
I was looking at some programs to see how much I should weigh.I have a number that I like my body at. Anyway it says by my height and weight,i am in a normal range so I shouldn't loose. What about this fat on my stomache? lol How can they say that?


  • butterfly4u2us
    I was looking at some programs to see how much I should weigh.I have a number that I like my body at. Anyway it says by my height and weight,i am in a normal range so I shouldn't loose. What about this fat on my stomache? lol How can they say that?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Maybe you just need to tone up? Some people simply need to do a little weight training to tone and shape instead of losing.
  • littlespoon
    littlespoon Posts: 165
    The reason the range is quite wide is to take into account that due to bone structure, muscle mass etc, some people may be happy at some end of the range and some at others.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    A weight/shape can be healthy even if we don't find it pleasing to view.

    The definition of healthy used in the BMI guidelines only means that you're not at risk for heart disease, diabetes, etc. Getting thinner won't necessarily make you healthier either. Studies show that after a certain point, losing weight does not make a person less likely to develop obesity-linked diseases. And being thinner actually makes women more likely to develop osteoporosis, if you hold everything else constant.

    In summary, healthy does not equal fit. It means that you're not sick or "at risk" of getting sick (with an obesity-linked illness).
  • butterfly4u2us
    The goal I have set for myself is the lowest I should go.I actually have no problem with my body except my stomache.The only way to get rid of fat around your stomache is to loose weight.Is that correct?
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    No--and yes.

    Yes, the only way to lose "fat" is by losing weight--BUT you could very well simply need to tone that area and not necessarily need to lose any weight.
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    You can burn fat without losing weight if you simultaneously build muscle. But building muscle is harder than people think. Therefore, if you want to lose fat, you do need to lose weight.

    Doing situps will strengthen your stomach muscles - which may be what Shorerider means by "toning" the area. However, you won't see results unless you lose the fat layer over the muscles by doing cardio. Aim for 30 minutes to an hour per day. That's the most efficient way to lose the fat. Just be careful not to overeat after you exercise - i.e. keep your net calories where they belong.