On my third week and already wanting to give up



  • MelanieMamaof5
    MelanieMamaof5 Posts: 75 Member
    It's taken me over two years to lose 24 pounds .... I don't give up. Some times I have bad days and weeks, and it takes a lot of determination to decide to get back to the habits I know are best. But I don't give up. Ever. Even if it takes me a decade to reach my goals, it's better than giving up and never getting there.

    Just decide you're more important than giving up. It's really that easy.

    This is what it's all about. Making a change in your life, never giving up, correcting yourself when needs be, and not getting discouraged. Way to go!!!!
  • The first few weeks is the hardest, i remember around the third week getting tired of measuring and preparing and saying no to all the foods i shouldnt eat. stick with it... it takes a few weeks for it to be a real habit. Eventually you will begin to crave healthier options and you will learn how to get your cravings sated with healthier options... use your resources- there are plenty of people on here who would love to help you out!
  • ms kortney, You have the right attitude/ winners never quit and quitters never win! I have fallen many times but I get back up. So can you. I decided today to be commited to myself for a change because I love me first and be the leading lady in my own show!!!. I walked 4 miles and did 100 situps today ( I did them in 5 sets of 20) Work on it girl U CAN do it! I have a wt loss goal of 40lbs too. You CAN and WILL make it. Try modifying what eat by using cookinglight.com or diabeticliving.com Thats what I do to keep myself motivated because I love to eat. knowledge +motivation produces power to change. ::glasses: Healthy Burnette
  • Por2gueseMama
    Por2gueseMama Posts: 102 Member
    I am the same way. I know what your suppose to eat and all kind of different work outs but i cnt seem to stick to it myself my friends look up to me for advise and il give to them just like if i was the one doing its so hard to stick to anything lately. I have been battling the same 15-20lbs for the last 2 years after losing 50 after my son was born its just hard!!!
  • mraychel9606
    mraychel9606 Posts: 10 Member
    I would always recommend doing things at your own pace. I have always been the slow one in the family so it must come natural to me. I started the journey on the new year with my sister who is smaller then me in more ways then one. I am down 8 pounds if I am lucky when I weigh in on Wed. Had a bad weekend. But my sister is down 15. I have yo-yo dieted to no avail so this time I am taking it slow. Learning what I like and what I don't. Started off with just smaller portions and I always felt like I was starving. Now I start with a soup or salad and normally feel full after I eat the main course. Good luck on your journey.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Getting motivation and inspiration from friends is the icing on the cake, for sure, but the cake is you doing what is best for yourself. Don't let yourself down. Do you promise friends and family that you will do something for them, then drift away and fail to follow through? If you don't do it to others, don't do it to yourself, either. I used to let myself down all the time, every day, but I won't do that anymore.
  • ddky
    ddky Posts: 381 Member
    Don't give up. You have lost eight pounds. Just think what eight pounds of lard woud look like. I also have problems with portions. I have been having my cereal from a coffe cup that only holds one cup instead of a bowl where I could easily pour two or three servings. For awhile, I was eating supper on one of the grandkids elmo plates. It seemed to help. Hang in there.
  • I feel the same way, having a hard time keeping motivated, did awsome the first two weeks lost 7 lbs then started to fizzle out, trying to keep motivated. feel free to add me also
  • Three Weeks is a GREAT start. A lot of people don't make it out of the first week. Stay with it. If you are having a bad day - don't fret it - Just get back on track tomorrow.

    As others have said, you didn't gain the weight over three weeks, so it will take some time. I have lost 70lbs since April 2012. Feel free to add me if you would like. I always like to be held accountable by others.
  • Syl92
    Syl92 Posts: 55 Member
    I'm also starting my 3rd week. I felt like giving up before, during my monthly. The cravings were bad but I've made it through that, so I can make it to my goal weight. If you think about it, it's not a diet it's a change of life style. You're eating healthier, watching how much you eat. Make mini goals and once you achieve the first one, things will get better and so much smoother. So don't give up, you'll get to where you want to be. :happy:
  • essaryswife73
    essaryswife73 Posts: 81 Member
    The best thing I have found is to log EVERY SINGLE THING that goes in my mouth. If I have a piece of sugar free/zero calorie gum, I log it. I just had a really bad night and morning and put myself right back on track. For me, it's a mind game, along with the physical exercise and eating. I talk to myself about this all the time. Always asking myself if it's really worth it to eat the candy, drink the soda, eat the chips, etc... I know we're all different and different things work for each of us. I've done this weight loss journey too many times to count, and I've regained every pound lost and then some. I will help you, motivate you, whatever you need, just DO NOT give up on yourself!!! Feel free to send me a friend request. I will accept it! And I will give it all I've got to help keep you on a positive track!!!
  • mojohowitz
    mojohowitz Posts: 900 Member
    A tough lesson for me that I continue to struggle with is that food is simply fuel. We don't have to assign such emotional significance to it. Its much easier said than done, however.

    This is not just your third week, it's just a rough patch in a lifetime of improving dietary habits.

    No diets. Just better choices.

    It's hard. We all understand.
  • LEStacey
    LEStacey Posts: 5 Member
    Hang in there. I, too, am just counting counting calories and sticking with 1200 per day period. I don't count net calories for exercise and just consider them a bonus. It's tough but after losing 5 lbs the first week I was totally stoked. A good friend gave me some good advice once. He said don't be so concerned about the instant results on the scale or the total quantity of lbs loss (that comes with consistency). You should be more satisfied with the over all self discipline and determination which it takes to live a healthy life style, that's the reward, that's the hard part. Anyone can go to the gym, anyone can chose to eat healthy, it's the discipline and consistency that separates the rest! Keep going strong!

    I have also learned that you don't have to go out for a run...walking is just fine. I was killing my knees and back thinking I HAD to jog...not true. I found something the other day that between walking at a brisk pace for 3.5 vs. jogging at 5.0 there is only a little bit of calories burn per hour...not enough to kill myself over :)
  • mauswood
    mauswood Posts: 137 Member
    Thanks so much for that! I find that I have a real problem with portion control because I eat really quickly. The faster I eat, the more I eat because I don't "feel full" but then feel bloated. I'm starting to work harder on that. I also found out in the last three weeks, I *really* don't know any healthy recipes or the motivation to cook the ones I have found. Laziness will be the death of this diet.

    A little trick I use - Eat with a baby fork and spoon! It FORCES you to slow down when you're eating. Also, drink a huge glass of water before every meal - helps to fill up some of that empty space, plus, you know, water's good for you and stuff. Find some easy foods that are tasty and zero prep time. When I was first losing I ate a ton of baby carrots and hummus - fills you up and you get much needed veggies and protein. Also try apples cut in half with peanut butter - again, fiber and protein to help you stay full longer. I stuck with a few key meals until I got the hang of it - but just make sure you pick stuff that will fill you up. I would also eat a can of tuna with light mayo and cut up a BUNCH of celery and pickles in it - makes a HUGE bowl of food that fills you up and is only about 170 calories (plus, again, more protein) - Just stick with it - it DOES get easier, I promise!
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    If you quit now you'll really be kicking yourself in 3 months when you could be 15-20 lbs lighter than you are now.

    No one said it would be easy, but it will be worth it.

    Stop looking at the negatives (how hard it is, what you can't eat, exercise you dont enjoy, lack of motivation.) Start looking at the positives. Celebrate every victory. (scale, clothing fit, measurements, feeling better, fitness accomplishments.) Delete whiners from your friends list. Surround yourself with positive attitude. Misery loves company and it destroys your confidence and your outlook. Fake it till you make it if you have to, but get your head in the game. Your give up attitude will get you nowhere.

    Find some kind of exercise you enjoy.

    Get used to the idea you will always be on a diet. Whether you are actively trying to lose or are maintaining, this is never-ending. It's a new lifestyle, if you aren't willing to make a permanent change your hard work will be for naught because you will just gain it back.

    You won't be truly successful until you are really ready. Until it clicks in your head you'll yo-yo back and forth until you reach the point you've had enough. Then, you will be like a dog with a bone. Nothing will make you quit. You wont let anything stop you. Are you ready?
  • CaliSteph
    CaliSteph Posts: 142 Member
    Just take one day at a time. Don't look at days, months, years. Just one day at a time. And log it all. Anything that you put in your mouth - just log. You can do this! 3 weeks is a lot of effort, don't give up now. As much motivation as you put out there, remember that you deserve that much and more for yourself!

    Good luck! Feel free to add me and anyone else who needs the motivation.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    Not sure what your approach is, but i may be best to just try to build healthier habits.

    like eating some of what you want and fitting it into your calorie limit for the day.

    This way the changes are less drastic, easier to stick with, and more sustainable in the long run.

    Honestly if you don't do something like that your kind of doomed to yo-yo
  • trudijoy
    trudijoy Posts: 1,685 Member

    Just keep thinking that a year from now you'll weigh 52 POUNDS LESS!!!! You didn't gain all the weight overnight....you shouldn't try to lose it all overnight.

    Good luck!

    this just made me grin my *kitten* off. thanks!
  • A little trick I use - Eat with a baby fork and spoon! It FORCES you to slow down when you're eating. Also, drink a huge glass of water before every meal - helps to fill up some of that empty space, plus, you know, water's good for you and stuff. Find some easy foods that are tasty and zero prep time. When I was first losing I ate a ton of baby carrots and hummus - fills you up and you get much needed veggies and protein. Also try apples cut in half with peanut butter - again, fiber and protein to help you stay full longer. I stuck with a few key meals until I got the hang of it - but just make sure you pick stuff that will fill you up. I would also eat a can of tuna with light mayo and cut up a BUNCH of celery and pickles in it - makes a HUGE bowl of food that fills you up and is only about 170 calories (plus, again, more protein) - Just stick with it - it DOES get easier, I promise!

    There's some really good advice here. Sloooooow down. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to get the message from your stomach that it's full (cruel, right?), so if you power through without thinking you can easily go from famished to bursting. Take a moment, maybe put down your fork between bites, have a conversation, that sort of thing. I used to make myself be the last person eating. Like that person at a concert who always claps last, but with my dinner. :) I don't consciously do it anymore, but that can give your brain time to catch up.

    Don't quit! There's no quitting, there's just a continual process of making choices that either help you towards your goals or hinder them. We all make bad choices sometimes, then you just focus on making the next choice a good one!
  • koreys1990
    koreys1990 Posts: 23 Member
    my second and third weeks were hard for me because I was eating just what ever was in the house instead of holding myself accountable once i started holding myself accountable it was eaiser to see the pounds dropping off.. try just doing your measurements and that might help you out when you feel down. Please keep up the good work and if you need someone to talk to you can add me.. I have lost 22 lbs and to say it was easy is a lie, but its so rewarding seeing the difference and feeling the difference now.