11 Weeks and only 7 pounds lost! Help!!!!

OK- so this is my 11th week of weight loss. I have lost 7 pounds (seems to fluctuate). Can someone look at my diary and see if they have pointers for my weight loss journey? I see people on here who lose faster. While I do understand that it is a slow process, I would like your input about my food diary. Thanks


  • KikiD22
    KikiD22 Posts: 114 Member
    I just took a quick look at your diary and it seems like a good portion of your calories are coming from processed, high-carb foods. Try adding more lean protein to your diet (chicken, fish, turkey), and stick to getting your carbs from "clean" sources, whole grains, green veggies, high fiber fruits (apples, berries). Hope this helps. :)
  • Dunrick
    Dunrick Posts: 23

    I also noticed you are deficiting yourself additional calories. The software has already done this you need to be close to the caloric intake including the food burned from working out or you will start to go into starvation mode. I agree also completely with KikiD you need to go with less processed items I have and it has made a difference to my weight loss.
  • kitka82
    kitka82 Posts: 350 Member
    7 pounds in 11 weeks. That's over 1.5 pounds a week and a perfectly acceptable rate of weight loss. Dang I wish I were losing that much! Yes, try to get some fiber and more protein in your diet. Lower the carbs and sugar. Drink more water.

    If you plateau, adjust your calories. Weight loss is rarely linear.
  • Akumu
    Akumu Posts: 120 Member
    You are averaging over half a pound per week. I think that is a great accomplishment. Sometimes quicker is not better.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    OK- so this is my 11th week of weight loss. I have lost 7 pounds (seems to fluctuate). Can someone look at my diary and see if they have pointers for my weight loss journey? I see people on here who lose faster. While I do understand that it is a slow process, I would like your input about my food diary. Thanks

    Wait you're upset that you're on pace to lose 33 pounds in a year?

    (7/11 * 52)

    (edited to fix math)
  • pianolover2012
    pianolover2012 Posts: 168 Member
    OK- so this is my 11th week of weight loss. I have lost 7 pounds (seems to fluctuate). Can someone look at my diary and see if they have pointers for my weight loss journey? I see people on here who lose faster. While I do understand that it is a slow process, I would like your input about my food diary. Thanks

    Wait you're upset that you're on pace to lose 33 pounds in a year?

    (7/11 * 52)

    (edited to fix math)

    Well, yes actually. I know that 33 is a great amount to lose, but my goal was about 45 in a year. Just wanting to make sure that I exhaust every healthy avenue that I can to help the process. Thanks for your input!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    IMO 7 lbs is pretty good. My biggest concern with your diary would be that you need some more protein, fruits and veggies like the above poster said. Protein is going to help keep you fuller longer and your body needs the nutrients and fiber from the fruits and veggies. IMO it is ok to have an empty calorie treat as long as it is not taking up too many of the calories you need to get in your nutrient rich foods. You are going to feel better, have more energy and less cravings if you are getting all your nutrients.

    Edit to add: with the increased energy you will be able to be more active, building more muscle and raising your metabolism to burn energy more efficiently.
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Well, yes actually. I know that 33 is a great amount to lose, but my goal was about 45 in a year. Just wanting to make sure that I exhaust every healthy avenue that I can to help the process. Thanks for your input!

    The great part about your current pace is that, if you incorporate some of the brilliant suggestions provided so far (tweak your macros, get a little more consistent in your eating) you can fine-tune your pace to be on par at around 45.

    My basic feedback is YOU'RE DOING GREAT!! This is a learning process. You've learned that you're already pointed in the right direction, now it's a question of how to reach optimal speed. That doesn't necessarily mean eat less and exercise more, it might mean just the opposite, for instance.

    Fiddle with your variables to obtain the best speed, and start to research the finer points of nutrition and fitness. Long story short, you're already there. Everything else is just a matter of being happiest.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I agree with the suggestions for lean meat and non-frozen meals with lots of veggies. Eat those veggies as snacks, you earned them. Your losing over a half a pound a week. That is progress, keep at it.
  • jfarnden
    I think you're doing great so far! So long as you're making a commitment to eating healthier you should be fine.
    Your diary is better than mine is so far (only checked a few days but you're putting me to shame), but as people have suggested, protein is your friend, especially if you're exercising.
    Your weight will fluctuate anyway, have you been logging measurements? Its a really good indicator and i don't know about anyone else but it made me feel better losing the inches than the weight itself.
    If you can fit more veggies in its a good thing too. I notice you have pretzel sticks and peanut butter in there, have you considered breaking out the carrot or celery and using it as a dipper/bread and crackers substitute? Celery is good with peanut butter or cream cheese for a healthy snack and carrot goes great with things like dips for a snack, especially if the dip is vegetable based too like beetroot dip.
    Also, if you like chocolate it really pays to buy really good quality chocolate (like not anything you can find in a supermarket, proper luxury stuff) because if you have just one square of good quality rich chocolate and let it melt in your mouth to appreciate it you only need 5g (one square) and you've got your hit.