Intermittent Fasting?!?!

My question is... does the intermittent diet actually work for weight loss?
And where can I read up on it if I was interesting in starting it?


  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    You can certainly start with Eat. Stop. Eat.
  • gadenni34
    gadenni34 Posts: 294 Member
    also check out
    more info there on a little different way of IF.
    still kinda new to it myself but it seems there are a few ways to do it out there. You have to find what will work for you.
  • badmojo108
    Absolutely works for me, primarily because it is so insanely easy for me to adhere to. If I get up at 7 am I naturally don't get hungry til 4-5 in the afternoon/evening. Forcing myself to eat breakfast and lunch never made me less hungry in the evening, if anything it made me constantly ravenous. I was never satisfied after any meal, and going out to eat with friends and finding something to fit my "diet" was nearly impossible.

    There are many other supposed benefits none of which I am truly qualified to speak about, but I can say I feel amazing and my workouts have been fantastic. Using a IF style eating protocol has really changed my life, if for no other reason than it is a way of eating that I can stick to, enjoy, and never feel like I am on a diet. I could go on and on about it, but there are plenty of information and testimonials on the internet so I won't bore you, but its a long list of things I like about eating this way.

    5/2 Diet, Eat, Stop, Eat, Warrior Diet and Leangains I think are some of the more popular IF protocols out there.


    You can also just google IF diets and get lots of information on them.
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    Michael Mosley has written a book about. I have lost 2lb each week by eating upto 2000 calories Sun to Thurs and approx 1000 calories Fri and Sat. Mosley recommends 600 calories on each of the fasting days but I don't want to go that low. Fasting somehow gives you more control over the subsequent full calorie days i.e. not tempted to overeat. There are other benefits to the body too.
  • Gidzmo
    Gidzmo Posts: 904 Member
    Michael Mosley has written a book about. I have lost 2lb each week by eating up to 2000 calories Sun to Thurs and approx 1000 calories Fri and Sat. Mosley recommends 600 calories on each of the fasting days but I don't want to go that low. Fasting somehow gives you more control over the subsequent full calorie days i.e. not tempted to overeat. There are other benefits to the body too.

    There are spiritual benefits to fasting (depending on your faith tradition), but addressing those would take this thread off-topic. Some can fast, but what if you have a medical condition (where fasting might/might not be a good idea)?
  • justagirlgeek
    justagirlgeek Posts: 49 Member
    Michael Mosley has written a book about. I have lost 2lb each week by eating up to 2000 calories Sun to Thurs and approx 1000 calories Fri and Sat. Mosley recommends 600 calories on each of the fasting days but I don't want to go that low. Fasting somehow gives you more control over the subsequent full calorie days i.e. not tempted to overeat. There are other benefits to the body too.

    There are spiritual benefits to fasting (depending on your faith tradition), but addressing those would take this thread off-topic. Some can fast, but what if you have a medical condition (where fasting might/might not be a good idea)?

    Then don't do it? ;)

    IF works for me.
    (Cross posted)
    I was IFing unknowingly for years before I came across the site.
    This is what my body seems to want, so I oblige.

    I'm a 18/6, which means I fast for 18 hours a day, and eat/snack for the remaining 6 hours. I stay within my 1400 calorie allowance in that 6 hours.

    I was able to maintain a healthy weight for 2.5 years doing this.--but I was eating 2000-2200 calories.
    Then I quit smoking (last April) and put on 50lbs. ;)

    I dropped my calorie intake to 1400, added more fruits and veggies, less processed crap, exercise regularly, and throw in a full day of actual fasting (no food for 24 hours) here and there when my body tells me to.
  • Keiras_Mom
    Keiras_Mom Posts: 844 Member
    Michael Mosley has written a book about. I have lost 2lb each week by eating upto 2000 calories Sun to Thurs and approx 1000 calories Fri and Sat. Mosley recommends 600 calories on each of the fasting days but I don't want to go that low. Fasting somehow gives you more control over the subsequent full calorie days i.e. not tempted to overeat. There are other benefits to the body too.

    My understanding is that the two fast days are not supposed to be back to back. They should be non-consecutive fasting days.

    I have done the Alternate Day Diet for over a year, with fasting every other day (500 calories or less) and have had tremendous success. I've recently moved to 5:2 for maintenance.
  • thedescentofhope
    thedescentofhope Posts: 118 Member
    I'm curious over this too. I shall be fasting for Lent which is fast approaching & am curious as to how it shall affect my weight as I am fasting for religious reasons not physical health.
  • gabriela182
    I'm definitnly interested in doing IF. I will do my research for sure!
  • Mini_Medic
    Mini_Medic Posts: 343 Member
    There are IF groups on here as well with like minded people if your interested in networking with other IF'ers. :) I do the eat stop eat method where I fast for 24 hrs twice a week. On fasting day I consume 400 calories in the morning before 8am and then I stop eating and fast until 8am (or later) the next morning. Been working great for me for weight loss, provided I stick to it of course! Good luck.
  • lvtruu1
    lvtruu1 Posts: 211 Member
    Intermittent fasting (IF) is a way for some to meet their caloric needs easier. It isn't a diet. It isn't any better then eating through out the day. It is a way to partition your calories into a smaller time frame. Some find that eating only their desired window makes for far larger meals. Just don't think that you will lose more weight doing it. You won't. It does help control hunger. Once you get used to skipping breakfast, and let's be honest, that is what it is, you may find that you don't get hungry until later in the day.

    I do it most of the time, on those occasions I do eat breakfast the very next day, I'm noticeably hungry in the morning.
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    I do 20/4 and I love it. There's an IF group on here
  • stargazer008
    Occasional fasting is healthy for the body as long as you are fueling your body with nutritious foods after.

    I pretty much fast for numerous hours daily though that is because I have no time for some meals. But I do make sure to eat nutritious foods most of the time.
  • Siege_Tank
    Siege_Tank Posts: 781 Member
    I love IF.

    It's not giving me a faster weight loss, but it is a schedule that is more in tune with my natural eating habits. I do the 16/8 fast, and it's a LOT easier to resist food when I can eat as much as I want and be a glutton in my 8 hour window***

    *** disclaimer: glutton in this case means *feeling* like one, as I still stick to my calorie goals for the day
  • emills1970
    emills1970 Posts: 118 Member
    Yes, it's been working for me. I do 16:8. I found these twins on YouTube that have some good info on IF. Their YouTube channel is FastingTwins. Check them out.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    It worked for me. and still is working for me. Using it as part of my contest prep diet for an upcoming bikini comp!
  • Investorhyde1
    IF has been my ticket to sustaining a healthy lifestyle as well as losing my second 20 lbs. I am no longer a "slave" to food. Tried the eat every 2-3 hours, and while i did have some results, this is 10x better. Read up on it and learn as much as you can!
  • mabelbabel1
    mabelbabel1 Posts: 391 Member
    I am following Dr Michael Mosley's The Fast Diet it's a 5:2 Fast, I absolutely love it.

    Here's a link to the website:
  • sunlover89
    sunlover89 Posts: 436 Member
    I love Love LOVE IF! I agree with others on here, research the hell out of it. I do the 18/6 method, I start eating at 3pm each day and finish at 9pm. I eat 1200 - 2800 depending on the day and how much I've exercised and what time of the month it is!!

    I really don't see it as a diet, because there is no food I restrict myself from eating - however of course there are foods which i eat very rarely! I love the feeling of exercising on a fast and going to bed feeling full and satisfied.
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    IF really interests me, but I work different shifts each week. For example next week I have a 6-2, two 3-11s, a 11-7 and a 8-4, so it is difficult for me to pick a "feeding window" that I can stay consistent on. On my days off though I never start eating until 3 or 4 and then just eat right up until 10-11. I like it and wish I could do it consistently.