Weight Watchers HELP



  • MorgueBabe
    MorgueBabe Posts: 1,188 Member
    IMO: Your lunch isn't big enough.
    Try eating more protein too.

    You need to eat all your points, like you need to eat all your calories. Eat a huge salad with some beans, or chicken on it.
  • jgrode1984
    I tried weight watchers for three weeks and gained 7 lbs... Not a fan of their program.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    I lost all 90 lbs on WW Points Plus. I eat generous amounts of free fruit and veggies. It has not hindered my loss.

    Those things were not what made me put on weight.

    My husband just started the plan this week, and he's super excited.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    And yes, the lowest you can go is 26 points if you're female. This equals about 1200 calories, which includes the free fruit and veggies.

    What's ironic is that it's possible many of the naysayers on here regarding 1200 calorie diets are the same ones who diss the 0 point fruit on WW.

    The lowest I ever went was 29 points, and am now just under the low end of my BMI. I now maintain on 43 daily points, plus all my weekly. This comes out to just over 2100 calories a day on average.
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    I would suggest not doing Weight Watchers at all. It is possible to lose weight by eating just healthier foods of your choice and being more active.
  • ihemby
    ihemby Posts: 4
    I will open my diary because I am having the same problem. Not on WW though. I am having a hard time eating 1300 calories a day and if I exercise that's even more calories! I'm not really losing weight like I should be and I'm sure it's because I'm not eating enough. What more can I eat? No chicken or turkey. I don't really care for chicken and I just do not eat turkey!:smile:
  • stephross88
    stephross88 Posts: 846 Member
    Also, i forgot to add. If you want to lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime you need to stick with a plan that you can carry out for a life time. Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Body by Vi, etc etc are not really anything that could be done realistically for a life time.
  • RoadsterGirlie
    RoadsterGirlie Posts: 1,195 Member
    Weight Watchers can't be done for life? Have you ever done the plan or know anything about it?

    That is the whole selling point - this is a lifestyle, not a diet. You can eat ANYTHING on the plan as long as it fits into your point limit, and you get in all the good health guidelines, which include 2 servings of lean protein, 2 dairy, 5 to 6 veggie servings, 2 servings of healthy oils, and 30 minutes of activity per day.

    They also give you a weekly allotment of points, in addition to your daily limit, unlike MFP.

    How is this not sustainable?

    Because of WW, my skin is clearer, I have more energy, and oh yeah, I lost 90 lbs. I've maintained this for over a year, and have no plans on faltering or going back to old habits.
  • numsquat
    numsquat Posts: 133
    Also, i forgot to add. If you want to lose weight and keep it off for a lifetime you need to stick with a plan that you can carry out for a life time. Weight Watchers, Nutrisystem, Body by Vi, etc etc are not really anything that could be done realistically for a life time.

    Any plan you decide to stick with that works for you will work a life time, whether it's counting calories on MFP, WW or other plans (for the most part, there are some unhealthy/non-sustainable plans out there). If people loose weight and gain it back, it's not the plans fault, it's the person. I know people that got to goal weight and maintained over 30 years on WW.

    One thing that's common between the forums on MFP and WW is the "I can't eat my points/calories" which is bull. If you're using either one or both it's probably because you're wanting to loose weight and you didn't get to where you are now by not being able to eat calories/points. In other words, you probably didn't gain weight eating 1200-1300 calories, it was probably a few more. If you're having this problem it's because you're in "diet" mode in your eating instead of "lifestyle eating" mode, which is matching your calories in to your goal.
  • danie2010dw
    danie2010dw Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks For The Help Everyone.

    Weight Watchers is more than a diet to me im using it to help me eat healthier or even to eat at all. Ive consistantly slowed down my metabolism by the way ive been eating for the past 4 yrs. I can go hrs with out eating and then binge at the end of the day. Which is REALLY unhealthy. So Far the past week and a half ive been eating all the meals im suspose to and dringking all the water i need and just becoming proactive about gettin healthy.

    I Think i may be too critical on myself its only week one and i have to accept there will be up weeks and down weeks as long as i dont give up i think that the take home for me.

    Thanks Again For EVERY SINGLE Response I love The support MFP Gives.