Level 2 of the 30 day shred made me want to.............

Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
throw up and fall over in the fetal position for an hour!!! What a whimp I am!!!! I wanted to pull Jillian Michaels through the screen and strangle her until I felt satisfied enough to pass out on the floor!!!!! Dare I say...HOLY CRAP!!!! Pure evil encased in a dvd for the compact time of 27 minutes!!!!

And here I am 2 hours later patting myself on the back because I did none of those things :) This proud is way worth the pain!! PUSH THROUGH!!! It's worth it...I PROMISE!!!!! :)

What did level 2 make YOU want to do??? :O


  • DizzieLittleLifter
    DizzieLittleLifter Posts: 1,020 Member
    LOL I felt the same way! It does get easier, but believe it or not level 3 is not as hard as level 2! Level two is still my favorite because (for me at least) it's the most challenging! :) Keep going! You will be so proud of yourself when you finish the program. :flowerforyou: I have to admit there were times when jillian got an ear full from me LMAO!
  • maryann73
    maryann73 Posts: 763 Member
    die. right there on the floor. I actually think I do for a few seconds. When she says "down on the mat" I literally fall to the floor on the hopes that I can get an extra few seconds of rest! And those V raise things...I make the children leave the room. I almost cried because I won't move on until I've done it 10 days and it is only day 5! :sad:
  • i cant wait to get to lvl 2 :)

    to see how tough it is :D woot woot. and i will push myself through :D
  • tgrh8r25
    tgrh8r25 Posts: 10
    pic the tv up, calmly walk to the window, and hurl it out of it!!!

    but you're right, totally worth it and so glad I stuck with it...

    still contemplating when to move to level three..trying to decide when to up my torture level! but she speaks the truth and gets results!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    die. right there on the floor. I actually think I do for a few seconds. When she says "down on the mat" I literally fall to the floor on the hopes that I can get an extra few seconds of rest! And those V raise things...I make the children leave the room. I almost cried because I won't move on until I've done it 10 days and it is only day 5! :sad:

    Ya, this was day 10 but only first day of level two for me. You're doing freakin awesome!!!! :) You go girl!!
    i cant wait to get to lvl 2 :)

    to see how tough it is :D woot woot. and i will push myself through :D

    Yes you will, cause you're a freakin rockstar!! You're a huge inspiration when I don't feel like doing. You rock it out!!!
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    LOL I felt the same way! It does get easier, but believe it or not level 3 is not as hard as level 2! Level two is still my favorite because (for me at least) it's the most challenging! :) Keep going! You will be so proud of yourself when you finish the program. :flowerforyou: I have to admit there were times when jillian got an ear full from me LMAO!

    hahaha!! Me Too!!! I'm pretty sure I called her names that would make a sailor blush
  • ashvb31
    ashvb31 Posts: 1
    I started doing the shred 5 days ago...but I was wondering what kind of results have other people seen? It is a great workout, I had a baby 5 months ago, so I am trying to lose all of the baby weight.
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I started doing the shred 5 days ago...but I was wondering what kind of results have other people seen? It is a great workout, I had a baby 5 months ago, so I am trying to lose all of the baby weight.

    My weight has just started coming off the last two days but I can tell lit's toning me up and my pants dont fit anymore and it's only been 10 days. I know a lot of people on here have seen great results though.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    throw up and fall over in the fetal position for an hour!!! What a whimp I am!!!! I wanted to pull Jillian Michaels through the screen and strangle her until I felt satisfied enough to pass out on the floor!!!!! Dare I say...HOLY CRAP!!!! Pure evil encased in a dvd for the compact time of 27 minutes!!!!

    And here I am 2 hours later patting myself on the back because I did none of those things :) This proud is way worth the pain!! PUSH THROUGH!!! It's worth it...I PROMISE!!!!! :)

    What did level 2 make YOU want to do??? :O

    That literally made me LOL! I have never done that video but there are a few workouts that I have done that I feel that same way!!! Good luck girly!
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    She makes me want to strangle her everytime she says..........you may think that I'm crazy, and it wouldn't be the first time............
    I have made it through all the levels now, but when I take a break for awhile and do other exercise, she kicks my butt all over again everytime!:laugh:
  • AlyssaC2010
    AlyssaC2010 Posts: 100
    scream in pain!!! yesterday was day 2 of level one. i've done level 1 before and part of level 2 but quit...well 3 days ago i started again & had to take a break the day before yesterday because i was in so much pain! although it was that kind of "good" pain that made you feel like you worked for it. yikes
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    Ya, it's definately tough...I'd like to play bowling and throw her into the other two...lol especially the one doing the "hard version"...I can barely do the easy version!! Are you kidding me?!
  • You girls make me so excited to start it on Monday!!!!
  • kiffypooh
    kiffypooh Posts: 1,045 Member
    Level 2 is a KILLER. I always tell people to spend a lot of time on level 1 because level 2 will still kick your butt even if you are doing everything with Natalie. You will see the best results by the end of 5 days, maybe 10 days of level 2. I agree that level 2 is actually harder then level 3. I'm about to start level 2 next week and part of me is dreading the pain, but a part of me is so ready to have my butt kicked even a little more. I think the first time I did it I stood through half of it blankly looking at the TV and not sure rather I should give up or keep going, then she yells and I jump :laugh:
    My favorite 30DS story (I have gotten about 10 people hooked on it) is about my sister. I told her to watch it first because it's so hard and I'm pretty sure she thought, "really? You weight 200+ pounds and I weight 160, pretty sure if you can do it so can i do it but thanks" so she turned it on and started it. She said by the end of the first set of push ups she stopped, went to the kitchen, got a can of tuna (although I like to lie and say a tub of ice cream, makes the story better :laugh: ) and just stood there in aw.
    I love getting people to do the DVD because you get a whole new respect from people when you tell them you can do it, and it's amazing to hear from people you look up to because they are so fit (running marathons, etc) say it's really hard.
  • die. right there on the floor. I actually think I do for a few seconds. When she says "down on the mat" I literally fall to the floor on the hopes that I can get an extra few seconds of rest! And those V raise things...I make the children leave the room. I almost cried because I won't move on until I've done it 10 days and it is only day 5! :sad:

    Ya, this was day 10 but only first day of level two for me. You're doing freakin awesome!!!! :) You go girl!!
    i cant wait to get to lvl 2 :)

    to see how tough it is :D woot woot. and i will push myself through :D

    Yes you will, cause you're a freakin rockstar!! You're a huge inspiration when I don't feel like doing. You rock it out!!!

    omg you just made me blush for saying that.:blushing: (in a good way lol im straight lol):drinker: and it just feels awesome that i can inspire people:flowerforyou:
  • Ya, it's definately tough...I'd like to play bowling and throw her into the other two...lol especially the one doing the "hard version"...I can barely do the easy version!! Are you kidding me?!

    LOL THAT MADE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. my brother was asking what are you laughing about. cause i just bursted out laughing
  • p1nkpr1ncess
    p1nkpr1ncess Posts: 254 Member
    I am so excited about starting level 2! Now I'm a little scared too! Haha.

    Currently on Day 8 of Level 1 so only 2 more days and Monday is Level 2!! Glad people have been seeing results though - that's what makes it all worthwhile when you hear of it working for people - it pushes me through!

    Keep it up ladies! :)
  • angelwings2000
    angelwings2000 Posts: 357 Member
    I started doing the shred 5 days ago...but I was wondering what kind of results have other people seen? It is a great workout, I had a baby 5 months ago, so I am trying to lose all of the baby weight.

    I would like to say the results I've seen are amazing. I know I have been doing other exercise as well, but I have gone all the way through the Shred and now throw in different levels , mix it up a bit. I contribute most of my toning results to the shred. Check out my current profile picture and my before picture dressed in brown. Amazing!
    While I cuss at JIllian, she can get us fit, for sure.
    I am currently using her Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism DVD. Also a great workout!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I was going to wait to use the 30 Day Shred until I was in better shape, but I've been working out for 3 months using pretty much the same thing (EA Sports Active for the Wii and the elliptical). It might be time to kick it up a notch to hit my goal of 170 pounds by the 4th of July. I'm planning a trip to Walmart after the gym today so I can pick it up, along with the odds and ends I need. Buying new clothes that fit has made me run out of hangers in the closets :)
  • Elokyn
    Elokyn Posts: 448 Member
    I was going to wait to use the 30 Day Shred until I was in better shape, but I've been working out for 3 months using pretty much the same thing (EA Sports Active for the Wii and the elliptical). It might be time to kick it up a notch to hit my goal of 170 pounds by the 4th of July. I'm planning a trip to Walmart after the gym today so I can pick it up, along with the odds and ends I need. Buying new clothes that fit has made me run out of hangers in the closets :)

    Yay!! Good for you :) You'll love the shred. I like to call her satan, but she gets results! :)
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