525 Days With MFP...Have Lost All Motivation



  • Metsfn4life
    Metsfn4life Posts: 125 Member
    Im 33 and I live in Brooklyn. If you want a friend, that can like - i dunno, talk to you about this stuff and work out together or do an obstacle race or something.

    Im cool too :( Im not like - an old lady 33 - im more like - um.... Peter Pan. at a rock concert.

    lol. Thanks for making me laught. I'll be 32 in a couple of weeks....I'm not like an old lady either. lol.
  • Natihilator
    Natihilator Posts: 1,778 Member
    Weight loss isn't just about exercise, it's about your food too - actually, it's more about your food choices.

    Why is your goal so low? Start there. Your goal isn't even your BMR - DO NOT EAT BELOW YOUR BMR. (Calculate your numbers here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/)

    I was stuck for 9 months and finally found the combination of food and exercise that got my scale moving again, but it was more about the calories and types of foods I was eating then anything.

    Check out these as well:



    You can find that motivation again - reach out to your support here and don't give up!

    Telling someone who is not losing weight at an average of 1500 calories to eat MORE is like telling a heroin addict that can't stop to take another hit. If you can eat more than her and lose, fine, but don't advise her to do as you do.

    She should leave her calorie values ALONE, and change the composition of her diet to be MORE in favor of protein, and more biased against FATS.

    Ugh, please take several seats with that ridiculous analogy. For shame.
  • calibriintx
    calibriintx Posts: 1,741 Member
    Weight loss isn't just about exercise, it's about your food too - actually, it's more about your food choices.

    Why is your goal so low? Start there. Your goal isn't even your BMR - DO NOT EAT BELOW YOUR BMR. (Calculate your numbers here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/)

    I was stuck for 9 months and finally found the combination of food and exercise that got my scale moving again, but it was more about the calories and types of foods I was eating then anything.

    Check out these as well:



    You can find that motivation again - reach out to your support here and don't give up!

    Telling someone who is not losing weight at an average of 1500 calories to eat MORE is like telling a heroin addict that can't stop to take another hit. If you can eat more than her and lose, fine, but don't advise her to do as you do.

    She should leave her calorie values ALONE, and change the composition of her diet to be MORE in favor of protein, and more biased against FATS.

    We get it. You tried this approach with about half effort and huge expectations and it didn't work for you. That doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means you didn't give it a chance. Please stop arguing against something you don't have valid experience with.

    OP, I agree with other posters who mentioned checking your TDEE and eating a deficit. If that puts you at 1500, keep eating that, increase activity and go from there. If it puts you at 1700, increase your calories.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    nmind :(
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    Weight loss isn't just about exercise, it's about your food too - actually, it's more about your food choices.

    Why is your goal so low? Start there. Your goal isn't even your BMR - DO NOT EAT BELOW YOUR BMR. (Calculate your numbers here: http://scoobysworkshop.com/calorie-calculator/)

    I was stuck for 9 months and finally found the combination of food and exercise that got my scale moving again, but it was more about the calories and types of foods I was eating then anything.

    Check out these as well:



    You can find that motivation again - reach out to your support here and don't give up!

    Telling someone who is not losing weight at an average of 1500 calories to eat MORE is like telling a heroin addict that can't stop to take another hit. If you can eat more than her and lose, fine, but don't advise her to do as you do.

    She should leave her calorie values ALONE, and change the composition of her diet to be MORE in favor of protein, and more biased against FATS.

    Your analogy has got to be one of the most idiotic things I have seen on these forums. Trust me, this place is full of stupid.

    OP- You need to do a true assessment of your activity level. I also spend the majority of my day sitting on my butt and I still manage to burn about 2,000 calories on non-workout days. You may benefit from increasing to maintenance for a few weeks, then resetting to 15% or so below your TDEE.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,097 Member
    Does your crohn's inhibit your ability to do weight-lifting?

    If "yes", I don't have a lot of information to supply.

    If "no", then I'm going to suggest you add a weight-training program into your week. 3 x per week. That will help change your SHAPE.

    The ONLY thing that is going to help with the scale-weight is really calories in vs. calories out....meaning, you have to eat less calories than your body expends. Period.
  • mad417
    mad417 Posts: 3 Member
    What's TDEE?