5k Registration fees



  • evilmj31
    evilmj31 Posts: 55 Member
    I know some of those fees are crazy. I like the whole atmosphere of running in groups like that. I do the Bluenose every year because I love the experience. But some of the others can run up to $50.00 and I think that is just nuts.
  • jeffrodgers1
    jeffrodgers1 Posts: 991 Member
    Haven't run a 5K in a while (I do mostly half marathon)... but I think most races these days have a charity in mind.

    If there isn't a charity and their isn't some swag involved (cool medal, shirt etc).... I don't run them.

    A couple of things to consider though... it costs money to put on these events. Someone has to pay for the facility charges, the gatorade, the toilets, the bibs etc.

    Two bigger questions you may want to consider before running an event is "how well organized is it?" and "how many people are signed up?" Paying $50 for a bush league event is a lot different than paying $50 for a well organized and well attended event.
  • amymichelle1226
    amymichelle1226 Posts: 150 Member
    I wouldn't pay for an expensive 5k if you're not at least getting a shirt! I've only done two, one was the color run and it was $45 and you got the shirt and it went to a cause...and my 2nd one was a 5k and it was $25 and you got a shirt and snacks. I'm doing the warrior dash in May and it was $45 and I get the shirt, medal, etc.

    It's just a 5k, $75 is expensive if you are really not getting anything....maybe if it was a longer race, but for a 5k? I wouldn't! Look for some cheaper ones!
  • danimal5867
    I paid $35 for the Brita Resolution Run 5K on New Years' Day. The thing that made it worth it for me was the fact that instead of a t-shirt all the entrants received a running jacket from The Running Room. I can't see myself paying more than $25 if I'm only getting a t-shirt. Obviously for longer races I'll be willing to pay more.
  • links_slayer
    links_slayer Posts: 1,151 Member
    If you enjoy running, run. But if you can do something you enjoy, AND help out at the same time, why not?

  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have a group put together for the Dirty Girl mud run. It's $75 a person and a few of them don't like the cost. My argument is that we get a drink, a shirt and time spent together and an experience that is worth MUCH more than what we are paying, plus this one benefits Breast cancer foundation.

    I have also volunteered to drive an hour each way and pay for outfits. Like I said, the experience is worth it alone to me for a mud run. A regular 5k, no.
  • RunsOnEspresso
    RunsOnEspresso Posts: 3,218 Member
    Since we are talking registration fees, are they tax deductable?

    Typically no because you receive something in return (water, food, swag) it is not deductible.
  • pplf2001
    pplf2001 Posts: 133 Member
    $45 is the most expensive 5K I've ever seen/done... usually you get a discount for early registration. The ones that expensive also are a charity fundraiser. $95 for a 5K is ridiculous.

    I usually spend $30 to $45 for a 5K - and I've run about a dozen different races.
  • Ras_py
    Ras_py Posts: 129 Member
    Thats pretty pricy for a 5K.
    I only do one race that does not have 100% of proceeds to some sort of organization... usually breast cancer since my mom is a survivor! Thats how I choose which races i will support with my cash!!
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Why do you want to run in a race? If your looking for people to run with check for local clubs or groups, most are free. Most running stores sponsor clubs or events. In Michigan there are multiple races most weekends. Most races are fund racers whether for a cause or profit. Some races provide an official time, some provide aid stations, some give you cool swag, some give you a party at the end, some even have prices for placing, or a finisher medal, some you get nothing. So check into what they are providing and where the money is going then decide if it's worth it to you.

    http://www.runningintheusa.com/ claims to be the largest race directory in the US. If they don't list races for your area your local running or sports stores they should be able to point you to somewhere that does.

    If all your looking for is free running partners, look on craigslist, meetup, yahoo groups, or facebook.
  • MsMartyMac
    Different runs cost different amounts and late registration is ALWAYS more expensive. So plan ahead so you register Early Bird. For your first one I would do a 5K that is in your area so you aren't also spending extra on hotel stays. Usually local runs are in the $25 range (some more, some less). Highly publicized races cost more and Big Name races cost more. The color runs, mud runs, and other crazy runs cost more mostly due to supplies but some of it is the name. I was disappointed to see the Biggest Loser 5k was already $45 but I think I missed the early bird for my area. If it is something that sounds really fun and you just want to try it you can always do it once and you don't have to do it again if it proves not to be worth the extra dough. just my $0.02. But most of all Have Fun!! My 2013 goal is one a month so I am looking for cheap, early, discount registrations. I registered for the Color me Rad on a promo day for $25!!! So glad I did!!
  • maab_connor
    maab_connor Posts: 3,927 Member
    I spend a lot on mine, but they're all mud runs so it's worth it. They gotta set up a whole obstacle course and you get shirts and a medal and all that.

    But if it's just left foot, right foot over some pavement? $40 max. And that better be for some charity while we're at it.


    mud runs cost money to put up, and a lot of them work w/ charities as well. i know that Susan G Komen 5k's can get pricey, but cancer research isn't cheap. but if it's just a run 5k on pavement? yeah, more than $40 is insane
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    Any 5Ks I've done have been for the benefit of something.. March of dimes is my favorite and that's all about raising proceeds... I will be doing Color Me Rad this summer which is for Ronald McDonald house in my area... There is one that I plan on doing which is $40 that is glow run.. no cause, but the experience to me is worth it.. other then that I don't pay for them.. unless it's for a cause

    however mud runs are worth it!! I did Warrior Dash last year.. and this year the plan is Foam Fest and Warrior Dash! Both which cost about $50-75
  • timeasterday
    timeasterday Posts: 1,368 Member
    I just started running and our company just started a program where they will pay back up to $500/annually for fitness-related expenses. I don't go to a gym so this will pretty much pay for a race every month.
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    General tip: LivingSocial Events has a lot of race deals for half off registration fees. Just this week I saw a $40 Firefly 5K for $20 (supports the children's hospital) and a $25 Mardi Gras 5K for $12 (supports an animal shelter). Deals like that are a good way to keep your race cost down.
  • lenniebus
    lenniebus Posts: 321 Member
    I have only done local 5k's /8k's where the proceeds go to charity. I think the most expensive one is $25. I get a t-shirt, snacks at the end, etc. They even award prizes for the top finishers. Not sure I'd be willing to spend much more...it would have to be a pretty good race for a pretty great cause.
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    The most I ever paid was $100... but they contributed much of the funds to orthopaedic research funding...

    I don't think I would as willing to pay that much if was for some sort non-profit agency or charitable situation.
  • TripleJ3
    TripleJ3 Posts: 945 Member
    I pay about $30 plus their stupid "processing fees". I do the same races pretty much so I already know when they start taking registrations so I can get the early bird specials. I have added two new ones this year but already had planned on them so I paid for those before their prices went up.

    I like to do several a year, I couldn't imagine paying $50 or more for just one especially if there is traveling involved unless I was only racing just the one.

    I get more ticked off about the extra processing fees since I am paying online but its similar to concerts and no way around it.

    Edit to add, its also getting more expensive since my oldest daughter is into running the kids runs. She is starting to show interest in trying 3 miles so then the price will really go up! But I love that she wants to and try to get my middle daughter to try the kids versions but it just may not be her thing.
  • abbiekgurl
    abbiekgurl Posts: 22 Member
    I live in Ohio and recently signed up with the Ohio River Road Runners (www.orrrc.org). They list any races in the area for the entire year, allow you to volunteer (if you're interested in that kind of thing), and have quite a few races that are either free or charge a minimal fee for ORRRC members. For a year membership of $20, it's not bad at all! There may be something like this in your area too, you just have to look! :smile:
  • savlov30
    savlov30 Posts: 233 Member
    Good Morning,

    I did 12 races last year. I did 5k, 10k and mud races. I really don't look at the prices. I look at the experience. Think about what your goals are and what you want out of the races.

    If you have any questions about a particular one and I did it, I am more than willing to answer it.

    Last year races:
    Color run
    scavenger dash
    Litchfield park 10k
    IMS 5k
    Lifetime Indoor Tri
    Warrior Dash
    Foam Race
    Gladiator Run
    Neon Splash
    Pendergast 5k
    United for Maria 5k
    Pat Tilman 4.6