I'm lonely on mfp


whenever i have been on a diet i have never really had support of others and it would be great if i could have some fitness pal friends so we can keep supporting and motivating each other. This year I really have to get the weight off after being ill for so long its time to make a change, and I would love to hear everyone's goals so we can help each other to get those pounds off! :)



  • NicoleZ1515
    NicoleZ1515 Posts: 27 Member
    You're welcome to add me :) Or anyone else who wants some mutual support!
  • eggsmilkbread
    eggsmilkbread Posts: 184 Member
    Hey! :) I'll be happy to add you right now.
  • g7nomie
    g7nomie Posts: 1 Member
    Hey Holly,

    Hope your ok, I joined MFP last year and have recently started again, so far I have lost 7lbs with combining calorie counting with the gym .

    Work hard you will soon see the benefit x x
  • Hi Holly, I feel the same way. I was sick for a year and gained alot of weight. I try to get people to come work out with me or eat healthier so I don't feel so alone but so far not luck. Maybe we can help encourage each other. Good luck with your journey
  • tomii13
    tomii13 Posts: 105 Member
    I'm looking for supportive friends, too. If you're active on mfp, add me! I'm really focused and need support at times
  • I just joined and need to get motivated about not snacking all the way through dinner! add me! I have no idea how to add anyone I don't already know..
  • Feed_the_Bears
    Feed_the_Bears Posts: 275 Member
  • raneylfrick
    raneylfrick Posts: 380 Member
    Hey Lady! So, I finally had to give up on my local support group because they were always the ones who ended up cheating on the diets first, and I have no control when I am out with a friend and they want some fast food! So, now I am here and would love to help anyone...and get help as well!... Add me if you like!
  • Vercell
    Vercell Posts: 437 Member
    You can add me i would love to give you support, we can cheer each other on.
  • WorkinNurse
    WorkinNurse Posts: 17 Member
    I too am learning how to be on a computer site for motivation and support. I am such an emotional eater... heart broke by my guy- well ex now... still at the crying stage... mantra... This too shall pass... Trying to get back on track... weekends are tough...
  • Hi, Welcome, I am a newbie on MFP too. I want to lose approx 20lbs and have lost 2lbs of that in my first week :) All post pregnancy weight. Baby is 8 months old.
    Im glad you feel better now.
    Add me for mutual support
  • Hey! I'm new to the site too. Just started about 2 weeks ago. Feel free to add me! :) It's always easier when you're working towards a goal with people instead of by yourself :)
  • deaelmi
    deaelmi Posts: 1 Member
    You are welcome to add me, I am doing this alone too. Well, sort of. We have a Biggest Loser program at work. We get weighed on Mondays and have 3 workouts weekly, concentrated HIIT work outs. The tough part is at night, my husband is overseas and I think of food as a comfort thing. Gotta change that. I hope I get to know some of the others in our Biggest Loser program. So far and I started Friday I have lost 2 lbs! Two down and 92 lbs to go! I'll get there. Please tell me how I can support you.
    Dea :-)
  • Sporter147
    Sporter147 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! I'm Sheri and I love mfp ~ I was introduced to this site by a co-worker and it really helps me to stay on track. My Mom uses it and I even sent links to my fb fam as well. The good thing is that after a while you know how much you can stand to eat without being meticulous about counting calories. You are more than welcome to be a part of my support network if you like. Good luck with your goals. :smile:
  • kaylinn9
    kaylinn9 Posts: 112
    I sent you a friend request!
    I'd love to help anyone that needs it.
  • anyone can add me whyo wants. theres no reason to do this alone when so many inspirational, funny folks on MFP.
  • danikanoodles
    danikanoodles Posts: 150 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm new to this site and would love making friends :)
  • I just want to say wow! I did not realise how many people would instantly be there for me so quickly. This site is really amazing and thank you so much for all the kind words and support. I will make sure I have all of you added and if you ever need me to help motivate you feel free to contact me. I know how hard things can be, and can relate to a lot of your comments so I would be happy to talk openly about my own thoughts and experiences if this is of comfort to anyone. Hope to hear from you soon :) Keep going everyone you're all doing great!! x