Clean eating...

Hello all,

what is clean eating, I have seen it mentioned a lot?

Im new on here and also from the UK so not sure if this is a phrase used elsewhere or just something ive never heard of before?



  • Hello all,

    what is clean eating, I have seen it mentioned a lot?

    Im new on here and also from the UK so not sure if this is a phrase used elsewhere or just something ive never heard of before?


    "Clean eating" is a notion that some people have in their heads that some foods are better (cleaner) than others. For example, pasta + chicken would be a clean meal, whereas pizza wouldn't.
  • ambervaldez79
    ambervaldez79 Posts: 210 Member
    Foods that are minimally processed and organic. :D
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,487 Member
    Clean eating to me is eating whole foods - fruits, veggies, lean meat rather than a lot of stuff from a box.
  • farway
    farway Posts: 1,264 Member
    Clean eating is avoiding processed or packaged food, cook or make from fresh ingredients
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    You eat all your meals in the bathtub.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    It generally means whatever people want to classify as 'healthy' per their own personal food biases. It has no real meaning.

    I think the intention is to mean food that is as unprocessed as feasible. But people include things like agave syrup as 'clean' when it's really the exact equivalent as HFCS made from the agave plant. smh.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    You put certain foods on a naughty list, and you have to feel bad about yourself if you eat them.
  • LisaLamb1
    LisaLamb1 Posts: 149 Member
    You eat all your meals in the bathtub.

    Wouldn't that be dirty?
  • Helen_Luvnlife
    Helen_Luvnlife Posts: 230 Member
    Fifty different people would probably give you 50 different answers. But I look at it as low fat, sugar and refined grains. Anything natural over food that is processed.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hello all,

    what is clean eating, I have seen it mentioned a lot?

    Im new on here and also from the UK so not sure if this is a phrase used elsewhere or just something ive never heard of before?


    "Clean eating" is a notion that some people have in their heads that some foods are better (cleaner) than others. For example, pasta + chicken would be a clean meal, whereas pizza wouldn't.

    This is a good example of the term's vagueness. Pasta may or may not be clean depending on who you talk to. All pasta is processed to some degree.
  • Camilletherealdeal
    Camilletherealdeal Posts: 26 Member
    From what I understand, vegetables and fruit, unprocessed meats, and whole grains. Pretty much the boringest foods you can think of...they are the best for you ;) I'm not sure if dairy is included, maybe if you can tolerate it.
  • Chief_Rocka
    Chief_Rocka Posts: 4,710 Member
    Hello all,

    what is clean eating, I have seen it mentioned a lot?

    Im new on here and also from the UK so not sure if this is a phrase used elsewhere or just something ive never heard of before?


    "Clean eating" is a notion that some people have in their heads that some foods are better (cleaner) than others. For example, pasta + chicken would be a clean meal, whereas pizza wouldn't.

    This is a good example of the term's vagueness. Pasta may or may not be clean depending on who you talk to. All pasta is processed to some degree.

    Also, what makes the pizza unclean? The dough? The cheese? The sauce?
  • stephdeeable
    stephdeeable Posts: 1,407 Member
    You eat all your meals in the bathtub.

    Wouldn't that be dirty?

    Uh, no. I clean my bathtub beforehand, and I use Sensa instead of Comet so it maximizes my results.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Fifty different people would probably give you 50 different answers. But I look at it as low fat, sugar and refined grains. Anything natural over food that is processed.

    Your definition would eliminate fruit, nuts, dairy, and many meats.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    You eat all your meals in the bathtub.

    Wouldn't that be dirty?

    Uh, no. I clean my bathtub beforehand, and I use Sensa instead of Comet so it maximizes my results.

  • iAMsmiling
    iAMsmiling Posts: 2,394 Member
    Twice in a day for this one too.
    Just can't get enough.

    Quote from Layne Norton

    "I find the whole idea of ‘clean eating’ pretentious. What exactly defines a food as ‘clean’? Do you spray windex on it? Rub soap on it? I find it a bit preposterous. I’ve been in debates with people promoting ‘clean eating’ but when I ask for a specific scientific definition of what makes a food ‘clean’ they are silent. I think the restrictive diets where you can only eat a half dozen or so foods are not only unhealthy because they don’t give you a diverse intake of nutrients but I believe they promote eating disorders and binging. I see people who ‘eat clean’ during most of the week and then binge on cheesecake, ice cream, and donuts because it’s a ‘cheat’ meal. Oh yea… that is way healthier than eating ‘unclean’ foods in moderation to a hit a specific macronutrient target. *rolleyes* Now that said, I do believe that many IIFYMers (I find it funny that something myself and others been promoting for years gets an acronym attached to it and is now this ‘new’ way of eating LOL) actually go too far in one direction. Most people who origionally promoted targeting macronutrient intakes instead of obsessing about food choices actually eat ‘clean’ foods 95% of the time, we just don’t agonize over having a homemade burrito with a low carb wrap or some reduced calorie ice cream. We see the value of a controlled intake in order to prevent uncontrolled binging. But I do see IIFYM followers who eat as much sugary, high fat foods as they can and wear it like a badge of honor. That is not the point. If you are following a macronutrient intake that is friendly for body composition you will be eating a lot of ‘clean’ foods by default because you will not be able to hit a protein, carb, fat, and fiber intake conducive to body composition improvement if all you eat are high sugar/fat foods. The point is it’s ok to have these foods in small amounts if you are still hitting your goal macronutrient intake."
  • LisaLamb1
    LisaLamb1 Posts: 149 Member
    You eat all your meals in the bathtub.

    Wouldn't that be dirty?

    Uh, no. I clean my bathtub beforehand, and I use Sensa instead of Comet so it maximizes my results.

    I need to try that!!!
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Is trying to avoid processed foods.

    It wont help you lose weight - calories are calories.

    Basically - make your own tea with no ingredients from a jar.
  • sunsnstatheart
    sunsnstatheart Posts: 2,544 Member
    Hello all,

    what is clean eating, I have seen it mentioned a lot?

    Im new on here and also from the UK so not sure if this is a phrase used elsewhere or just something ive never heard of before?


    "Clean eating" is a notion that some people have in their heads that some foods are better (cleaner) than others. For example, pasta + chicken would be a clean meal, whereas pizza wouldn't.

    This is a good example of the term's vagueness. Pasta may or may not be clean depending on who you talk to. All pasta is processed to some degree.

    Also, what makes the pizza unclean? The dough? The cheese? The sauce?

    I have no idea, but I love me some pizza!! About to eat some pie tonight!
  • Hello all,

    what is clean eating, I have seen it mentioned a lot?

    Im new on here and also from the UK so not sure if this is a phrase used elsewhere or just something ive never heard of before?


    "Clean eating" is a notion that some people have in their heads that some foods are better (cleaner) than others. For example, pasta + chicken would be a clean meal, whereas pizza wouldn't.

    This is a good example of the term's vagueness. Pasta may or may not be clean depending on who you talk to. All pasta is processed to some degree.

    Also, what makes the pizza unclean? The dough? The cheese? The sauce?

    The pizza is unclean because it is all processed - the dough, the cheese and the sauce are all processed foods. Clean eating is no processed food.......nothing from packages - if the sauce was made from real whole foods then it could be considered as clean but if it's canned sauce then it's not clean. Clean means everything that is made with real food.