Any over 55 Grandmothers out there?

I am an over 55 working Grandmother of 15 and one on the way. I have been struggling with weight gain for many years. I have tried every diet there is - but this month I decided that I would just track my food and exercise and see if I could lose a few lbs. Two week and 3 pounds. I think it may be do able but I have a long way to go. Love to read others success stories and hints.


  • Karen5732
    Karen5732 Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Grandma Sue ,,, I am 54 and have 3 grandchildren and would love to support you on your journey,,

    I will send you a friend request, feel free to add me

    Good luck !!
  • lhulewsky
    lhulewsky Posts: 50
    Hi, I'm a grandma too. I'm 58 and have 7 grandchildren. I just started using the board and the groups on here and I'm finding it very helpful. Please feel free to add me. Having more friends is very helpful. I've lost 20 pounds and love this site. I wish you continued success...
  • I am new and turning 57 in November and have one grandchild and I work. Having a hard time losing and I am hoping this tracking will help. Feel free to add me.
  • Kitkat_58
    Kitkat_58 Posts: 35 Member
    I am new on here also. I am almost 54, grandmother to 2 wonderful boys. I sent you a friend request. Anybody else please feel free to add me as a friend.
  • I am grest granmother of 11. Just started here. Look forward to be on your team. oh I am 71 1/2 Ruth
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    Hi Sue,
    My kids were slow starters so I am older than a lot of the grandma's here. I am 68 and have three grandsons aged 10, 6 and 22 months. My weight loss has been slow but steady. Hope you are finding MFP as helpful as I am.
  • ritalef
    ritalef Posts: 93 Member
    I'm 56 with one grandchild and one due Dec. 1. I like using this site because I can easily track anything. I'm sometimes surprised at what is listed here. I've maintained during the summer but would still like to lose another 10-15 pounds. I've been faithful with tracking and exercise for the most part but the number is not changing. It HAS to one of these days :P
    I'm doing a challenge right now to to some kind of exercise until the end of the year.
  • I am a 59 year-old working Grandma of 9. Join MFP quite a while ago and lapsed. Am tired of spending money on things that don't work. Will go back to slow but sure, healthy eating and exercise. Boring but it works. I just read a post where someone has lost an elephant's penis (60 lbs). That is my goal - I think I can do that by my 60th birthday in Nov. At least I'm going to try very hard. First and foremost I am a food junkie.... mostly sweets so for one month - NO SWEETS!! Will re-assess at that point. For one month I will faithfully post my food and exercise EVERY day!!!
  • I am a 55 year old grandma of 6..I would love to have a support group of post-menopausal grandmas...
  • Hi Grandma Sue,
    I hope your journey is going well.

  • sunflower0624
    sunflower0624 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! I'm a 55 year old grandmother of 4. I've been on here for awhile but just decided to stick to it for real. LOL! I lost 17 lbs and quit counting calories and gained 12 back. It took a lot longer to lose the 17 than it did to regain the 12, of course. I'm tired of not liking how I look and feel. Please add me as a friend and maybe we can encourage each other.
  • shirdiana
    shirdiana Posts: 49 Member
    Hi! I'm 56 and have 13 grandkids, 7 stepgrandkids and 5 step great grandkids, love them all! I found out about myfitnesspal from my son, and decided to try it. So far I haven't made much progress, but I'm not going to give up..One day @ a time!
  • TableForFive
    TableForFive Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Grandma Sue,
    I am a 54 year old Grandmother. I have 5 Grown Children and 4 Grandchildren.
    I also need to lose several pounds. It is Time for Us now... :-) Good Luck on your
    Journey.. We can do it..