mini postcard challenge



  • Hows everyone doing so far?! Im excited for this weekend to get some good burns in and ((((hopefully))))) post a good number monday!! Anyone got any exciting workout plans this weekend?
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Sodium has me up two whole pounds but it's impossible to avoid in the dining halls while trying to get adequate protein. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble:
  • fitmommy2013
    fitmommy2013 Posts: 30 Member
    hey everyone! hope your weekends have been treating you well!! tomorrow is weigh in day! please Post weights in here, as it is easier for me to check thanks!
  • jennibee70
    jennibee70 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Well, I'm up to 160.8 lbs - I knew 160.2 was unrealistically low when I logged it last week, my weight has been fluctuating by about 2 lbs all week.
  • Starting weight on 1/21/13: 176.6
    Weight on 1/28/12: 174.2
  • Starting weight 149.0
    Weight on 1/28 148.3
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Anyway, I'll be joining this one.

    Starting weight: 170.6 (my goal weight for this challenge is 169.1 (a 1.5 pound loss).

    Problems: Keeping my sodium in check. I live in the dorms at college, and even the healthy stuff in the dining halls is FILLED with sodium. Also, drinking enough water.

    I hate much and its like WAM 5lb gain in 24hrs.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I was down at 160 Friday, and I'm going to try not weigh in again until the end of the challenge (otherwise I get compulsive and do it everyday till I go nuts!). HOWEVER...Saturday and Sunday after I had a great weigh in I ate like poo! Pizza, Mcdonalds, cheeseITS, sausage loaded with sodium...soooo I am 100% sure I gained some of that back haha.
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Start weight: 170.6
    1/28/13 weight: 172.2

    I can't stand the sodium in the dining hall here. :(
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Starting weight was 202.6
    Weight on 1/29 - 204.2

    I have just been eating like crap! I could use the excuse that I had Basketball games to coach Thursday, Friday, All day Saturday, and last night BUT I still am the only one who can choose what I eat. I even packed a good dinner to eat after my game last night since I would be home so late but instead of eating it, I went home and ate 800 calories worth of Red Baron pizza.

    I completely forgot until I was sent a message reminding me to weigh in! Thanks Virgo!
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    Start weight - 228.5

    Weigh-in 1/27 - 228

    It's been a struggle since our gas got shut off, I wasn't able to cook for the last 6 days. They are suppose to turn it back on today (hooray) so hopefully that number will chunk down again.
  • MucGay
    MucGay Posts: 38 Member
    Start @ 182lbs
    Monday 1/28/13 @ 180.8
  • fitmommy2013
    fitmommy2013 Posts: 30 Member
    Goodjob everyone!! keep up the good work! Next Monday we will Know the winner!! =)
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Starting weight was 202.6
    Weight on 1/29 - 204.2

    I have just been eating like crap! I could use the excuse that I had Basketball games to coach Thursday, Friday, All day Saturday, and last night BUT I still am the only one who can choose what I eat. I even packed a good dinner to eat after my game last night since I would be home so late but instead of eating it, I went home and ate 800 calories worth of Red Baron pizza.

    I completely forgot until I was sent a message reminding me to weigh in! Thanks Virgo!

    Well, as of this morning, I am back to 202.6 so back on the wagon!
  • fitmommy2013
    fitmommy2013 Posts: 30 Member
    instead of choosing Monday... I will be choosing the winner this FRIDAY!! so please upload current Weight and weight loss
  • Starting Weight: 173.9
    Weight on Monday 1/28/13: 171.5
  • filsket
    filsket Posts: 6 Member
    Starting weight - 137.4
    Weight on Monday 1/28/13 - 135.0
  • MFPfriend
    MFPfriend Posts: 1,121 Member
    Start weight: 170.6
    Monday 1/28/13 weight: 172.2
    Thursday 1/31/13 weight: 169.4

    Total loss: 1.2 pounds (pretty close to my goal of 1.5 pounds!)

    Started chugging the water and kept my sodium lower than normal, and BAM, water weight is down (not all the way, though). :D
  • fitmommy2013
    fitmommy2013 Posts: 30 Member
    get your weights in today!!!! winner will be chosen at midnight
  • tlacox1
    tlacox1 Posts: 373 Member
    Starting weight: 202.6
    Final weight: 201.6

    Not the greatest but it is still a loss.