Slim Fast

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has tried the slim fast diet? I know it isn't a long term solution, but I put on around a stone over christmas, and already wanted to lose at my before weight :(

In particular any results from someone with similar bod type/weight goals would be helpful; i'm f, 5'8, currently 12st (not strictly heavily overweight, but doesnt suit me), before christmas was around 11st, ideal weight 9 st 7. Formally a size 12, trying to avoid admitting i've gone up a dress size!

Having 2 shakes a day, a healthy meal and snacking on carrot sticks / fruit (if anything), just looking for some motivation really. Will post some before/after stats and pics if i'm successful.

Thanks :)


  • seena511
    seena511 Posts: 685 Member
    assuming you're getting 200 calories from each shake, an extra 100 if you're truly only going to nibble on fruits and veggies, and one 500 calorie meal....your daily intake is lookng like 400 + 100 + 500 = 1000 which is WAY too low for someone your height. you're going to be hungry all the time and not happy. i would use maybe 1 slimfast shake a day and just start eating real food at a reasonable deficit and you will lose the weight you want in no time.
  • hibo25
    hibo25 Posts: 13 Member

    I tried the slim fast shake, the chocolate one and it was disgusting. Now I have a homemade breakfast sandwich with 1 egg, 2 slices of chicken bacon and lots of spinach. It's approximately the same calorie wise as the shake but the sandwich is delicious and keeps me full the entire morning.
  • mrsjas2000
    mrsjas2000 Posts: 908 Member
    15 years ago I lost 60 lbs the Chocolate Fudge (Canada) tasted better than chocolate milk then I met my husband and stopped and then gained it back now I only have it for breakfast and it works fine for me keeping me full.