New here

Hello everyone
im new here but am hoping that this will help me in my health goals i need to lose alot of weight im 308lbs my goal is 120 please help me keep to my goals im so bad at doing it thanks kerri


  • Hi, Im new as well on here..feel free to add sure everyone can use motivation
  • Key0970
    Key0970 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi feel free to add me, I have loads of wieght to shift around 140lbs so not going to be easy but I am determined to do it though. You can lose the weght if your determined enough, good luck with reaching you weight loss goal x
  • Glynneybug
    Glynneybug Posts: 196 Member
    I'm always here for encouragement and I can always use more myself. Feel free to add me and welcome aboard! :D
  • ketiab08
    ketiab08 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm new here as well. Add me as a friend. Trying to lose between 35- 45 pounds
  • coloursule
    coloursule Posts: 11 Member
    Hello! New here! I need to lose 20-30 pounds. I really hope I will finally reach my goal :)
  • can always Add me! Its nice to have extra encouragement!
  • vpsorrels
    vpsorrels Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome, I'm fairly new to the site myself. Feel free to add me and we can encourage one another.