Bad boys



  • I once tore the mattress tag of the mattress. It clearly said "Do Not Remove", but I am a rebel and I don't even care what the consequences are because that is how I roll.

    LOL that made me laugh...haha
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    Tattoos, a bike, piercings and leather jacket makes me go weak at the knees.
  • Most of the "good" guys I dated had weird sexual proclivities like an unhealthy relationship to porn or masturbating on the regular with with fruit warmed up in the microwave. True story.

    Yea, I dated a 'good guy' in high school. Very quiet, very sweet, very caring. Turned out when he joined the military, he cheated on me in tech school with some random girl in his class...and he became severely addicted to porn and World of Warcraft. LOL. Now he's dating a ghetto criminal. I guess what he wanted the whole time was a 'bad girl'. What a waste of seven years! LOL @ the warmed fruit story. hehehehehe
  • leketchup
    leketchup Posts: 27 Member
    I realize a lot of women like the "Bad Boy" in men. So ladies, in your opinion, what makes a "Bad Boy"?

    What age women you dealing with? Well let me tell you secret very young ones likes it, but it goes away once they get mature enough.

    So stay away from them and find smart women;)
  • I dont go for bad boys, i go for good boys that look like they're bad and are bad in the bedroom but only with me x
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    I rather a nice guy with good credit and table manners.
  • Controversial
    Controversial Posts: 157 Member
    When he uses the handicap button to open the door at the mall.... And he's not even handicapped.

    Mm hm, love me some bad bad boys!
  • rickpearce
    rickpearce Posts: 100 Member
    I've got awesome nunchuck skills...
  • rishonb
    rishonb Posts: 232
    Ladies absolutely dig bad boys....they may not always tell you but behind closed doors you better have some bad in you fellas or your woman will end up with me while your home with the kids!!!!!..the key is to be romantic and charming but when the lights go out don't be afraid to make her work for it!!!! .trust me by 8am the breakfast will be on the table ..cloths nicely pressed!! and she might even take the damn garbage out...
  • I wouldn't call them bad boys, but I have a weakness for the hot tattooed rugged looking guy with a sexy look that makes me wanna rip his clothes off, throw him down & bite his lip!!!!!
  • bad boys aren't my weakness, tall, funny guys with glasses are :)
  • Angela_2_Oh
    Angela_2_Oh Posts: 579 Member
    Well, I grew up with a dad in law enforcement, so dating those with criminal intent was a rebellion thing. In fact, he threatened to shoot my senior prom date. That was interesting.

    When I left home, I still dated bad boys, the kind that had drug problems or emotional issues that made them completely unable to form healthy relationships.

    Finally I got tired of trying to fix people who didn't want to be fixed, being lied to, cheated on, and generally treated like crap. I outgrew that fascination quickly!

    I guess I just liked the challenge :tongue:
  • andyisandy
    andyisandy Posts: 433 Member
    for me a bad boy is not about what he does out side the bed room (actully i pefer a good guy with a sense humor) but a freak in the sheets
  • jersey_jenn
    jersey_jenn Posts: 122 Member
    i'll take a good boy that I can corrupt any day over an already bad boy ;P

    Raises my hand. ;-) LOL

    ok, see that liquor store? i'll wait in the car with the motor running, do it just like we practiced ;P