Need help getting back on track!

Over the last year and a half I lost around 60 lbs on MFP. I did well maintaining my weight, but during the holidays I really let loose and gained back about 10 lbs. I rejoined MFP and can't seem to get the motivation back! I track well all day and then end up binging at night! Once I start, I just can't make myself stop! Any suggestions?!


  • gtgt13
    gtgt13 Posts: 2
  • sweetsarahv
    sweetsarahv Posts: 180 Member
    I do the exact same thing! It's very frustrating. So much of losing weight is having will power, and i have almost none!!!

    Maybe you could go ahead and put what you are having for dinner/desert/snack in your tracker, and then make sure you don't eat any extra stuff after that! Get all the evil food out of your house if you find you can't control yourself around it. Honestly, sometimes I know i am hungry because i am bored, so i just take benadryl and go to bed.

    Think about how you want this everytime you are tempted to stray!! FIGHT!!!!!!!

    :smile: :smile: :smile:
  • Emtabo01
    Emtabo01 Posts: 672
    I find if I can go just 2-3 days without binging I get back on track, that's how long it takes me to get over the mental aspect of it. Take it one day at a time literally, and see where it gets you, good luck.
  • surfergirl1970
    I have a similar problem. I lose my willpower at night. So I'm trying to "front load" my calories so that I'm eating more earlier in the day and am not as hungry at night. When I feel like snacking at night, I have herbal tea or maybe some low-fat popcorn. I'm also trying to drink a glass of water when I'm feeling hungry. Sometimes it's just dehydration in disguise!
  • mjenson17
    mjenson17 Posts: 13 Member
    Putting what you plan on eating at night is a big helper. I always feel like I need something sweet at night and I get really tempted to go nuts so sometimes what I do is have a "naughty" cereal around. I don't eat it for breakfast but have it for my night time snack instead. Like the Special K with chocolate, or Krave cereal or any of those sweet ones. Their sweet enough to stop the craving but not bad enough to kill your work.

    Tell yourself how hard you worked all day to do the right thing and think about how you'd feel if you ended up binging at night. Would it be worth it?

    Good luck. Nights are tough. I'm totally with you.
  • Olivia1977
    Olivia1977 Posts: 84 Member
    The best advice I can give you is take it one day, and one meal at a time. Think of today not tommorrow. Did you make mostly smart choices? Did you give in to cravings using portion control so that you don't feel the need to binge? Did you exercise when given the opportunity. Everyday is a new start. Add friends, log in everyday and be inspired. Good luck to you!!:happy:
  • StencilChild
    StencilChild Posts: 60 Member
    I found eating 2 dinner meals, around 500-600 cals each, keeps me full longer. That, and I don't really have much of a sweet tooth, so that helps lol
  • debdelilah
    Over the last year and a half I lost around 60 lbs on MFP. I did well maintaining my weight, but during the holidays I really let loose and gained back about 10 lbs. I rejoined MFP and can't seem to get the motivation back! I track well all day and then end up binging at night! Once I start, I just can't make myself stop! Any suggestions?!

    What works for me - keep busy for most of your evening. Do something/go somewhere that takes away the "eating because you are bored" factor. And rather than deprive yourself, save a treat for just before bed - I sometimes eat before bed because it helps me sleep. If I go to bed hungry, I can stay awake/be restless. To keep on track with your weight loss, ideally the "something you do" can be exercise - that will help you sleep better too, and negate the calories of your bedtime snack.
  • ericarae33
    ericarae33 Posts: 211 Member
    Night time is such a nightmare for me too. I do great all day then I get home and eat, eat, eat.

    I've been pre-logging all my food the night before, snacks, lunch, dinner etc.
    I drink 3 liters of water a day
    I try to save 50-100 calories for a snack at night...however I find munching on lower calorie foods help, carrot sticks, light popcorn etc.
    I have also been going to bed early.

    All this seems to help
    Good Luck!!
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Over the last year and a half I lost around 60 lbs on MFP. I did well maintaining my weight, but during the holidays I really let loose and gained back about 10 lbs. I rejoined MFP and can't seem to get the motivation back! I track well all day and then end up binging at night! Once I start, I just can't make myself stop! Any suggestions?!

    What works for me - keep busy for most of your evening. Do something/go somewhere that takes away the "eating because you are bored" factor. And rather than deprive yourself, save a treat for just before bed - I sometimes eat before bed because it helps me sleep. If I go to bed hungry, I can stay awake/be restless. To keep on track with your weight loss, ideally the "something you do" can be exercise - that will help you sleep better too, and negate the calories of your bedtime snack.

    This. I have a few snacks before bed, generally greek yoghurt or cottage cheese, a hard boiled egg and a piece of fruit. The protein in the yoghurt/cottage cheese, keeps me full and since I tend to go to bed late and not be up for breakfast anyway, it works for me.