whole grain versions

    Cut: cereal bar snacks
    Replace with: nuts, cheese or hard boiled eggs

    Limit: fruit to two a day
    Add more: veggies!

    I don't know what your fromage fraise might be, but check that and your fruity yogurt for added sugars. You could replace them with fresh fruit and yogurt or cottage cheese.

    Same with the sauce on your pulled pork.
  • ^^^ will def try these suggestions. very helpful