What ONE food habit... would you go back in time to stop.



  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    I spent two years working in a bakery, putting myself through college. Then I changed jobs and worked in a gourmet restaurant for 6 years before graduation. That's 8 years surrounded by rich, fatty unhealthy food. I acquired a love for anything rich, and sugary or covered in sauce. I've been working on breaking this habitual love fest with food for over 30 years now. It's still a struggle from time to time, but I've got a handle on control. My secret is if I don't log it, I don't eat it. My food diary keeps me accountable for what I eat, and it works for me.

    I spent nearly three working as a finisher and LOST weight from so much activity. Plus when you're working with food you don't actually see it as something that goes into your mouth, it's a task that needs to be done. Might be different if you were the one coming up with the recipes, though.
  • mmaoz
    mmaoz Posts: 6 Member
    RUSHED EATING. Eating fast after having my second kid. To keep up with him to be "Ready" in case he cried or anything. For some reason I was like ON DUTY all the time with him, maybe cause he was in the NICU after being born I felt like I had to be ready for anything and plus I was nursing so I just barely allowed myself time to eat. I nursed with the first one, but the second one seemed more fragile or vulnerable it had me on eggshells.

    As he got older and mobile I continued this habit to be ready to catch him or predict accidents. He seriously was more active than my 1st kid but I don't think I needed to start out this way and it wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. There was a time when he was about 3 when hubby asked me, "did you even taste that?" and that's the first time I realized I was doing it. "why HAVE you been doing that lately?" he asked and it all came out. I got over it during the following year as he outgrew his terrible two's but I wish I'd never gotten in the habit of rushed eating because I think I could have lost some of the baby weight naturally if I hadn't eaten that way for so long. I think I'd have about half the weight to lose right now than I currently do.

    I don't understand how eating fast would result in more weight gain. It's impossible.
  • kmsairam
    kmsairam Posts: 317 Member
    Eating at night. Correction: eating like a pig at night.
  • PapaverSomniferum
    PapaverSomniferum Posts: 2,677 Member
    I would have never developed my desire to have these massive portion sizes!

    Why am I never satisfied on something reasonable? It's always got to be huge or I'll just crave more, even if I'm not actually hungry.

    That habit started some time in my early teens. I should have developed a fitness habit instead.
  • dawnna76
    dawnna76 Posts: 987 Member
    I spent two years working in a bakery, putting myself through college. Then I changed jobs and worked in a gourmet restaurant for 6 years before graduation. That's 8 years surrounded by rich, fatty unhealthy food. I acquired a love for anything rich, and sugary or covered in sauce. I've been working on breaking this habitual love fest with food for over 30 years now. It's still a struggle from time to time, but I've got a handle on control. My secret is if I don't log it, I don't eat it. My food diary keeps me accountable for what I eat, and it works for me.

    I am a cake decorator and a baker, I work around this stuff everyday. However I have that part of my diet under control. My biggest past pitfall was soda. My mom drank tab (now diet coke) like a fish drinks water. It was the staple liquid in our home. My mom also was not a cook ( she nice burned a pan of boiling water) so I never learned to eat well. It was all hot dish and smothered and covered type stuff. Midwest meat and potatoes diet. Life is different now. I reached my first goal of 50 lost and am know hooding to cross the finish line this year.

    Oh and I do love my mom, so I am not picking on her in tHis post. She is my best friend and confidant now, just stating that I learned from I her who learned from her mother before her.
  • RickGrey4
    Discovering Chick-Fil-A's spicy chicken sandwich! And of course I needed the associated fries and Coke to cool down my tongue!
  • 1987RFS
    1987RFS Posts: 57 Member
    I really regret skipping breakfast for pretty much all of my teenage and young adult years.
  • tsikkz
    tsikkz Posts: 404 Member
    I was overweight my whole life, and as a kid I would come home from school and eat like 4 slices of bread everyday before dinner
  • hulahooper17
    Starting in middle school, I would immediately eat a huge snack after school. We're talking pasta, ice cream, popcorn,cereal, muffins, etc. Then after this 3 PM gorge, I would eat a full dinner. My rationale was that I had worked so hard all day and I was so hungry. When I started logging, I realized how many extra calories were being consumed needlessly and hurriedly. It was ridiculous how much crap I ate in a 2o minute span.I still have this innate craving for food driving home from school, but I stop it by eating a healthy breakfast and lunch and finding something active to do in the afternoons.
  • verdancyhime
    verdancyhime Posts: 237 Member
    RUSHED EATING. Eating fast after having my second kid. To keep up with him to be "Ready" in case he cried or anything. For some reason I was like ON DUTY all the time with him, maybe cause he was in the NICU after being born I felt like I had to be ready for anything and plus I was nursing so I just barely allowed myself time to eat. I nursed with the first one, but the second one seemed more fragile or vulnerable it had me on eggshells.

    As he got older and mobile I continued this habit to be ready to catch him or predict accidents. He seriously was more active than my 1st kid but I don't think I needed to start out this way and it wouldn't have gotten so out of hand. There was a time when he was about 3 when hubby asked me, "did you even taste that?" and that's the first time I realized I was doing it. "why HAVE you been doing that lately?" he asked and it all came out. I got over it during the following year as he outgrew his terrible two's but I wish I'd never gotten in the habit of rushed eating because I think I could have lost some of the baby weight naturally if I hadn't eaten that way for so long. I think I'd have about half the weight to lose right now than I currently do.

    I don't understand how eating fast would result in more weight gain. It's impossible.

    depends on if you're cooking what you shove in your face or not.
  • tachyon_master
    tachyon_master Posts: 226 Member
    Eating whatever I wanted because I could.

    As a teenager and into my early 20's, I was part of an elite athletes program. I trained 3-4 hours a day before and after school/university classes and competed at a national level. I never once thought about what I ate because I did so much training that it didn't ever matter. If I wanted to stuff my face with a 2 litre bottle of coke and 2 plates of nachos for dinner, I could. If I wanted 2 large pizzas, no problems.

    I wish I'd learned healthier eating habits rather than eating what I wanted just because I could.
  • doingItIn2012
    doingItIn2012 Posts: 80 Member
    I would find a better way to deal with life's issues than eating sugar. Ice cream always seemed to comfort me when I was miserable. Then I became more miserable after gaining the weight. It has been a huge cycle.
  • vwooosh
    Drinking soda and boredom eating.
  • geojeepgirl
    geojeepgirl Posts: 243 Member
    Starbucks.venti peppermint white mocha...or doritos with jalepano cheese dip ifrom the can or chillis chips and salsa....ok so I have three. These are items i have a hard time not going back to once ive slipped.
  • bigsisterdice
    My worst food habit was mindlessly eating whatever I could find in the cupboard after school while watching TV - it was usually something like sugary cereal, or cookies, or something else just as bad, with absolutely no regard for portion control. Some days it was an entiiiire block of cheese and an entiiiiire sleeve of Ritz crackers, and then a very large dinner with my family all sitting around the TV some more... These days that habit has switched to an evening snack time with my hubby, but I at least (usually) make it something healthy now like an apple.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Taking the money from my first job and buying all the foods I was never allowed to have as much as I wanted of before.

    You'd think I'd get sick of it after a couple of years (not to mention sick the way I gorged myself) but no. I didn't stop until I decided to lose weight (and that I did by crash dieting like the ignorant fool I was).

    I wish I had spent that money on music, books, movies, anything but food.
  • IreneAdler221
    IreneAdler221 Posts: 185 Member
    Soda, hands down. I used to drink at least my daily calorie goal in mountain dew.
  • Dianescraps
    stress eating - and anything blizzard related (Sonic's, McDonalds or Dairy Queen's version - it doesn't matter)
  • Crystle85
    I would have never started eating like my boyfriend when we moved in together after high school...who'd have thunk that eating like a 6'6" large framed man would be bad for lil ol' 5'3" me??? :huh:
  • lizzynewm
    lizzynewm Posts: 199 Member
    late-night-after-dinner-sneaking-eating. that was my whole childhood. sneaking into the kitchen late at night, procuring some sort of lavish and ridiculously unhealthy snack, and scurrying back to my room like a weird little animal.