Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred



  • bump
  • Thanks!!! I just started this morning and I swear my legs don't want to move but I'm forcing them and holy cow its insane...
  • Hello People

    I'm on Day 5 of Level one of 30DS. I consider myself reasonably fit, but this has really pushed me, particularly in cv terms. I spin and do Kettlecise, can throw an 8kg weight in class but this is another step in the right direction. I can see and feel my shape changing already! Hopefully tomorrow should be easier. I'm on a mission to hit target by end of November, 33 pounds gone and 14 to go. Have been in a plateau since July so have switched from Slimming World to good old calories in and calories out. Let's see what the scales bring this weekend! ????
  • love this website because I JUST did the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred today (Level 1) and I cannot figure out how to calculate it either!!!!
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    30 Day Shred should be logged in as "Circuit Training" for 20 minutes. If you have an HRM enter the calories burned per your HRM. Polar and the Zephyr HRMs give you a Gross caloric measure and take your heart rate into consideration to measure your calories burned druing the workout.
  • The 30 day shred is considered circuit training. I searched for circuit training within My Fitness Pal and used that number for calories burned. Hope this helps.
  • alimounce
    alimounce Posts: 9 Member
    Found the calcualation on Jillian Michael's website ...

    JILLIAN SAYS: It's all relative to your age, body weight, height, gender, and so on. The general rule of thumb is, for every 25 pounds of weight you have on your frame, you will burn an additional 50 calories an hour provided you work out at the same intensity for the entire hour.

    She says, for example, I weigh 120 pounds — which is almost 5 groups of 25 pounds — so if I multiply 50 calories by 5 for 250 calories, then divide that per-hour amount by 60 it comes out to slightly more than 4 calories a minute.
  • prunella1066
    prunella1066 Posts: 89 Member
  • raelorien
    raelorien Posts: 71 Member
    At BossLady
    Congratulations! Awesome job!
  • _crafty_
    _crafty_ Posts: 1,682 Member
    I have seen this calculation posted before. You can use it to figure your burn and create your own exercise (My Exercises) for it.

    30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out. ~ taken from Jillian Michaels website

    However, I just use 20 mins of circuit training - general since it's real close.

    this is ridiculous. how the hell do they know how much effort the individual is putting into the workout? whether they are doing the normal workout or the modified moves? what size weights they are using? Not to mention the level of intensity from one level to the next to the next varies greatly.

    I did the 30 Day Shred in the spring and always wore my HRM. Depending on the time of day, the size of the weights I used & how much energy I had to put into my workout my burn would be anywhere from 225 - 300+ calories.

    Using an HRM isn't 100% accurate but it's better than trying to use some formula that can't possibly be applied to a wide range of individuals.
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    I have seen this calculation posted before. You can use it to figure your burn and create your own exercise (My Exercises) for it.

    30 day shred calorie burn - 3.267 calories burnt per pound every hour. Multiply by weight to get how many calories per hour you would burn and divide by 3 to get each 20 minute work out. ~ taken from Jillian Michaels website

    However, I just use 20 mins of circuit training - general since it's real close.

    this is ridiculous. how the hell do they know how much effort the individual is putting into the workout? whether they are doing the normal workout or the modified moves? what size weights they are using? Not to mention the level of intensity from one level to the next to the next varies greatly.

    I did the 30 Day Shred in the spring and always wore my HRM. Depending on the time of day, the size of the weights I used & how much energy I had to put into my workout my burn would be anywhere from 225 - 300+ calories.

    Using an HRM isn't 100% accurate but it's better than trying to use some formula that can't possibly be applied to a wide range of individuals.

  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    thanks i was wondering the best way to put it in :)
  • skinnycg40
    skinnycg40 Posts: 2 Member
    Heart Rate Monitor

    What is "bump"
  • Does anyone know how to calculate calories burnt on the daily circuits? I've subscribed to a routine, but there's no mention of calories.
  • I just completed the first level last night. I use a polar ft4 hrm and I average about 230-240 calories burned with each workout. You can create an exercise and log it, which is what I did. Best to use a heart rate monitor with a chest strap for the most accurate results.
  • iluvco3
    iluvco3 Posts: 98 Member
    I just started Level 3. I always use my HRM and burn 150-175 calories for the 27 minutes. Circuit training gives a lot more calories burned, so I would hesitate to use that. It sure feels like I burned a lot more than I actually do.
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    today is day number one........my brain is scrambled just trying to type this im so exhausted from the 1st day. something tells me im not gonna be able to move tomorrow lol! ouch! omg what a burn! i took before pics..... ill post pics after the 30 days
  • prettymorbidity
    prettymorbidity Posts: 138 Member
    I just started Level 3. I always use my HRM and burn 150-175 calories for the 27 minutes. Circuit training gives a lot more calories burned, so I would hesitate to use that. It sure feels like I burned a lot more than I actually do.
    ^ i logged it as aerobics for this reason. id rather under calculate my calories burned than over calculate them.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    I looked this up before on here and most of them basically said that they just put it under "circuit training" so that is what i do.