Dreams: It's for my psychology class. I need 10 people.



  • jeepzilla
    jeepzilla Posts: 201
    I don't dream every night or I dont remeber them.

    Sometimes I will dream the same dream but not often.

    Most of the dreams i have and can remeber well most of the dream will happen in the future like a month or a fews weeks from the time I have it. kinda weird the first few times it happened but over the years I have gotten over it.
  • georgesweeten
    Im a psychology undergraduate - dreams are very interesting!

    I dream every night
    I remember my freams

    I don't think they have much meaning, i favour the activation synthesis theory over freud's theory of dream interpretation.
  • Carol7Jean
    Carol7Jean Posts: 33 Member
    1. Yes ALL the time

    2. I have reoccurring dreams but not to the point its the same exact dream but to the point that its the same theme. In the past month I have had about 5 dreams that involve bears. Some dreams they are aggressive and others they are passive. Some other reoccurring dreams involved tornadoes and I have never even seen one.

    3. I think that dreams may have some meaning but not to the point it predicts the future but to the point that it describes your subconscious mind. I also believe that dreams are influenced by things that you have experienced whether its something you've gone through or somethings you have heard.
  • Kadesha72
    Kadesha72 Posts: 109 Member
    1. Yes I do dream, often.
    2. I have one reoccurring dream, although it varies slightly... whatever is happening is sometimes different, but the constant is that I have something in my mouth, like when you go to the dentist and they make an impression of your teeth? That goo stuff? Its like that only super sticky where I think I'm suffocating, and I scrape and scrape and scrape and it just seems like I can't ever get it all out.
    3. I don't think ALL dreams have meaning, some are just nonsense dreams about what happened to you that day, or what i call "fever" dreams that are like acid flashbacks... but some DO have meaning (like my recurring one... I think it has something to do with me feeling like I need to keep my mouth shut, or that I don't feel like I can express how I really feel, etc....)
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    1) Do you dream often?
    2) Do you have any reoccurring dreams? If so, can you describe them?
    3) Do you think dreams have meaning or are they random?

    To question #1, yes.
    If there is something pressing, yeah I'll have reoccuring dreams. Mostly it's about being in debt. Sometimes if there is someone trying to stab me in the back, I dream of snakes.
    I have the biblical faith in dreams, so yeah, dreams absolutely do have meaning, to the individual.

    I hope this helps. :bigsmile:
  • brwneyedbrndi
    brwneyedbrndi Posts: 24 Member
    1. I dream every night (although sometimes I can't remember them)
    2. I have recurrent dreams of tornadoes. I'm never hurt in them but I see them coming and I'm always getting to a "safe place".
    3. I definitely think dreams have meaning and have a lot to do with our subconscious thoughts.

    I'd be interested to hear about your paper or study or assignment:)

    So odd that we both had/have reoccuring dreams about tornadoes. I'm never hurt in mine either. (look at my description a few posts above yours!)

  • brwneyedbrndi
    brwneyedbrndi Posts: 24 Member
    1. Yes ALL the time

    2. I have reoccurring dreams but not to the point its the same exact dream but to the point that its the same theme. In the past month I have had about 5 dreams that involve bears. Some dreams they are aggressive and others they are passive. Some other reoccurring dreams involved tornadoes and I have never even seen one.

    3. I think that dreams may have some meaning but not to the point it predicts the future but to the point that it describes your subconscious mind. I also believe that dreams are influenced by things that you have experienced whether its something you've gone through or somethings you have heard.

    I didnt realize so many other people have reoccuring dreams about tornadoes like I do!