How can I eat right, while working a 9-5 desk job?



  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Honestly, I find my desk job the easiest part of this!!!! I'm sitting all day but working a desk job allows me all the time I need (and the consistency) to get my SCHEDULED snacks and eat my meals. I eat breakfast, morning snack, lunch, and 2 afternoon snacks at work, so I keep all my food at work. It's not much...some veggies, fruits, string cheese, bread, and condiments in the fridge, cereal or granola, some hummus mix, nuts, fiber bars, pretzels in the pantry, and frozen veggies, chicken, and chocolate chip morsels in the freezer. I know which times, according to my schedule, I'm supposed to eat...I have everything I need to eat healthy here.

    Yes, the vending machine is TEMPTING. The healthiest thing in there is probably the Gatorade - and even that I won't touch, lol! You just have to figure out what works for you. Some keep fruit on their desk (I can't do that - I work in a bank) or snacks in their drawers. I keep mine out of reach, otherwise, I would eat it all!!
  • omg!! sooooo i need to share in the greatest snack ever!! i found 100 calorie pack cottage cheese doubles, OMAZING!!! they come in peach, pineapple, blueberry, and strawberry, and i pre proportioned 16 animal crackers for 120 calories, dip those bad boys in there and voila!! it is super great!! they have definitely kept me sane at my 9 to 5, i also keep baby carrots and apples at my desk, and then i walk on my lunch, 30 min to eat, and 30 min to walk. hopefully this will all pay off, have not weighed in a while, just a little nervous. i also drink special k protein shakes, its like a 180 calorie strawberry yoohoo, totally brings me back to my being a kid. i hope that everyone takes the suggestions, they will make you smile. i hope everyone has a great day. :drinker:
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