Can I lose weight?!

I have been on myfitnesspal for just over a week now and am really enjoying keeping tabs on what I eat but I don't seem to be eating very differently from before and I always come in under my calorie and fat target... if I was doing this before, how come I haven't lost any weight previously? Will this make any difference? I am increasing my excersize now but I don't feel much healthier in my eating... can anyone help with tips? x


  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Can you make your diary public? Something as simple as watching your sodium or sugar or adding in more veggies or drinking more water can make a drastic difference. Also, were you before and are you now exercising? That also plays a big part.
  • CaseyLynn216
    CaseyLynn216 Posts: 19 Member
    The food I eat hasn't changed much either but I lesson some of the portions and also watch my fat intake more. Sometimes it's not the calories you eat, but the other nutritional values like carbs. I just eat less fat and exercise more...It works for me :) Good luck!
  • KristyO
    KristyO Posts: 126
    I was trying to look at your diary too :smile:

    I'm with Arielle that maybe there is something that needs to be "tweaked" not having to do with calories. Sometimes if you eat too much salt you retain you can eat a whole jar of pickles which is only about 100 calories but you'll be consuming sodium that could be spread over a whole week.
  • tattoodfreek
    tattoodfreek Posts: 520 Member
    Are you measuring your food, or just estimating? If not, maybe actually measuring for a while may give you an eye opener about how much you're actually eating. I have read that the average person "eyeballing" their food underestimates by 20-40%! That's a lot and could make the difference between losing and not losing. I would try that for a while, even if you're positive you're overestimating.
  • Littlepinkstar
    Thanks everyone :) I know a big problem for me is refined sugar! I shall try to make my profile public (not quite sure how to do this!) I also know I don't drink enough water! Thanks for the measuring tip- I thought I was doing ok but I shall try to 'eyeball' my food for the next couple of weeks and see how that goes!
  • Ladeejulz
    Ladeejulz Posts: 56
    The tab at the top right on your home page is the settings button. Click that and then click "diary settings" and then you can change it to whatever you want.

    As for the not being able to lose, I myself had this problem and realized that I was consumming too much sodium. I am trying to lower the sodium and increase my water intake because water flushes out sodium. I feel less bloated and when I weighed in last time I had lost 5 lbs. If that doesn't work for you, you will need to try adjusting other things to see what works for you. You might want to check your fiber intake as well. If you are not going to the bathroom enough, or regularly, that could have an impact on the scale as well.

    There are just so many variables in the process of losing weight and what works for one may not work for another. So keep trying and don't give up. There is a light at the end of the tunnel!!

    Good luck and hopefully you will report next time with great news!!

    Julie :flowerforyou:
  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    Are you measuring your food, or just estimating? If not, maybe actually measuring for a while may give you an eye opener about how much you're actually eating. I have read that the average person "eyeballing" their food underestimates by 20-40%! That's a lot and could make the difference between losing and not losing. I would try that for a while, even if you're positive you're overestimating.

    I was going to say the same thing. I measure and weigh my food