Weight gain due to birth control?



  • now_or_never13
    now_or_never13 Posts: 1,575 Member
    I don't believe the pill will actually cause fat gain. IT may make you gain water weight due to the changes in hormones... it may make you gain fat because of the changes in hormones making you feel hungrier or more tired. I have been on the pill for years and have only gained weight due to my own habits. I have also lost a lot of weight while on the pill.

    For any pill you decide (or method for that matter) reserach it but don't always believe everything you read online... people only report horror stories and the bad side effects. People don't tend to write reviews when they have great things to say about the pill. It will affect everyone differently.
  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I have the copper one. First 5 months periods were very grim, but they've calmed down now and as I'm not allowed anything with hormones in I find it a good option. Also there's no hormonal side effects which Is a bonus.
  • Jemmuno
    Jemmuno Posts: 413 Member
    About a year ago I lost 30lbs and I wanted to go on Depo. I had heard however that a lot of people who go on Depo gain weight. So, I asked my doctor about it and she said that the reason why people gain weight on Depo is because of the hormones it releases makes us feel hungry when we're not, so I would have to be strong and keep to my calorie, but of course that didn't happen so now I'm off birth control all together and just focusing on a healthy lifestyle.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    I'm using a pill called Qlair, but I don't know if you can get it where you are... I've had many attempts with many types until I found this one, it comes the closest to normal, changing hormonal levels in women and I didn't have any side-effects. Look it up maybe...

    Edit: Google shows it's called "Qlaira" abroad.
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    Please, please, please consider taking your Mirena IUD out!! Do your research, look online for Mirena side effects, go to the forums and facebook pages put together just for this reason. I can't emphasize how much I wish I had removed mine before the major problems started. I plan on posting my story in a blog soon, but here's the cliffs notes version:

    I had two IUDs back to back, and it took me 10 years to finally connect the dots that this horrible device was causing all kinds of medical problems. The weight gain was only a minor side effect, but for me it was a sign that something was wrong. Over the past few years I was putting on approx 10-15 lbs per year (50+ lbs total), despite cleaning up my diet and increasing exercise. At one point, I was running 10-15 miles per week, doing Insanity 3-4 x per week, and eating very healthy (mostly organic fruits & veggies, lean fish & chicken, and very little processed foods). My doctors couldn't figure out what was happening either, as all of my bloodwork was coming back normal. Actually, my results were really good- low cholesterol, low blood pressure, no imbalances, etc. But they were concerned about the weight gain, especially because it was mostly around my stomach. I gradually became much sicker over a 4 year period, with symptoms such as hair loss, acne, joint pain, severe fatigue, brain fogginess, depression, anger and agitation, uncontrollable sugar cravings, swelling of my hands for no reason, carpal tunnel syndrome, ovarian cysts, vision problems in one eye, heart palpitations (despite haing very low blood pressure), increased inflammation and so much more... I was in and out of doctor offices, where I was diagnosed with everything from depression and hypothyroidism, to fibromyalgia and lupus. The only treatment options I was provided were narcotics, and I didn't want to start drugging myself to numb the pain- I wanted to know what was causing the problem. I started researching whether Mirena can cause hypothyroid problems, and what I found online shocked me. This isn't a random side effect that only affects a small number of people. I've connected with hundreds of women online who are dealing with very similar situations. Their stories helped me know what to bring up to my doctors, what tests to have ordered, and where to go for treatment. Ultimately, I discovered that I had silicone poisoning from the Mirena, which leaches the toxic substance into your bloodstream along with the hormones it releases, as well as a severe imbalance from Mirena malfunctioning and dumping four years worth of synthetic progesterone into my body at once. These two factors combined to cause adrenal and liver burnout, and nearly shut down my endocrine system and thyroid production. Trust me when I say that prior to figuring this all out, I really thought that I was dying. The symptoms may start gradual (like with weight gain), because the Mirena slowly poisons you. There are numerous lawsuits and class action proposals coming out against Bayer for the problems with this device, and not just for perforations. Please look into what this thing really does to your body! I have found endless info on Curezone (online forum) and the Ban Mirena facebook page. You can also contact me if you want any more info... trust me, I have spent more hours researching this topic than I would have liked!

    I just want to add that I am the last person to complain or ask for help- my family didn't understand what was happening for a long time because I didn't want to look weak or helpless, and I would push through and act like I was okay. Towards the end, I wasn't able to hide the pain or physical symptoms, and I know they were really scared for me. I am a single mom of two, I work full-time, and spend my days driving my kids around to endless sports, classes and groups. I have a great family and close friends, love my job, and an overall good life. I am not a hypochondiac who reads a list of symptoms on WebMD and diagnoses myself with a life-threatening illness. I do wish I had put the pieces together sooner and found out what this birth control actually does, instead of spending so many years (not to mention lots of money and energy) being frustrated and scared. Prior to realizing it caused my problems, I thought Mirena was great. No periods, no pain, 10 yrs of birth control. In hindsight, it wasn't worth any of it. Since having it removed 8 months ago, I'm about 80-90% better- losing weight, no acne, no hair loss, joint and muscle pain gone, fatigue and brainfog gone, vision problems nearly corrected... it's been a long road, but it's one towards healing. We can only do something about it once we know. I know everyone's body tolerates things differently, but there is a lot about the IUDs that is unknown long-term, so I really urge you to look into it and make the best decision for yourself!!

    Best of luck to all of you,


    I have the same issues and it is scary. I have had mine for quite some time and I am getting mine taken out in the next month or so. I'm ready to have my body back. If I had just done what I wanted to do after I had my last kid, I wouldn't be in this mess but I let the doc talk me out of it (tubes tied). Hindsight is 20/20 though right?

    I am hoping for weight gain improvement after it's out. If I could reach up there and take it out myself I would. LOL Try the Copper IUD. That is the one I think I will try next.
  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member
    I've heard horror stories about the depo shot. People gaining a ton of weight, bleeding constantly, etc. I've been on it for about a year now and while it's definitely harder to lose weight, I haven't gained anything, and the no periods thing is a huuuuuge yay. I think different BC's effect people differently.

    You should do some research. I wasn't even on it for a whole year and had to get off of it. I was having bad headaches, hair was thinning, and I gained about 50 pds. I have a friend who was on it for years and she experience heavy bleeding and a possibility of bone deterioration.

    Yeah I had to get off of it after a second dose... because I was having spotting for a month and I had gained 30-40 pounds within 3 months.... I know it was the Depo shot because like I said in my comment... Progesterone only does that to me... I had only gained 11 pounds during pregnancy and was my pre-pregnancy weight right after having our baby... ate healthy before (I was trying to lose weight), during, and after (I was breastfeeding)... and I had gained 15 pounds during those few months I was on the mini-pill and I was having light periods every 2 weeks. Talked to my PCP and she told me the Depo shot and the mini-pill are both progesterone only... after we have our next child, I am going to go with the non-hormonal IUD, I think...
  • kbeech06
    kbeech06 Posts: 328 Member
    I'm on a low dose BC pill (not for preventing pregnancy but for of control horrible periods). I haven't gained any weight while on it. When I went to see my GP a couple of weeks ago, I told her how I was starting a new lifestyle and trying to lose weight and get into shape. She asked me a bit later if I wanted to try the Mirena. I had never heard of it....I went home and looked it up and was completely baffled why she would suggest something that causes weight gain when I just told her I was happy on my pill and trying to lose weight. I honestly don't think she listened to a word I was saying when I was in there.
  • toscarthearmada
    toscarthearmada Posts: 382 Member
    I've been on so many different BC during my life and the only one that I found was worth anything was the Nuvaring. When I started the ring I didn't gain a pound! Also if you forget to change it, it takes only a week to get back on the cycle. AND you can take antibiotics on it. I swear by this medication!
  • mollylookalike
    mollylookalike Posts: 60 Member
    I was on DEPO for 2 years and literally had NO bleeding, and didn't for 8 months after my last shot. Then the flood gates opened and I bled extremely heavy for 2 months. I had ultrasound after test after test, and my gyno said that it was just my body's way of getting rid of the buildup of my uterine lining. It's been 3 years since my first shot, and I've gained 30 lbs. Before I started my "life change" at the beginning of this year, I didn't eat TERRIBLE, but I most definitely was in the "maintaining" calorie intake range - and I also did roller derby for 7 months in 2011-2012. Trust me - I should've been shedding the pounds like crazy because we had two (sometimes three) 3-hour practices a week and there was no rest.

    I'm now on a low dose pill and I'm just now finishing up my first pack (started it at the same time I decided IT'S TIME to lose the weight and keep it off), and I've lost 7lbs so far, but I've also been busting my butt.

    Everyone is different, and you just need to find something that works for you. Try something for 3 months, and if it's not working, go back to the doctor. Just don't play Russian Roulette and be surprised when you get pregnant.
  • kr1stadee
    kr1stadee Posts: 1,774 Member
    Googling the side effects of any medication is enough to make you run and hide.

    I've had zero issues with the Mirena thus far, and I've lost almost 40lbs since having it inserted. Not one person reacts the same as another when it comes to any medication.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I gained 25 overall on Mirena and coukd not take it off, no matter what I did. Started losing as soonas I got rid of it.
  • Shara126
    Shara126 Posts: 144 Member
    I had Mirena inserted at my 6 week postpartum checkup. I had it in for a year and then I took that POS out at my annual checkup!!! It didn't cause weight gain, but it did make me break out from the progesterone- BAD. Even after I was done breastfeeding my daughter at 10 months and was on a topical retinoid, I still had issues. I had pretty bad acne when I was younger and was even on Accutane in my teens so I was not about to let my BC make me regress after having nice skin for 10 years. I didn't care how nice it was not having a period, it just wasn't worth it. It also made me super tired and moody. F that.

    I am now on Ortho Tri-Cyclen and look forward to being birth control free for the rest of my life after we have one more bambino.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Ahh, sorry OP. I wish I could say, "THIS IS THE BEST"... but as others have said and will say...

    BC is just TOO personal to make a recommendation. I've heard people have AMAZING times on the IUD, while others had awful times.

    I had an awful time on Ortho Tri Cyclen, then was great on Microgestin for 2.5 years... until I had what they thought was a TIA, and took me off of it (don't worry, now they think it's MS... wtf? WHO KNOWS. STILL GOING THROUGH THIS).

    Incidentally, I have a very precise diary I keep; I went off the pill and lost ~4 pounds. A month back on the pill, I've regained those. Nothing in my diet or exercise regime has changed... but my boobs sure have. I'm guessing that's where those pounds have come and gone. This was all in about a month span of time.

    You might just have to keep trying diff. methods until you find one that works for you.

    I hate BC, though; I'm on it for more than just contraception (acne, horrible periods that were causing anemia, and ovarian cysts that were rupturing and potentially twisting the ovaries where surgery would have been the next option if BC didn't work... which it did), but it definitely has some effect on my weight and a HUGE factor in moodiness/overall well-being.
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    I've heard horror stories about the depo shot. People gaining a ton of weight, bleeding constantly, etc. I've been on it for about a year now and while it's definitely harder to lose weight, I haven't gained anything, and the no periods thing is a huuuuuge yay. I think different BC's effect people differently.

    You should do some research. I wasn't even on it for a whole year and had to get off of it. I was having bad headaches, hair was thinning, and I gained about 50 pds. I have a friend who was on it for years and she experience heavy bleeding and a possibility of bone deterioration.

    I've done lots of research and talked with doctors, and I know that the depo shot can have really bad side effects for some people. In my case it didn't and I take calcium supplements daily to help with the bone density loss.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I've heard horror stories about the depo shot. People gaining a ton of weight, bleeding constantly, etc. I've been on it for about a year now and while it's definitely harder to lose weight, I haven't gained anything, and the no periods thing is a huuuuuge yay. I think different BC's effect people differently.

    You should do some research. I wasn't even on it for a whole year and had to get off of it. I was having bad headaches, hair was thinning, and I gained about 50 pds. I have a friend who was on it for years and she experience heavy bleeding and a possibility of bone deterioration.

    I've done lots of research and talked with doctors, and I know that the depo shot can have really bad side effects for some people. In my case it didn't and I take calcium supplements daily to help with the bone density loss.
    Calcium supplements won't stop your body from going into menopause and you won't know it's happening without a test.

    My BFF thought she wasn't having any side effects from it, either. She actually lost weight just by heing on it and felt great. Then she got a new doctor.

    You couldn't pay me to go on that poison.
  • Taterpoof
    Taterpoof Posts: 416 Member
    It is more likely to happen if your family has a history of osteoporosis or you drink and smoke. I'm not saying that it isn't a risk, I know the risks and every birth control has side effects. Also I plan on getting regular tests to make sure everything is ok.
  • javi536
    javi536 Posts: 13 Member
    Googling the side effects of any medication is enough to make you run and hide.

    I've had zero issues with the Mirena thus far, and I've lost almost 40lbs since having it inserted. Not one person reacts the same as another when it comes to any medication.

    ^^I agree with you that googling information can lead you to scare stories, but the side effects I stated weren't from the internet- I experienced them all firsthand. I think that taking a doctor's recommendation at face value can also be unwise. Typically doctors aren't given all of the information about a product (not even side effects that are clearly published on a pharmaceutical company's website). Considering how fast these drugs/devices come and go, and the changes made year after year, it would be impossible for a doctor to follow up and research each item they prescribe. They are relying on the pharmaceutical reps for their data, and when it comes down to it, these people are really just salesmen. If you ask an obgyn today whether the Mirena has silicone in it, they will probably tell you no. The majority will also tell you that there are virtually no adverse side effects. This is misleading, as Bayer itself states the product is made of synthetic silicone and there are hundreds of potential side effects. Taking the time to research side effects is empowering yourself by taking control of your health decisions. You have to weigh the good and bad, because there are plenty of people sharing both sides. More importantly, there are a number of published medical journals and drug trials that contain data that contradict what the pharmaceutical companies are claiming.

    I didn't post my story to "scare" anyone, nor did I try to tell anyone what they should or shouldn't do. I urged the women in this post to carefully evaluate their birth control choices. A tv commercial or dr you spend 10 minutes with once a year isn't always the best basis for making a decision that can affect your health and life. If someone does choose to use the Mirena, then at least they are aware of a potential problems. In the event that they do develop issues later, maybe my story (and the thousands of others out there) can them realize the cause and they can figure out the solution sooner. I have received a number of messages in response to my original post, thanking me for sharing and relating to what I went through. I know that a story like that can seem over the top to people who are happy with their choice (I was one of them for nearly 1o yrs), and sometimes I feel like a crazy person sharing so much, but if it helps one woman realize what's wrong when she's been told over and over that it's all in her head or that birth control is "completely safe," then I'll happily risk it. Someone else did for me, and I'm so grateful for her bravery and willingness to share.
  • moni_tb_192
    moni_tb_192 Posts: 188 Member
    I've been on BC for over 5 years now (with some breaks in between)... although it hasn't been the same one all these time. I always blamed it for my weight-gaining, but I have to admit that it was actually me, my eating habits and my completely lack of exercise what made me put on the weight.

    I got back on the pill in November last year, and some time before that I was being more conscious about my food, my portions, etc. I also started going on the elliptical trainer at least once a week; and I don't know how much I lost (in pounds) but I definitely looked slimmer. This year I've been more committed to doing exercise (3-4 times a week, at least 40min each day) and I was really surprised when two weeks ago I weighed myself and it marked 153! That's 17lbs less than a year ago.

    So... that convinced me of stop blaming BC. For me at least, eating and exercise have been what's made the difference. :smile:
  • hyenagirl
    hyenagirl Posts: 206 Member
    Here's my two cents, take it or leave it. Most birth control has estrogen in it, under one name or another. Estrodiol is usually given to feeder steers (in the US and Canada) to make them gain weight quicker. Best thing is to go on estrogen free birth control. I love my Implanon. The only down side is the unpredictable bleeding, sometimes nothing for a few months, then like spotting for 3 weeks. But worth the hassle in my eyes.
  • twinkiemon
    twinkiemon Posts: 216 Member
    I was on the pill and didn't notice any weight gain from the pill - in fact I was taking it regularly 6 years ago when I lost 45 pounds. However, one thing I read in a health magazine is that due to the hormones, you may not be able to tone muscle as easily and muscle helps burn fat. Not really sure if that's accurate though, but I'm going to see my doctor in about 2 weeks to discuss getting back on BC so I'm going to ask her about that.