waiting on results

I have only been on this diet for like 2days so deep down I know that Im not going to see results right away especially in 2-3 days.. Yet, im very inpatient. I dont like to diet where i feel hungry. I cant over work myself because I have a medical issue. But I guess I feel that once when I tried this weight loss thing I gave up cause I didnt see the results. I also didnt have any support or motivation. this time around I really feel better about it! Im more deturmined! But again.... waiting on results! And are you acutally supposed to eat less than your set calorie goal or eat all of your calorie goal?


  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    Patience, grasshopper. You're not going to see results in 2 days-maybe not even 2-3 weeks. Depending on what you're looking for, it could be considerably longer before you "see" anything.

    And nobody likes to diet and feel hungry. So don't. Adopt healthy eating habits you can sustain for the rest of your life. Set your goals to eating right and getting exercise, and the rest will take care of itself.

    Oh-and eat your goal calories-it's already got the weight loss deficit factored in (you don't need to come in "under" that to lose weight).
  • tweak222
    Great deal! Stay determined! :) Try to stick within 100-200 calories of your goal. If you workout and have a heart rate monitor to tell you the calories youve burned log em and eat those calories back or you could have detrimental effects on your metabolism. So essentially if you work out more you get to eat more :) stick to your calorie goal!
  • helloduckie
    I'm the same way Danielle, and if I feel deprived or I don't see the results I want I tend to ruin my diet. When I fall I just keep digging my hole and don't try to get up. I'm lazy and don't like working out. You can do this! If you need someone to talk to I'm here for you. I'm really determined to reach my goal, even if it has to be painfully slow.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    You just need to remember that you didn't gain all of your weight within 2-3 days or even weeks. It took time and a lot of it.
    It's exactly the same with weight loss. Take measurements as well as weighing yourself so you can track that too.
    Sometimes you can lose inches instead of lbs.
  • DanielleDoster
    Thanks guys.. this helps. But eating my calories back after I work out seems to be a bit of a problem.. im just not hungry. I dont want to become malnurished or anything.. Like tonight I ate grilled chicken sandwich from.....Mcdonalds..:(( yes I feel awful about it but Im still under my calorie goal for today.
  • Catlady87
    Catlady87 Posts: 302 Member
    I sometimes struggle to eat back my calories after exercise, but if I'm not hungry I don't force myself. I figure as long as I don't do it everyday I'm ok.
    Last week there were 2 days when I only ate about 1000-1100 cals (daily allowance 1340), and I'd do e exercise but then another day I ate 1500.
    Look at your average across the week is my advice.