Tough Mudder!!

Is anyone signed up for the Tough Mudder in 2013? Or have you ever done it?

Im wondering what kind of training advice people can give me if you have already done it, and was it totally exhausting? I signed up for one on July 20th this summer so I have PLENTY of time to train, however, I did 7 miles yesterday and was exhausted... and this obstacle course is 10-12 miles! Not sure how Im going to do this... help!


  • blackbelt1967
    I did my first one on 12/1/12 , I'm usually a 5k runner but have done halfs, to get ready I asked around like your doing and I was told work on running and upper body strength which was dead on as I topped out my running at 10 miles every other week but stayed at 5-7 miles twice a week. Upper body strength I did a lot of pull ups which in my 3-4 months of training i went from doing 3 to doing 15, I also did the rest of my weight lifting as usual but focused a lot on my back as I have neglected them in the past. If your goal is to run the whole course ( which you don't have to ) I'd focus on working up to 12-15 miles once a week. I ran the first 8 along w my son who doesn't run but with all the obstacles we both began cramping. We had no real problem with any of the obstacles so if you can just up your mileage gradually till the race and work lifting some weights you will do fine. Hope this helps and good luck
  • danijolson
    danijolson Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you so much! This does help, that is what I have heard from coworkers also but I thought I would check on here too. I feel like doing 10-12 miles at once would take me FOREVER!! Maybe I should pop a movie in or two and just go on the treadmill haha! I don't plan on running the whole thing, I just want to finish! My upper body strength right now is next to nothing, I cant do more than like 2 push up's let alone ONE pullup- but that is something to work on. I think it will be easier when I lose weight. Im at 184 right now and my goal is to be down in the 140's by the time I run this thing, so hopefully being lighter will help with being able to lift myself... we will see! Thanks so much for your help!