Knowing when to quit



  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    No you should not quit, keep going and go more then once a week if you can. If you are worried try the library get some videos and practice at home, I have an app that is simply yoga that has a 20 minute workout look around for ways to do yoga more often.

    Watch this video, and I think you might change your mind. Hope it works, if not You Tube it is called, Never, Ever Give Up. Arthur's Inspirational Transformation. Someone had linked it here a while ago.

    You are young quitting because of a little embarrasment is really silly in the grand scheme of a lifetime of enjoying yoga.

    I was going to search for this video. I tear up every time I watch it.

    The biggest difference with him is that he had an instructor who believed in him, and gave him extra time and help (although I'm not sure it was ever in person or not). If your instructor isn't helpful, you may want to find a different one, but she may not have even known you had no idea what you were doing and how out of shape you are. Like someone else mentioned, I'd talk to her before the next class. Don't give up!
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    I thought I was really fit and flexible, but I found my first few yoga classes really hard. Stick with it. Don't be embarrassed about the instructor coming over frequently, that's what she's there for. It shows you're in a good class that she keeps asking after you. Do take the opportunity for her advice as much as you need, don't feel you have to push through on your own. Getting the technique right is very important to get the greatest benefit from yoga.

    Think about it, you wouldn't expect to run 10-minute miles or bench-press your own body weight on your first time. Every type of exercise takes some practice. You'll get there!
  • katie__pillar
    A friend of mine used to rave about Abby Lentz's heavyweight yoga. I've never done it myself, but she said it was great.
  • nikkilou_hawley
    Oh your post broke my heart!!!

    Yes, yoga is difficult. I have a shoulder injury and have to modify positions so that I don't make it worse. I fell out of a pose yesterday because I was so concentrated on staying focused that I didn't realize that I was leaning very badly to the right. IT HAPPENS.

    Biggest thing to remember about yoga is that there is no competition. Not between you and the instuctor, you and another person in the class, or even you against yourself. Listen to your body and try. My instructor says give it three times before your judge it.

    I watched a motivational video that really pushed me to believe that I could do it. The man in the video is a retired military vet who was told he would never be able to walk unassisted again.

    Honestly don't give up on anything if you think it is for you. If you try it a couple of times and you just dont enjoy it, then try something else. But if it is something that you really feel like you need to try then keep going.
  • prophetessmom
    prophetessmom Posts: 37 Member
    I did yoga today for the very first time in my life. Now let me just say that I am ve-ee-ee-ee-ry out of shape. The thing is, it went quite badly. And when I say quite badly, I mean I couldn't do 3/4 of the poses, and the ones I could do I probably didn't do right. The instructor came over to me twice and quietly asked me if something was wrong. She was nice about it, but I felt so out of place.

    Now, the question is: should I quit? I've been reading up a little on yoga, and it sounds like my thing. Learn to support your own body weight, better posture, mind/body connection, build lean muscle mass, yada yada. That sounds like the perfect form of strength training for me. But it was so difficult, and I felt so embarrased in a room with 20 - 30 other people who could do every move nearly perfect. I do wanna try new things, find out what works for me, but I don't wanna bounce around endlessly from class to class, because I know I am so out of shape that EVERYTHING will be hard in the beginning.

    So, what do you think?

    I think you shouldn't give up. I agree that you should speak to the instructor before class and just explain that you are new. It sounds like she's really nice and she should be able to modify until you improve. Most yoga instructors want you to love it and improve. She might also have some suggestions on things you can do at home in between classes to help you along. Just don't give up!
  • ames105
    ames105 Posts: 288 Member
    I've been doing yoga again for 15 months, taking beginner classes once to twice a week. This past Saturday was the first class where I felt like I achieved all of the poses with strength and balance. Even then, I still did one pose modified because the extra weight around my middle makes it difficult for me. But its taken me 15 months to get this far!

    Yoga isn't about walking in and being perfect on the very first try. Its about the journey of getting there, the self discovery, how you feel on the inside. Its about taking care of yourself and learning. A good yoga instructor will teach you modifications and provide encouragement. Also, as you lose some weight, you will notice yourself becoming stronger and more able to hold poses.

    Don't give in! Giving in is what caused all of us to have weight problems in the first place. If you like it and think this is something that would be good for you, keep going, keep looking for an instructor that you feel comfortable with. Keep trying. Good luck!!!
  • Laney2r
    Laney2r Posts: 30 Member
    I would say give it another try and look into the different types of yoga. Hatha yoga is good for a beginner and vinyasa with adjusted poses can be good too. My yoga instuctor starts each new session with a reminder that we leave our "ego" at the door. We are not doing yoga as a competition but to become more flexible and strong. A good instructor will help you get the poses right. I have been doing yoga for quite some time and I still need adjustments sometimes, its no biggie I promise. I really felt like I was out of place when I started but now Tuesdays and Thursdays are my favorite days because I get my yoga class at the end of the day.

    Yoga is not for everyone, same as zumba, spinning, ect. You have to find what works for you but give yourself a month at a new activity to determine if you like it.

    Good luck!
  • BendySpartan
    BendySpartan Posts: 104 Member
    If its something you think you will enjoy then stick with it! Some will do a one on one session so you can have some time focusing on technique! Or hit youtube and practice at home. The only way we get good at stuff is practice!
    Good luck xx
  • gothyogini
    Don't quit! I started yoga when I was much heavier. Yoga has helped me through my physical challenges as well as some mental blocks. If you stick with it you will be amazed how it can transform your body and mind. The hardest part is to not give up. Just remember that it takes practice and patience with yourself.
  • Micahroni84
    Micahroni84 Posts: 452 Member
    Dont quit! Last year i was in the same place as you but i kept at it. Out of shape or not, yoga is more about balance and if you stick with it in a few weeks to a month you will feel a significant improvemnt. I was taking both pilates and yoga classes and it was really hard at first. Now i mostly take pilates with a few yoga classes but becuase they are so easy to do at home i can maintain. Stick with it for sure. You will feel so proud in your improvement in just a few weeks. Dont worry about being able to do all the poses. Ask your instructor for modified versions if she isnt offering them.
  • kendrafallon
    kendrafallon Posts: 1,030 Member
    Yoga is something I've been meaning to start, but finding the time is a bit of a mare!

    From my experience of Tae Kwon Do, it is 'simply' a case of perseverance; I say simply, but its damned frustrating when you can't get your body in the right position to complete a move. BUT over time you do get get better - and that, would apply to any new activity, not just a martial art.

    Don't give up!!
  • misssmarita
    Thank you so much for all the feedback :) I looked it up a few days ago, and there are three yoga classes a week that will work with my schedule, the next one being the day after tomorrow. Pretty sure I'll stick with it, it's just that then and there I felt like CRAP. The class was Called Yoga Flow, and I chose it because it looked like the easier of the two kinds of yoga the gym offers :P Another question, kinda related: what sorta strength training regime would compliment yoga practice? I am out of shape, and I can't afford a personal trainer, but I do have access to a gym, and I am more than willing to put in the time and effort :)
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    I'll preface this by saying I know VERY little about yoga - never tried it, have a rough idea of what its about...

    but, unless that class was an advanced class, I'd say the instructor might have been out of line singling you out like that, but not really offering to help or advise you on things you can do. I'd probably go one more time and have a conversation with the instructor to make sure she knows you aren't a pro (sounds like she should have identified this by now) and that you are in the right class. If things don't get better, I'd find another instructor.
  • BerryH
    BerryH Posts: 4,698 Member
    Another question, kinda related: what sorta strength training regime would compliment yoga practice? I am out of shape, and I can't afford a personal trainer, but I do have access to a gym, and I am more than willing to put in the time and effort :)
    Body-weight and core exercises would help - think push-ups (starting with box push-ups before working up to full), planks, side-planks, squats and lunges.
  • stephgas
    stephgas Posts: 159 Member
    yoga is HARD! you're stretching your body in ways that it's not used to stretching and using muscles that haven't been used regularly. i love love love 'heavyweight yoga' with abby lentz. i bought it two years ago and i still use it! all of the poses are safe for people of larger size and many of the poses can be modified to be safe for people with physical issues. i highly recommend watching it through at least once so you can see some of the modifications. i recently tried a 'regular' yoga video and still cannot do it safely. the yoga for weight loss video i was trying had me moving from standing to seated and back again - when you're a big girl/big guy, that's not easy!

    also, many yoga studios are starting to offer 'plus size' yoga classes now. maybe you should ask your instructor about that. and i agree with what another poster said - show up a little early and let the instructor know you're new and that you were having trouble with some poses. or see if someone can give you a personal lesson and show you modified poses. but stick with it - when i practice yoga regularly, i feel SO MUCH BETTER!