Beginning a 100 lb journey and looking to know I'm not alone

Hi All. I'm a 41 year old male. I'm married with three children. My family, that is who I'm here for. I want to live a long healthy life and be here to see all their accomplishments and life moments. My weight has brought on numberous medical issues, all of which are under control, but I want them gone. I don't want to take insulin shots anymore, pills, breathing machines while I sleep...I think you get the point. My doctor suggested that I come to this site. He said that I'd be surprised at all the people looking to do the same things. I've at least 100lbs to loose, and plan to be here through that journey. Part of my past problems in "dieting" is not having anyone to answer to. I'm currently under the supervision of my doctor and will be checking in with him every two weeks. He'll know if I'm not sticking to my goals. Where as in the past with family (what they don't see me eat, they won't know)... I'm very motivated this time. I'm not looking this journey as a diet, but as a new chapter or change in my life. So anyone out there interested in following this journey or would also like me to follow in theirs, hit me up.


  • I've lost 25 lbs since May 2012 and I still have 100 to go. This site has helped me by making me accountable for what I put in my mouth and encouraged me to exercise. Hang in there! We can do this!
  • turg412
    turg412 Posts: 2 Member
    You are not alone, I am a 51 year old female with over 100lbs to lose. I am married with two kids and am looking for a life change not a diet. Would like to be there for you and also if you can be there for me. I just started....
  • NewMnky1
    NewMnky1 Posts: 264
    Feel free to add me as a friend. I have lost 101 pounds to date and still have another 28 pounds to go. When I started I was borderline everything (diabetic, high cholesterol, high blood pressure). My blood test indicator for a heart attack came back extremely high which is what kick started my weight loss, so I totally get where you are coming from. You can do this!!! And this site is awesome. I am addicted to MFP, in a good way LOL!!!
  • I'm on that same journey with you so hop on the bus and hang on. It may get a little bumpy from time to time but nothing that you can't overcome. :happy:
  • BestSelf98
    BestSelf98 Posts: 19 Member
    A few weeks after I started, I made a new habit of spending a few minutes reading these SUCCESS forums. It is very inspiring. It's great that you are interacting here. I've tried ot start doing that a little too each day. Maybe it enourages the person originationg the topic, but I find it make me feel more accountable that I'm a more "active" member on the site.
  • You're not alone. I'm at about 100 lbs to lose right now (after spending the last year and a half losing 32ish pounds). Feel free to throw me a friend request. We're all in this together!
  • karlbowyer
    karlbowyer Posts: 6 Member
    Hi looking at it as a change of lifestyle is the right way to do it you can enjoy it then,if you just see it as a diet it will just become a challenge i am on my 4th week now using the app and have dropped a stone already and i am loving it. Add some people on here they are great, feel free to add me and good luck with it all.