im 21 and iv achieved nothing



  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Don't worry. Just starting something is achievement enough sometimes. You'll figure it out.
  • Charmainedelaney
    Charmainedelaney Posts: 46 Member
    Sure, we all have THOSE days!. I agree with other posts you are in the right place to make some choices that can make a big difference to the rest of your life. Remember the choices we make today will affect our tomorrow.
    I would like to suggest you change the way you see yourself, leave the down talking about you to those who dont like you (trust me we all have them). You need to love you first before others can.
    The journey of weight loss & leading a better life will give you direction with this direction will come better choices and always be the best version of yourself you can be.
    Life is so worth living dont let it pass you by - keep strong & make some great choices.
  • juliec33
    juliec33 Posts: 238 Member
    Hang in there!! I think everyone has days where they feel like life isn't going the way they planned. And why can't you eventually do both the computer course and the personal training course? The two aren't mutually exclusive. I know trainers that have a "day job" to pay the bills and train people in the evening because they simply enjoy helping other people. You may not be able to afford both classes at the same time. Hey, that's totally understandable. Finish one and then set a goal that you're going to do the other. You really can do anything you want to just have to want it badly enough to make the sacrifices to achieve it.
  • CRody44
    CRody44 Posts: 776 Member
    Yeah, I had a day like that yesterday. I have been in continuous Atrial Fibrillation for the five months and was cardioverted (heart was electrically shocked) which took me out of Afib, but I was back by 3pm.

    Then, I had to go back on Metformin, a diabetes medicine. I had been off all diabetes medicine since Jan 1, but my bidy is not adapting well, so I had to go back on the meds.

    I feel like a complete and total failure as far as my health goes. At least I have been free from cancer for three months now.

    I’m 68 years old and I want to live.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    Yeah, I had a day like that yesterday. I have been in continuous Atrial Fibrillation for the five months and was cardioverted (heart was electrically shocked) which took me out of Afib, but I was back by 3pm.

    Then, I had to go back on Metformin, a diabetes medicine. I had been off all diabetes medicine since Jan 1, but my bidy is not adapting well, so I had to go back on the meds.

    I feel like a complete and total failure as far as my health goes. At least I have been free from cancer for three months now.

    I’m 68 years old and I want to live.

    You win! I was going to make a post, but it won't compare.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    Just pick one thing and finish it.
  • sweetchildomine
    sweetchildomine Posts: 872 Member
    Hang in there. You're still young!!! Everyone accomplishes things at their own pace and as long as you're working towards something, you shouldn't feel bad. I'm 25 and I JUST figured out what I want to do in life. Don't beat yourself up about it.
  • morielia
    morielia Posts: 169 Member
    College is really only half about getting a degree. The other half, the first half, is about figuring out which degree you want to get. That's what the gen ed classes are for. Take a variety of different courses and decide if anything interests you enough to make it a career. Don't just pick something and dive headfirst into it. Talk to some counselors and see if they can offer advice. If you're really considering becoming a police officer, consider talking to the recruiter at the academy. Get a good picture of what academy is like, what your job prospects are going to be like, where your career is going to take you. This is more of a commitment than just taking a computing or personal trainer course. It's not just a skill, it's a career path that you're choosing to go down. Gather lots of info!
  • bookworm_847
    bookworm_847 Posts: 1,903 Member
    I'm 32 and am contemplating leaving my job and going back to college because I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up and I'm really unhappy where I'm at now. 21 is a great age to be where you are... you can take a career test to see what would suit you and then go after it. Don't look at it as not achieving what you think you should by now; you're still just getting started!

    Good luck!
  • dsjohndrow
    dsjohndrow Posts: 1,820 Member
    I feel like a failure a lot. It's easy to do. Just keep trying.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I feel like a failure a lot. It's easy to do. Just keep trying.

    Not a failure in my mind. We aren't friends but I look for your inspirational blogs every day :)
  • baddbob
    baddbob Posts: 133 Member
    Hey....don't worry. It's a natural feeling. I'm 56 and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up. I've re-invented myself many times. I went to college for 35 years taking classes that help me continue to grow and gave me many options. I've taken steps forward and I've taken steps backward. I've just continued to focus on learning and being the best "I" can be at anything I do. You want to be a trainer?? Go 4 it. You want to take computer classes?? Do that too!!!! Expand yourself. Learn everything you can. Seek knowledge. Some days I feel like Peter Pan and other days I feel like Superman. And there are some days I feel like Christopher Columbus, charting unknown waters. Life's adventure young man. You are at the start and I am winding it down. I've ended up a Fortune 100 executive, but I still am a biker at heart, living large, playing hard and having fun!! Just do it!!!!
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    Yeah, I had a day like that yesterday. I have been in continuous Atrial Fibrillation for the five months and was cardioverted (heart was electrically shocked) which took me out of Afib, but I was back by 3pm.

    Then, I had to go back on Metformin, a diabetes medicine. I had been off all diabetes medicine since Jan 1, but my bidy is not adapting well, so I had to go back on the meds.

    I feel like a complete and total failure as far as my health goes. At least I have been free from cancer for three months now.

    I’m 68 years old and I want to live.

    i will pray for you my problem are nothing compared to yours i really wish u the best of luck keep fighting dont give up
  • AsrarHussain
    AsrarHussain Posts: 1,424 Member
    thanks everyone for the inspiration posts
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I'll bet your mother and father don't think you are a failure or useless. I'll bet they are thrilled you are not dead from a drunk driver or hooked on drugs. Bet they brag to all their friends about their son who is in college and going to the gym 4-5 times a week. Frankly, looks to me like you are WAY ahead of the curve.

    I like the idea of a career counselor to give you some focus. You may also want to reflect back on what you liked to play as a child. I always played "office" and I loved pads of paper, pencils, pens, etc. I wanted to be a salesperson but didn't have the personality for it - of course now I am an office manager. Don't worry, you are doing great for your age.
  • ChaseAlder
    ChaseAlder Posts: 804 Member
    I didn't know what I wanted to be till I was 28.
  • keith0373
    keith0373 Posts: 2,154 Member
    I am almost 40 with 2 degrees and still don't know that answer!
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Yes, I have had days like that. Right now I am stuck in a career rut. I have a job but I hate it. I have a degree but I don't use it hardly at all at my job. It makes me feel many times like I wasted money on getting a degree. My field is very competitive and the economy is still dragging (especially in my state - Michigan), so many days I feel like I will never get a better job, even though I know that is not true (gosh, I hope).

    Then I stop and realize the things I have accomplished, and it makes me feel better. I have done many things in life, things that others both have and haven't done. One time when I was seeing a personal trainer, we talked about this. She had me do an exercise: I was told to go home and make a list of every single accomplishment in my life that I could think of. It didn't matter if they were big or small. The point was to get me to focus on the positive things about myself. And it worked beautifully. I still have the list somewhere. In fact, I should probably get that list out and keep a copy of it at work in my desk...

    I recommend the same for you. Sit down and write out every accomplishment of yours. Everything, big or small. Examples could be: 1) I purchased a gym membership and have dedicated myself to working out 4-5 times a week. 2) I finished high school. 3) I decided I wanted a great career and signed up for a computer course. 4) I participate(d) in the MFP community to help others and also find help for myself from my peers.

    I am sure there are many, many more things about you that you are proud of, that maybe you aren't thinking of. Either way, good luck to you!
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I'll be 25 in a week from tomorrow

    What do I do with my days?
    I sub for two different districts, while holding a degree in Psychology. I'm also going back to school nights for American Sign Language so that I can become an Interpreter.

    Do I feel a need to have it all worked out right now?
    Hell yes, but I know that if I did, I wouldn't be happy.

    20's are your time to figure **** out... so use them wisely.
  • spamantha57
    spamantha57 Posts: 674 Member
    I remember when I was 21 - I wanted to do everything & I had to do everything & I had to do everything perfectly.

    It's a very valuable thing to learn to calm down & take things day by day & have gratitude for the little things in life. The last thing you want is to stress yourself out to the point you watch the world pass you by & have a heart attack at age 30.