What's the big deal with avocado?



  • Tw1zzler
    Tw1zzler Posts: 583
    Avocados are far more nutrient-dense than blueberries.

    Have both:

    Blueberry Avocado Maca Morning Pudding

    What you need:

    1 ripe avocado, peeled and pitted
    2 cups frozen (preferably organic) blueberries
    2 t chia seeds
    6 Medjool dates, pitted
    2 T maca powder
    2 T (preferably raw) almond butter
    1/2 t pure vanilla extract
    2 cups water
    cinnamon, for sprinkling
    pure maple syrup for drizzling

    What to do:

    Place all ingredients in a blender and let soak for 30 minutes.
    Blend and pour into two bowls & sprinkle with cinnamon and drizzle with a little maple syrup.

    How many servings is this??

    2 servings I haven't tried it but it looks interesting...
  • mbacheld72
    I can definitely tell the difference if I don't get enough of the good fats. My skin starts to get red and blotchy with small break-outs, and it's very dry. Thank God I love avocados...and almonds!
  • SquidandWhale
    It turns my face numb and makes my tongue and throat itch like a poison ivy.

    Still eat it. Still worth it. It's THAT good.

    As an allergy nurse I would say that you are heading for an Emergency Room visit in the near future if you persist in taking in something that does this.

    Goodness, glad this was brought up. I know they're scrumptious, but your allergy could become very dangerous if you continue.

    The only thing this thread made me want to do is eat an avocado BLT. I wish I would have found this before making miso soup. :(

  • jezzi16
    jezzi16 Posts: 128 Member
    Just started to eat some half avocados...very nice flavor.

    Not to hijack thread but store the uneaten portions in a container of diced onions and they won't spoil for many days.

    You should never ever under ANY circumstances pre chop onions!! EVER!

    why? o_O

    there are studies that say once an onion is cut into, it can collect surrounding toxins. then in turn you eat those toxins. during the days of the plague, people would chop onions and place them in bowls on the floor in every room of their house to help collect the toxins before they could reach the people living in the home.

    Seriously? Absorbing toxins to prevent plague? That was back in the Dark Ages (literally), before people ever learned about bacteria and viruses which cause illness. (BTW, the plague is caused by bacteria, is still around, and easily treated by antibiotics). Truth be told the onion smell probably helped mask the odor of illness and death--not to mention that most people didn't keep to present hygiene standards, either for themselves or their homes, hence the prevalence of rodents--->fleas--->plague.

    Now, cut onion definitely releases oils and thus will alter the flavor of other nearby foods in the fridge. I almost never use all of a whole onion, so I dice up the unused portion, divide into ziplock bags and freeze. Later when I need chopped onion for a recipie, I pull out a bag and throw the frozen onion in the pot! Voila! (And nobody's died of "toxins" from this method either).

    Actually people around here having been placing onions under their bed all flu season and then instagram the black onion im the am. Not sure if true but people will tell you it works. I also so a study that onions absorb all the bad stuff in the dirt while growing.. true not true not sure.
  • sarahisme18
    sarahisme18 Posts: 574 Member
    This thread makes me so sad.........

    Avocado is one of my favorite foods. I try to fit it in most days of the week, and it's totally worth the calories. It helps me meet my fat macro % (30), tastes SO GOOD, and I actually notice a huge difference in my skin and less breakouts when I have it all throughout the week.
  • infamousmk
    infamousmk Posts: 6,033 Member
    Actually people around here having been placing onions under their bed all flu season and then instagram the black onion im the am. Not sure if true but people will tell you it works. I also so a study that onions absorb all the bad stuff in the dirt while growing.. true not true not sure.

  • TheMoonMuse
    TheMoonMuse Posts: 40 Member

    there are studies that say once an onion is cut into, it can collect surrounding toxins. then in turn you eat those toxins. during the days of the plague, people would chop onions and place them in bowls on the floor in every room of their house to help collect the toxins before they could reach the people living in the home.

    Ugghh... http://www.snopes.com/food/tainted/cutonions.asp and http://www.snopes.com/medical/swineflu/onion.asp
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    It turns my face numb and makes my tongue and throat itch like a poison ivy.

    Still eat it. Still worth it. It's THAT good.

    As an allergy nurse I would say that you are heading for an Emergency Room visit in the near future if you persist in taking in something that does this.

    I LOVE AVOCADOS, but seriously ^ THIS!!!
  • kariannmbc
    chocolate--okay, maybe not chocolate

    Nope chocolate- post on page 2 shows how she makes pudding from them.,,

    I've tried it, and it's just not quite the same. I'd rather have it made from milk less often. :-) But that is a valid point!
  • Alisha_countrymama
    Alisha_countrymama Posts: 821 Member
  • Christie0428
    Christie0428 Posts: 221 Member
    In addition to YUM, avocados are awesome!!!

    ....you need dietary fat for your brain to function properly. It is the reason you need to give whole milk to babies, so they have enough fat for their brains to develop properly.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    we all need fat...and avocados are the best!!!! yummers!!!!! superfood :tongue: :laugh:
  • Showmm
    Showmm Posts: 406 Member
    I had avocado today and it helped me to go over my macros in fat, which I am trying to stay near as a target this week. Hence the questioning.I posted because it's always good to get different information all in one place to help make decisions. I would think that's the whole point of MFP forums to a certain extent. I could and have found lots of information out there myself, but it's good to have it collected by the hive mind in one spot.

    For those who haven't been reasonable, enjoy your attempts to be clever. I'm not bothered, so knock yourselves out.

    For all of you who have been reasonable, thanks for your input. The point about blueberries causing a sugar spike was the one that's worth considering for me, as sugar is probably another value I tend to overreach. Plus thanks for the general enthusiasm for avocados! Nothing like seeing a fruit championed. The recipes are good ideas, I might try them out at some point. My avocado today was half on toasted walnut bread with a poached egg. I can highly recommend it to all the avocado lovers out there. Assuming you don't have a problem with walnut bread or eggs. Wouldn't want them to be a big deal. :wink:
  • gioisa75
    gioisa75 Posts: 242 Member
    Mix some avocado in with grilled chicken and its a great substitute for mayo.
  • foodcart
    foodcart Posts: 42 Member
    You should never ever under ANY circumstances pre chop onions!! EVER!
    why? o_O
    there are studies that say once an onion is cut into, it can collect surrounding toxins. then in turn you eat those toxins. during the days of the plague, people would chop onions and place them in bowls on the floor in every room of their house to help collect the toxins before they could reach the people living in the home.

    This onion cutting thing is a myth that has been circulating around the internet (http://www.snopes.com/food/tainted/cutonions.asp). Feel free to continue cutting onions -- it's fine.

    Edited to say I just saw that themoonmuse beat me to this!
  • kaysue1
    kaysue1 Posts: 14
    I don't believe calories are a bad thing, but I do believe I need to limit them by a certain amount if I want to lose weight.

    And you know why they are so delicious? Because they are full of fat. Seriously.

    Hey, I think they are ok too, when I can decent ones. There's just so much I would choose before avocado to make up my daily food allowance.

    Do not eat them every day, maybe once a week or twice a month. That way your body is getting some of the good fats it needs. I watch my calories (1200 daily), and I try to make sure to eat one or two a month. I find a place for the calories in my diet as I know it is important.
  • suzukideb
    Avocados are considered a super food. Eat about 1/3 2 to 3 times a week. A half contains 145 calories, 2 grams protein, 13 grams fat and 6 grams of fiber. They are rich in magnesium and potassium. Can be good for lowering LDL, prevention of migraines, and reducing type 2 diabetes. Like other good fats, moderation is key.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I don't believe calories are a bad thing, but I do believe I need to limit them by a certain amount if I want to lose weight.

    And you know why they are so delicious? Because they are full of fat. Seriously.

    Hey, I think they are ok too, when I can decent ones. There's just so much I would choose before avocado to make up my daily food allowance.

    They are full of HEART HEALTHY fats that raise HDL (good) cholesterol and combat LDL (bad) cholesterol. Healthy fats are also necessary for proper central nervous system function and studies have also shown that low fat diets tend to lead towards increased depression among other things. In addition to the heart healthy fats, avocados are extremely nutrient dense (i.e. you get a big bang for your calorie buck)...lots of good vitamins and minerals in there as well as high fiber.

    Dietary fat doesn't make you fat...too many calories makes you fat. I usually eat 1/2 an avocado per day and I've lost 20 Lbs since the last week of October. Bonus, they're helping me lower my LDL through diet instead of taking a pill.
  • MMAQueen
    MMAQueen Posts: 279 Member
    to keep your avacados (and guacamole) from going brown, wrap it TIGHT in plastic wrap (glad/saran) It's oxygen that turns it brown, like and apple. You can store it in a ziplock bag to, if you suck all the air out.
  • subconscious_ink
    subconscious_ink Posts: 194 Member
    For those who haven't been reasonable, enjoy your attempts to be clever. I'm not bothered, so knock yourselves out.

    For all of you who have been reasonable, thanks for your input.

    Hm. I think you may have gotten people riled up a bit by the *way* you asked the question in the first place. It sounded a bit snarky to me, even though I'm sure it wasn't intended that way. But it helps to be aware of how things come across on the internet, since people can't see facial cues :smile: