Pattern of starving...

I have noticed that about every 3-4 weeks, I go through a pattern of absolute starvation! I usually blow it and eat about 500 more calories (sometimes more!) for that day or two. Now I do understand that this is not a good thing and was just asking for advice on the topic. Does anyone else have this type of cycle and is it normal? Sounds like I am hurting myself as I usually gain 1-2 pounds back after working so hard. Thanks for any advice!


  • notworthstalking
    notworthstalking Posts: 531 Member
    is it around that time of the month? It's not uncommon to be hungry then.
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    An extra 500 calories every few weeks isn't going to hurt you. And the "weight gain" more than likely just water.
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    every 3-4 weeks, I eat alot more. It's right before and during my period. I just make sure I eat healthy things! Hummus with carrots, apples and almond butter, fruit and etc
  • Rum_Runner
    Rum_Runner Posts: 617 Member
    It is a good thing. Are you exercising a lot? Burning upwards of 300+ calories per burn?

    Its called "refeed" or "refuel" - and its okay. Just when you feel yourself getting hungry stock up on raw veggies and other healthy lower calorie, lower carb and some high protein foods to help you feel full. Going over 500 calories is not a bad thing - that is maintenance. One or two day of healthy over calories is not going to set you back. Now if you eat cake, pie and ice cream all day... you may see the scale go the other way.

    Don't worry about it
  • tehzephyrsong
    tehzephyrsong Posts: 435 Member
    Do you notice this pattern of suddenly needing to EAT ALL THE THINGS coinciding with your menstrual cycle? I know I get absurdly hungry and crave absolute junk around that time of the month; it's common for a lot of women. It might coincide with your menses or your ovulation, which are commonly about 180 degrees out of phase with one another (i.e., you ovulate 1-2 weeks after finishing your period, and then you bleed 1-2 weeks after ovulating if you're not pregnant).
  • Rodderick89
    Rodderick89 Posts: 205 Member
    Do you notice this pattern of suddenly needing to EAT ALL THE THINGS coinciding with your menstrual cycle?

    Woohoo, it's not just me then! All I want to do is EAT as much chocolate as is humanly possible at the moment! Letting myself eat at maintainence for a couple of days and indulging in a bit of junk food!
  • imtrinat
    imtrinat Posts: 153 Member
    I thought about posting the exact same thing a few days ago. I have a problem a bit like this. Sometimes it will last a few days and other times it can last upwards of a couple weeks. Then, I may not be hungry for a month. I noticed that I often get bouts of indigestion that coincides with it. Eating often makes the pains go away momentarily and then it comes right back. It took me a long time to figure out that the indigestion was causing the hunger pains. I was eating to soothe the indigestion, not the hunger.

    I do have times when I get fixated on food and feel constantly hungry. This goes through patterns of a few days/weeks. The difference is, it's more of a mental hang up than an actual physical feeling. I've learned to use MFP to make sure I don't go overboard during those times. It's completely unexplainable and I hope I can eventually figure out how to make it more bearable. That's just my personal experience with something similar to what you are going through. You're definitely not alone!
  • kirstyfairhead
    kirstyfairhead Posts: 220 Member
    If you are only going over by 500cals for a day or two this should not make you gain 1 or 2lbs so chances are you are retaining water or something like that. It sounds very much like it could be hormone related too if it comes in a cycle.

    As long as your overall weight is going down and it is something you can hold to just a day or two, I wouldn't worry too much. I would suggest that you try to fing some low cal/healthy foods that you can splurge on when you feel the need.

    Oats so simple are quick, easy, there are lots of flavours available that can fix that urge for something sweet and they are filling. Carrot sticks are pretty good too. Anything thats easy to grab and munch on that won't put the cals through the roof.
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    is it around that time of the month? It's not uncommon to be hungry then.

    Nope- I had a complete hysterectomy about 7 years ago
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    Do you notice this pattern of suddenly needing to EAT ALL THE THINGS coinciding with your menstrual cycle?

    Woohoo, it's not just me then! All I want to do is EAT as much chocolate as is humanly possible at the moment! Letting myself eat at maintainence for a couple of days and indulging in a bit of junk food!

    have no cycle- hysterectomy several years ago