Turbo Jam/ Cardio Party

Hi there, has anyone used Turbo Jam/Cardio party with any success? I've used it a couple times and I find it really fun! Does anyone know how many calories you burn for the whole video? (I believe it's 47 minutes?)


  • branohockey
    branohockey Posts: 60 Member
    LOVE Turbo Jam! I do it a couple of times a week with a group from my office. The calorie burn depends on your weight, age, fitness level... I wear a heart rate monitor and depending on how aggressively I do the work out I can burn anywhere from 500 - 750 calories for a 45-60 minute video. Sometimes I use arm weights too and that changes the cal burn outcome too.

    Keep it up, it's a blast! (and get a heart rate monitor for true calorie burn calculations. I use a Polar F6)

  • malleron
    malleron Posts: 5 Member
    I'm currently using the Cardio Party & 20 min workout vids to get ready for the 1 hr vids. My heart rate monitor says I burn about 500 cals on Cardio Party & around 150 on the 20 min workout. Today I did both together & burned 671 cals. However I think the amt actually burned is different for everyone. I do the vids low impact because of my knees. But if you do high impact you probably burn a little more.
  • carbar90
    carbar90 Posts: 60 Member
    Awesome thanks! I'm definitely going to get my friends involved to do it with me :)
  • Kristinemomof3
    Kristinemomof3 Posts: 636 Member
    I am 5'6, 137 pounds and I don't burn nearly as many calories. I usually burn 175-200 for 50 minutes. It really depends on a lot of things.
  • shorty35565
    shorty35565 Posts: 1,425 Member
    Turbo Jam was my first program! Burn will depend on ur weight & intensity, but it does work.
  • ccolvin19
    ccolvin19 Posts: 10 Member
    I love Turbo Jam and am going through a 4 week round of it currently. I'm 5'3" and 120lbs and my heart rate monitor says I burn anywhere from 440-510 on Cardio Party (the high rate if I wear the weighted gloves). I go very high intensity though! Put into it all that you can and you will see results! In about 2 weeks of doing this round of the TJ videos I have lost about 6" all over! Keep up the variety though and don't be afraid to really focus on your form rather than just jumping around. The proper form helps you to not injure yourself and to build muscle which then burns more fat! Good luck and if you want another buddy to keep you accountable feel free to friend me!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I would definitely recommend getting an HRM for counting calories burned in these videos. I burn about 250 in the Cardio Party DVD even with weighted hand gloves and jumping to full intensity with every move.

    I am a Turbo Kick instructor (which is the gym version of Turbo Jam and is much more intense!) and I tend to burn about 450 or so in those hour long classes.

    But, to be honest, when I first started out with Turbo Jam videos back in 2007, I was burning more like 500 calories! I was grossly overweight, though, and very out of shape. Determining calories burned is going to be different for everyone doing the same exercise.
  • carbar90
    carbar90 Posts: 60 Member
    Thanks everyone, I do have a heart rate monitor and my personal trainer has told me my ideal heart rate range to be burning fat in. I was more wondering about the calories so I could compare to how much MFP says I burn for a video to realistically what I would actually burn. Thanks for all your input!