New Kid On The Block

Hi all - I'm just starting out. I've got 23 kg or 50lb to lose no matter how long it takes me, although I would like to shed at least 1 to 2 lbs each week - and I think that's achievable - I've got a Gala Event in Melbourne in October, 2010 and it would be great to look stunning for that!

Anyway, except for having babies etc I have maintained 88kg (193lbs) for more than 22 years - actually, that's more than half my life! That's pretty shocking when I put it that way!!

So, the time has come for me to change all that, and with your help and support, I'll get there I'm sure.

I've never kept a blog, but I will be diligently working on that daily, and so any positive and constructive comments will be greatly appreciated - thank you in advance for that.

Officially, my start date will be Monday, but between now and then I will be getting used to how this site works so that I am ready and rearing to go when I weigh in and measure myself.

I'm really looking forward to knowing more about this online community and supporting you all as best I can, so please don't be strangers - I aim to get around more of this site as time goes on, and I'm sure we'll have a great time together as we all move toward our goals.

Ok then, that's me for the moment.

Until next time,

Enjoy the Journey.

Kind Regards,



  • arsec4
    arsec4 Posts: 22
    :smile: Welcome! :) Just wanted to give you a heads up (because I didn't know this when I started), sometimes, when you adjust your calorie intake dramatically (I went from somewhere around 2500 calories a day to 1200 calories), you're body needs time to adjust. Your metabolism may drop, because your body thinks it is starving, and trying to preserve the weight you have.

    Sometimes, it may take 4-6 weeks, of steadily taking in reduced calories before you see the drop in weight, but most people start seeing results pretty immediately. All depends on your chemistry. But if you stay true to yourself, and to your diet, and log all your foods daily, you'll see it happen!

    Good luck to you!
  • MandyMay
    MandyMay Posts: 59 Member
    Hi Joy,
    My names Amanda,You will love this site!! Ive been on for a month and a week and have so far lost 15lbs.Im also looking to lose 50lbs.This site is so fun,its informational,the support you receive from here is amazing....Glad you have joined us all on this journey!!! Welcome and Have a Great day!!!
  • JoyElizabeth
    JoyElizabeth Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks so much for the welcome MandyMay and congratulations on your results! And thanks for the tips Dee - I'll keep it in mind if I begin to struggle at all.
  • shari66
    shari66 Posts: 49
    Welcome aboard JoyElizabeth. I've been on MFP for about two weeks and have lost 5 pounds so you can definitely do it. It is really keeping me on track and conscious of my food intake and exercise. Lots of Luck! Shari:flowerforyou:
  • KarenWantsABikini
    Bring it on 10th May, its so great to have a start date and know that you will stick to it ! Log here every day and enjoy yourself along the way Joy!!!
  • Soon2beskinny73
    Soon2beskinny73 Posts: 255 Member
    Welcome Joy :) This site is wonderful and you will enjoy it. I have only been here for a week and so far have lost 2 lbs. I love it here and hope to get to know you as we are on this journey together.
  • JoyElizabeth
    JoyElizabeth Posts: 65 Member
    Thanks guys - your comments and warm welcomes are wonderful. I am so inspired by your progress and I can't wait to see my scale and measures go down. I'm going to record my details on my blog tomorrow - it's a bit late to do that now, but ....

    True to my word, I started today and I think I did well. I tried to keep to everything I know and mostly succeeded.

    As expected, my weight still hasn't budged after 22 years, and was 88kg on the dot - watch that dot move over the coming months!

    Also, just want to set my logging in intentions - I'll be aiming to log in every day so I keep my eye on the ball, and at the same time, sometimes things come from left field and wipe me sideways - please don't let me be out of sight for more than 2 days! I have MFP on my iPhone and I also get notified via email when anyone tries to contact me, so PLEASE make sure you hound me. And I'll promise to try to not get waylaid - I've already had a couple of people tell me they will, so I am lucky - thank you.

    Have a great day guys.

    Kind Regards,
