weight won't budge no matter what I do???

Is anyone else in a similar situation? I religiously stick to 1200...exercise high intensity 5xweek....And my weight just won't budge. I have increased my protein so I am having around 30% protein, 50% carb and 20% good fats. Don't drink alcohol or caffeine...(although alcohol is looking pretty tempting right about now)

Can anyone offer some suggestions? I don't have a lot to lose (5kgs) I am thinking it 'may' be muscle gain as my clothes feel much more loose. I feel great. no bloat and loads of energy... so idk...Thinking of investing in some of those scales that measure fat/muscle/bone/fluid.....


  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    eat more, your body thinks you are starving it and doesn't want to get rid of what you have.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Eat more, and I would shoot for 40/30/30 on your macros. How is your sodium, and your water?
  • juliekaiser1988
    juliekaiser1988 Posts: 604 Member
    1200 Net?

    You probably need to spend some time reading these threads. You'll realize pretty quickly why it's not budging.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    If you are doing the workouts you claim to be then 1200 is nowhere near enough. "Eat back" your exercise calories at the very least, at the best figure out your BMR/TDEE and eat at that level (which I would bet is a lot higher than 1200!)

    Move more to eat more. It isn't just a silly idea, it's a way of life!

    Good luck!
  • ApexLeader
    ApexLeader Posts: 580 Member
    how long has it not budged?
  • katevarner
    katevarner Posts: 884 Member
    Can't see your diary. Are you eating back your exercise calories? If not, Kristine is right, bet you aren't eating enough. As you get closer to goal, it's harder to lose on very low calorie. Set a new goal (maybe .5 lb. per week) and see if you still are told to eat that low.
  • RoyaltyThick
    RoyaltyThick Posts: 39 Member
    i been having the same problem, working my buttoff and no results but i so feel more energy and a bit stronger
  • Cp731
    Cp731 Posts: 3,195 Member
    R u on medication? can make a diff.
  • Graceious1
    Graceious1 Posts: 716 Member
    If your clothing feels looser why worry. The scales are not your friend, clothes, measuring tape and the camera are. They give you a true reading of your progress.
  • marjoleina
    marjoleina Posts: 189 Member
    Do the road map (search roadmap) and up your calories to your TDEE less 20%
  • surfergirl1970
    could not agree more about the scale. It lies.
  • Charmainedelaney
    Charmainedelaney Posts: 46 Member
    Yip agree, look at eating a bit more. If after a few weeks of sticking to the new amount of calories & exercising if you dont show any results get your thyroid checked (might be some thing simple that is stopping the weight loss). - keep going strong :)
  • michellelemorgan
    michellelemorgan Posts: 184 Member
    Do not eat your exercise calories. The weight loss is in the deficit. Are you eating starches or processed foods? That can cause a lack of weight loss. Drinking enough water? If you're doing a lot of strength training then I would imagine you're just building muscle. It takes 3 months for the body to go into starvation mode and it won't do that on a 1200 calorie a day diet. Sometimes you do need to eat more just one day to jump start your body. I will have one day a week where I eat 1600 and the other days I eat 1200. Also, if you're not doing enough cardio or not taking a day off that could cause your body to misbehave.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    If your clothing feels looser why worry. The scales are not your friend, clothes, measuring tape and the camera are. They give you a true reading of your progress.

    Yep this.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I religiously stick to 1200...exercise high intensity 5xweek
    Could be the problem right there - as others have said, you may not be eating enough.
    Do not eat your exercise calories. The weight loss is in the deficit.
    Ah, but at 1200 with zero exercise, she is already eating at a deficit. Add exercise on top of that, and you end up with a HUGE deficit, which is no bueno, especially over a long period of time, and may explain why she's not losing weight. MFP figures that deficit in already in the daily goal, that's why they add back the cals burned through exercise - they expect you to eat them.

    Great info on setting calorie goals here
    > http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/654536-in-place-of-a-road-map-2-0-revised-7-2-12

    Food is fuel & knowledge is power - know your body's requirements - find your BMR and TDEE and eat in between those numbers. Move around, lift heavy stuff, eat well, rest well - your body will thank you! Don't give it a reason to store fat by underfeeding it and then pushing it through awesome workouts.

    And yes, skip the scale, or at least don't put too much stock in it, especially as you get closer to goal weight. The tape measure and how your clothes fit is a much better way to gauge progress!
  • tp_1973
    Lots of good replies here so thank you all!!!! I am beginning to see a common theme.....maybe not eating enough for energy expenditure. I'm not sure what net calories mean etc...so pardon my ignorance....I'll do some research on that for sure.

    I have invested in some of those you beaut scales that measure bone/muscle/fluid etc....perhaps to give me more of an idea of what going on.

    I am just petrified of increasing calorie intake and gaining weight. We all know how hard it is to lose weight.

    Thanks for link on setting calorie goals...I'll have a look at that too!! :)

    Sodium is excellent...way below goals.....since the start of the new year of pretty much cut out all extra sodium.... Water is brilliant, especially being summer I'm consuming around 3-4 litres.

  • tp_1973
    AmyRuhubarb thank you for that FANTASTIC link! What an interesting read!!! It makes total sense too! What a much more sensible approach to being healthier, that is to measure body fat instead of just weight! I am glad I bought my scales today, although, I may just get one of those body scans done too to get a much greater idea of what is going on with my body!

    Thanks again!