
Racquel1 Posts: 93 Member
If you work What do you all have for lunch? Do you make your own lunch? What sort lunch meals do you make?
Looking for alternatives other than just salad lol


  • redheadedgal
    redheadedgal Posts: 149 Member
    tuna in water with light mayo, miracle whip, and sweet relish with whole wheat ritz crackers is my favorite. I could eat it every day!!
  • rednailvarnish
    rednailvarnish Posts: 36 Member
    sorry but my lunch is egg salad - boring I know so I hope people post good ideas :)
  • rednailvarnish
    rednailvarnish Posts: 36 Member
    some day's I take rivita with different toppings.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    What do you eat for dinner? Can't you just bring leftovers? I don't understand why people think you have to eat designated "lunch foods" like salad or sandwiches in the middle of the day. That's very limiting.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I cook a ton of chicken every weekend. Measure it out into 100g pieces and pop it in the fridge. I'll grab a bag out of the fridge on the way to work. Sometimes I'll chop it up, microwave it, and add some franks sauce or something. Normally there's celery/carrots/hummus and some cottage cheese with it.

    Just pre-prep and measure your protein. Mix in a handful of veggies here and there.

    You can wrap a sweet potato in a damp paper towel, microwave for 5 minutes, mash with cinnamon, and have a delicious and well balanced hot meal.

    ...or salad.
  • I just got my very first Bento Box for lunch. Today I had cucumbers, grilled chicken, and orange slices in it. I have been looking up Bento Recipes online to see if I can find some that are simple enough for me to make in the mornings.
  • jackiecamarena
    jackiecamarena Posts: 290 Member
    I make hummus wraps and take the tomato whole so I can cut it there.
    Sometimes I add acovado to them and do the same with that.

    I've also taken sandwiches, soups, black bean patties, curries, layered nacho type bowls without the chips.
  • MrsPong
    MrsPong Posts: 580 Member
    I usually cook enough for dinner to bring for lunch. Does the trick.
  • Racquel1
    Racquel1 Posts: 93 Member
    I do bring left overs but this is for days when I don't have any, just wanted other people's ideas. Thanks
  • cathdrew2
    cathdrew2 Posts: 136 Member
    I always make extra dinner the night before and put it in a sealed dish when I am serving up dinner. Takes no time to pack in the morning (ready from the night before), healthy (I control the ingredients), and cheap!
  • Anthonydaman
    Anthonydaman Posts: 854 Member
    I pack lunch daily. It's generally lean deli meat,reduced fat cheese, some crudites, yogurt,grapes, apples,pineapple,leftovers from dinner, etc. I just can't do canned tuna...
  • darkguardian419
    darkguardian419 Posts: 1,302 Member
    My wife and I have recently been discussing pre-prepping our lunch for the week. Make a few different dishes, put them in containers and freeze them, grab them before leaving for work in the morning. It keeps costs down, and is easy (except for prep day). So far we have a few ideas...

    Spaghetti (cook noodles JUST to al dente and they freeze pretty well)
    Orange chicken w/rice (same as noodles)
    Stir fry
    Beef & veggie soup.
    A bunch of grilled chicken to add to fresh salad.

    ETA: That goes along with dinner leftovers (if there are any)
  • bcmlam1001
    bcmlam1001 Posts: 118 Member
    My lunches vary. I hate almost any leftover, so I ususally go for a light lunch myself. I had a 6" grilled chicken sub today. I am trying to drop some grease and fried stuff for a couple weeks with vacaton coming up. I do like tuna salad on crackers or sandwich. Light chips to go with your sandwich would be great. change your salad up. I get on salad kicks and do 7 layer salad, cesar salad, taco salad, I just rotate them. I feel better with salad because they are less starchy and carby, and thus I feel less bloated. You might try canned soups. Spinach dip with wheat thins or triscuits. Make you a wrap or pita pocket. Try to stay away from processed and deli meats tho. Good luck and I hope you find some great options!
  • mcesira
    mcesira Posts: 36 Member
    Not sure if this is the best in terms of good choices [this is all new for me] but if it's not a salad then I will use just one slice of pumpernickel/rye bread and cut in half for a sandwich [good protein and keeps me full] with tuna and 1 tsp mayo or other choices for me are smoked salmon on pumpernickel or turkey on pump with low fat cheese slice and lettuce inside. I have a few baby carrots or other veggie and a small fruit, like cut melon or an apple. Lots of water, too!
  • babymama81
    babymama81 Posts: 12 Member
    I keep a personal blender at work and pack my lidded cups with spinach and fruit for a green smoothie. Sometimes I bring in a cup of Greek yogurt. I also keep some Lean Cuisines in the freezer when I don't have time in the morning to prep anything.
  • tuna in water with light mayo, miracle whip, and sweet relish with whole wheat ritz crackers is my favorite. I could eat it every day!!

    I go to college and I want to start bringing a lunch with me (gets expensive to buy even if its only one or two days a week). I thought about tuna because i love it so much (except i do relish and mustard, not a mayo fan) but i'm worried about it smelling up the classroom. We have a 5-10 min break during my class and its just enough time to eat if i bring it made. Do you have that problem or should i just try it one day?
  • fstfrd00
    fstfrd00 Posts: 33 Member
    I always make extra dinner the night before and put it in a sealed dish when I am serving up dinner. Takes no time to pack in the morning (ready from the night before), healthy (I control the ingredients), and cheap!

  • When I worked I would always pack a lunch...lots cheaper and better for you. Depending on if you have a microwave at work, I loved to take soups. Progresso soup is delicous and it has many varieties of light soups to choose from. Then you could add a few whole wheat crakers and a fruit and it is a very yummy and healthy lunch...but watch out for the sodium! You could also make your own soups on your day off and freeze individual servings to grab for lunch. By time lunch rolls around they should be thawed enough to microwave.
  • I usually take leftovers from the night before. When I'm cleaning up the kitchen from dinner, I put a little of whatever I made in a container so all I have to do is grab it the next morning. If there are no leftovers, that's when I get a 6" sub from subway :) I love the soup idea too - I have cans stashed at work just in case.
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member

    1/4 ground burger with 1 tbs of pb2

    protein pancakes made with my protein powder

    Throw it all together and then add 1 more tbs of pb2 and a drizzle of sugar free syrup and mix it all up..

    Sounds weird I know..but it was DELISH.

    Sortof like a maple egg mcmuffin. except with beef and peanut butter.


    Today - 2 hardboiled eggs, 2 tbls of pb2 on my sweet potato. coffee with full fat creamer
  • mb1127
    mb1127 Posts: 36
    Today I packed a taco salad. Make lean ground turkey meat the same way you would beef. Top on a bed of lettuce with tomatoes and whatever else you want maybe onions or peppers. I put some mango peach salsa on top and a dab of fat free sourcream. I also make turkey stuffed peppers, baked eggplant topped with marinara and a sprinkle of parmesan, chicken stir fry with lots of veggies. Just some ideas.
  • I cook something in the crockpot like a pork loin or chicken breast on Sunday for lunches
  • needles85365
    needles85365 Posts: 491 Member
    greek yogurt and fruit-usually pint of blueberries. Sandwich. Leftovers.
  • Racquel1
    Racquel1 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks guys nice to have some new ideas for lunch. I love salad but don't want be having it every day as they say its good to have a variety :)
  • chunkiedunker
    chunkiedunker Posts: 144 Member
    i usually try to cook something on the weekend to take all week for lunches. this has been turkey meatloaf, turkey burgers, chicken sandwiches, pork sandwiches, lasagna, or i just bring left overs from the night before.

    i dont care for cold lunches, so if i have to throw it in the microwave for 2 minutes, so be it.
  • Tiggertaz2
    Tiggertaz2 Posts: 1 Member
    I usually cook enough for dinner to bring for lunch. Does the trick.
    Oorah, Looks like you are a Marine wife!! I'm a Marine Mom so the pic caught my eye.
    I'm with you though just cook enough at dinner time for lunch the next day. That seems to
    be the easiest.
  • Jaulen
    Jaulen Posts: 468 Member
    I usually pack a lunch (dinner leftovers).
    Jimmy Johns delivers so I do that if I forgot.
    Otherwsie I keep a stash of crackers and soup, tuna and pickles, low sodium V-8, and other random things I can eat for lunch if I forgot and don't want a sandwich.

    I made a large pot of the Eating Well Garden Veggie Soup on Sunday. That will be my lunch for the majority of the week, with some crakers today, and bread rest of the week (if I remember to make some tonight). We're not planning on dinners this week where we'd likly have leftovers.
  • carsonbaldwin
    carsonbaldwin Posts: 3 Member
    I've been making a large pot of soup every Sunday and ration it out through the week with a half sandwich. It's Mullagatawny this week.
  • mb1127
    mb1127 Posts: 36
    oh yah im not much of a cook either. I hate it. I cook once a week and store it. Preplan!
  • I cook and freeze my meals on the weekend. I make chicken, fish, or pork chops. Then I just buy frozen veggies and put a serving in with either some black beans or roasted potatoes. Its pretty quick to just grab one and heat it up for a few minutes.