All Pro's Simple Beginner Routine

Before posting this, I would like to say that this is in NO way my routine that I've created or anything of the sort. It is a routine that I found on another site that is very popular and loved to the point where the post has 20k+ replies. I feel like beginners such as myself have been looking for a workout as perfect as this to get into the best shape of their lives and this is a perfect way to start. Enjoy and feel free to ask any questions.

You will do 3 work outs per week on non-consecutive days. The first work out is your heavy work out. The second work out is your medium work out, use 10% less weight for your work sets. The final work out for the week is your light workout, use 20% less weight.

-Do a light warm up with 1/4 of your work sets weight.
-Do a medium warm up with 1/2 of your work sets weight.
-Do 2 work sets with the same weight. Choose a starting weight and start light.
-You only need to do the warm up sets for the first three exercises. The rest of the exercises you can just do two sets of your full sets weight.

You will be running this program on a five week cycle as follows:
The first week do all 4 sets for 8 reps.
The second week do all 4 sets for 9 reps.
The third week do all 4 sets for 10 reps.
The fourth week do all 4 sets for 11 reps.
The fifth week do all 4 sets for 12 reps.

If you got all of the required reps on the fifth week then increase the weight by 10% and repeat the cycle. If you didn't get all of the reps on the fifth week then repeat the cycle with the same weight. You shouldn't need more than one minute rest between the warm up sets and you shouldn't need more than one minute thirty seconds between the work sets.
Do at least 3 days of cardio a week for fat loss and abs work on non-weight training days.


  • robosphere
    robosphere Posts: 66 Member
    I'm on this routine right now, and I'm loving it. Before I started this, I was kind of directionless in the weightroom. Now I know what I'm doing, what I'm shooting for, etc. I'm on cycle 3, and I'm going to run it as long as I can
  • omgitszali
    It definitely does feel great to have a routine and know what to do now. I was in your position as well and now that I've got this routine I actually look forward to hitting the weights. How are your results so far?
  • robosphere
    robosphere Posts: 66 Member
    So far so good. Weight-wise, I'm about the same as when I started, because I couldn't decide if I was bulking or cutting. I decided to just commit to a cut, and have done cycle 3 so far on a cut. I got all my heavy day reps in all exercises so far. This cycle looks like it's gearing up to kick my butt, though. BP is going to be rough, for sure. Probably the curls too.
  • omgitszali
    Did you happen to change anything about the workout? I definitely wanna cut so that's why I'm curious. My plan was to just find my 10RM and use that to start my routine.
  • xxmangexx
    xxmangexx Posts: 13 Member
    I finished cycle 1 of this routine last week and really feel this is a good program. I used to hit the weight room pretty hard when I was younger, and this is a great stepping stone to get back in the gym after so many years. It balances very well with family life and work commitments.

    How many cycles has everyone else done? I am hoping this program will last me a long time. I have looked at all pro's intermidiate routines and they look pretty intense.
  • dlcuthbert
    dlcuthbert Posts: 25 Member
    Just started this program yesterday. Excited to see how this will work
  • tarik74
    I too started this program last week. I am on my second week and it works great for my life style.