Turbo Jam will arrive tomorrow! Any user friendly advice?

I have ordered Turbo Jam and it is due to arrive tomorrow! :drinker: :drinker: Any user friendly advice? Anyone figured out any sercrets to making it work best for them? I would love to hear advice and sucess stories of those who lost your weight using it!

Thanks in advance!:happy:


  • LostTeen
    LostTeen Posts: 110
    I have Turbo Jam, I hardly use it, I think i'm going to start using it again
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    Do the "learn and burn" before you try any of the other workouts. I did not the first time and I did not know any of the moves and it was very hard to keep up. It's fun and silly though and it feels like a great workout
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Turbo Jam is alot of fun....Just put your all into it....Its not as hard as P90X or Insanity....but its so much fun, that you will tend to stick to it longer

  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Turbo Jam is my favourite thing on earth! I’ve been Jamming for over 3 years now, can’t get enough!

    Be patient, you’ll pick up the moves fast, don’t worry!

    A couple weeks ago I tried the 30 Day Shred just to mix it up and was so disappointed. 30 day shred doesn’t target your abs at all, there is no good music and no enthusiasm plus all the moves are so basic like jumping jacks – guess that’s why its only $10 and Turbo Jam is like $75 on the infomercial.

    You don’t have to be super coordinated to do TJ, I am definitely not but do love to dance randomly. Feel free to ask me any questions you have (no, I am NOT a beachbody coach looking to take your money)

  • Jglover30
    Jglover30 Posts: 7
    I have turbo jam too, it's great for toning and it's really fun so goes by fast. My best advice is to really pay attention to your body position especially when doing the leg lifts. If you do them like they do on the video you'll get better results in you core.