Labor Day Challenge!



  • Mande_G
    Mande_G Posts: 599 Member
    Checking in!

    May 3: 173.0
    May 10:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal: 155

    Goal: To get in my exercise (30 day shred) 6 out of the next 7 days (Friday will be my rest day this week); to keep a firm hand on the reins of my diet this week; and to get in plenty of water (3+ liters/day).

    This weekend my husband graduates from law school and we will have lots of family in town. Friday there will be a party at the in-law's place, with catered barbecue (I'm bringing veggies, fruit, yogurt dip, pita and hummus), Saturday night my folks want to treat us to dinner, and Sunday my husband's aunt is preparing homemade lasagna. Did I mention the cupcakes? There will be fresh bakery cupcakes on Friday as well.

    I need to stay strong this week so I can make good choices this weekend, and not cave to temptation. :smile:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    May 3: 167
    May 11:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 160

    I didn't get the exercise in.:cry: Eeeesh. My goal for this week is to get in AT LEAST 3 days with exercise besides my walking. I CAN do this!!!!!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Hi guys!
    I'm in too!

    SW: 195
    CW: 160
    GW: 125

    May 3: 160
    May 11:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 128

    I'm not sure what the dates are, but I am hoping to run a 5K this summer and at least 1 triathlon. My goal for this week is to work out everyday for at least 60 min. and complete all of my Couch to 5K Program runs. : ) I'm going to edit this with dates plugged in and I actually weighed in today at 160, so here goes...

    Ok, I am officially edited and ready to go!
    : )
  • cmurphy04722
    cmurphy04722 Posts: 254
    Haha I fail the first day of my goals on here, I didn't do 45 minutes of cardio...just 30 on the bike. My shoulders and back are sunburnt to a crisp and I couldn't bear the rub of my tank top any longer. I am alright with that since I ate decently today :-) Back to the Aleve and aloe lotion, hopefully I'll start peeling soon and the pain will subside.
  • mtns2010
    mtns2010 Posts: 17 Member
    I'd like to join this challenge. I'm 42, work at a desk too much and find that those pounds that used to drop away with outdoor activities aren't dropping any more. (A recent knee injury doesn't help.) Love the MyFitnessPal phone app but don't like that what I believed were fairly healthy habits are really too many calories in and not enough out! I'm realizing I need to just set a goal and work at it a little harder, exercise a little more regularly, and pay a little more attention to what I eat. Support in doing that would be nice.

    Starting Weight = 170
    Height = 5'10"
    Final Weight Goal = 145-148
    College friends visiting (and want to look and feel better) = Aug. 1

    May 3: SW = 170
    May 11:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7: Goal = 165
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5: Goal = 157
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2: Goal = 148
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6:
  • swilkie1961
    swilkie1961 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm not sure what the dates are, but I am hoping to run a 5K this summer and at least 1 triathlon. My goal for this week is to work out everyday for at least 60 min. and complete all of my Couch to 5K Program runs. : ) I'm going to edit this with dates plugged in and I actually weighed in today at 160, so here goes...

    Ok, I am officially edited and ready to go!
    : )

    I am planning a triathlon too! Sometime in June. I did my first one last October and it was great. I see that your starting at the same weight as I am. Good Luck! - Sungyun
  • binkyb00
    binkyb00 Posts: 81 Member
    May 3: 141.4
    May 11:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- 125

    Personal challenge: Work out the whole week, and I did! Woohoo! I lost about 4 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's something I have never done before. I was eating quite healthy too until Sunday :( I ate chipotle and auntie ann's pretzels. But I'm not going to let that stop me. I'm hoping I can loose 4 lbs again by the end of this week.
  • I would like to join this group.

    May 3: 251.2
    May 11:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:

    Personal Challenge this week is to drink water all week long. This is hard for me my family loves the pop.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning everyone! I hope everyone's Tuesday gets off to a great start. I slept pretty well last night which is something that doesn't happen often so I can appreciate it. Today is week 3 day 2 of the P90X program and it's a cardio day. Since I have been pretty successful w/HIIT I decided to try it again today. I really pushed myself w/the HIIT today and was very, very proud of myself.

    Here's how I completed the routine today

    5 minutes - warm up - 5.0 mph
    30 second sprint - 8.0 mph
    2 minute - recovery speed 6.0 mph
    30 second sprint - 8.0 mph
    2 minute - recovery speed 6.0 mph

    I alternated between my sprint and recovery speeds for a total of 30 minutes.

    Last week my sprint speed was 7.7 mph so I increased it just a bit. Next week I may try incorporating some type of incline into the equation but I'm not sure just yet.

    Once the HIIT was completed I hoped on the spinning bike for 15 minutes and then completed a 15 minute ab circuit.
  • jzbaby626
    jzbaby626 Posts: 466
    Well I didn't do too hot the last time around, but am going to give it another try.

    May 3: 141.4
    May 11:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30: {124~Goal}

    My personal challenge is to start logging all my food again. I have been slacking on that lately.
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    I would like to join! I had to take a break from MFP because of college but I'm done. I'm getting back on the wagon this week. I didn't gain any weight when I was gone but I didn't lose either. Plans this month include quit drinking pop, start the couch to 5k (hopefully next week, but I have a bad cough right now) and getting back to logging food everyday. I don't have a scale to weigh myself because I'm in the middle of moving.
    This is Day 2 no pop for me :smile:
  • tamazinglee
    tamazinglee Posts: 186 Member
    I'd like to join in this challenge (I know I am a little late).

    I need to be held accountable!!! I left MFP and gained a lot of weight. I am back now!!!

    May 3: 187
    May 11:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30: 160

    My challenge this week will be Mother's many brunches and dinners and cookouts and cake and candy - oh my!
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    I'm not sure what the dates are, but I am hoping to run a 5K this summer and at least 1 triathlon. My goal for this week is to work out everyday for at least 60 min. and complete all of my Couch to 5K Program runs. : ) I'm going to edit this with dates plugged in and I actually weighed in today at 160, so here goes...

    Ok, I am officially edited and ready to go!
    : )

    I am planning a triathlon too! Sometime in June. I did my first one last October and it was great. I see that your starting at the same weight as I am. Good Luck! - Sungyun

    Very cool!
    I did 3 over a decade ago, and then life got in the way, but I am ready to do it again! I'm looking to do some runs earlier in the summer and probably won't get to the tri's till Aug. or so... : ) The water in CO is pretty cool and it takes a while to warm up, (that or I'm just being a wimp! HA!)
    Good luck to you as well! Let me know how things are going as you jump back into the season! It's nice when other people are in your weight range so you can be encouraged by their progress!
    : )
  • sphinctress
    sphinctress Posts: 202 Member
    Even though I'm not running this thing, I'm glad everybody's here!
    : )
  • sslopez24
    sslopez24 Posts: 110 Member
    I am in!!

    May 3: 160
    May 10:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 14: Goal-135

    It's crunch time for me!! I have 2 1/2 months to get there!! Palm Springs here I come!! :happy:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Glad to see everyone here! I'm not sure that I'll count last night as one of my days of exercise. I DID do more than my usual 2-3 mile walk. We took an additional walk, which made the total almost 4 miles. However, I need to do more than just walk, I think, to break this plateau I've been on. :ohwell: I'm so close, yet so far, from my goal! :ohwell: Tomorrow night is out for exercise, I have a concert and that will take up most of the evening. Friday I'll be travelling most of the day, so that's out. Sunday I will be visiting the zoo and a science museum. That will involve LOTS of walking. I will DEFINATELY be wearing my HRM for THAT!:laugh: But that means that today, and Saturday are my best bets. I MIGHT be able to squeeze in another either before we leave Friday or after we get back Sunday.

    School is out next week. That will help IMMENSELY in the time department! That is until I start my masters classes in mid-June!:tongue: Got to get it in while I can!
  • Sounds good! :happy:

    May 3: 157
    May 10:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal - 130

    My goal for this week is to eat carefully and exercise at least 3 times.
  • wimomma
    wimomma Posts: 21 Member
    I'm coming in a little late, but this is a great motivation to get back on track. I peaked last year at 194 lb, lost 20+, and slowly let 10 lb. slip back on. I am looking forward to some accountability and to encourage others to make a healthy lifestyle change as well.

    My goal for this week is to simply log my food consistently again.

    May 3: 184
    May 10:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal - 160
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday everyone! It's a BEAUTIFUL day here in GA, the sun is shining bright but it's going to be a hot one. Since I'm off today I'm going to mow the lawn before the heat becomes too brutal but I wanted to check in prior to heading out.

    Today is week 3 day 5 of the P90X program and the "Leg and Back" dvd is complete. TOM is still trying to kick my tail but I'm fighting back harder today. Despite the achy body I really tried to bring it this morning and feel pretty good w/the outcome. I have one more day before I begin recovery week and i'm really looking forward to it.

    Hope everyone has a great day!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    May 3: 121.5
    May 11:
    May 17:
    May 24:
    May 31:
    June 7:
    June 14:
    June 21:
    June 28:
    July 5:
    July 12:
    July 19:
    July 26:
    August 2:
    August 9:
    August 16:
    August 23:
    August 30:
    September 6: Goal- maintain weight btwn 120-125 lbs.

    I just realized I never posted my starting weight. Thank to the May Day challenge I was able to hit my goal weight back in late January/early February so now comes the huge challenge of keeping it off. I've managed to not only keep it off but to also lose a few pounds in the process. I hope to use the Labor Day challenge to remain accountable and to ultimately add tone/definition to my body. My goal is to decrease my body fat %. I don't have a body fat calculator but hope to purchase one in the oncoming weeks. According to a few different websites my body fat% is btwn 21-23%.
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