Any 30 somethings going back to school?

This seemed so much easier 15 years ago. Finally sucking it up and getting a master's (even though it will take me 30 years to pay the loan off). The job satisfaction, the outlook and the pay $$$$$ will be worth it.

Anyone else headed back?? How do you do maintain this healthy lifestyle while working full time, going to school part time school, AND find time to exercise and watch your diet??


  • heid13
    heid13 Posts: 1 Member
    I am a early 40 something going back to school after retiring from my first career. My trick is to always get my exercise in at the start of the day. If I put it off, I am too tired, too busy or just too lazy to do it! Running in the morning is like my morning coffee. It wakes me and clears my mind for my busy day. Good Luck.
  • Jaymefirst
    Jaymefirst Posts: 268 Member
    Agree with Heid13, get your exercise done first thing so you don't have to think about it ;) I'm 34 and am just finishing up my degree in Education. It has been tough to balance family and school but doable. Good luck!!
  • PennStateChick
    PennStateChick Posts: 327 Member
    I'm 29. I'm be 30 in one 9 days though! Anyhow, I work full time for a non-profit that requires me to work a lot more than 40 hrs per week including evenings and weekends. I'm on my 3rd class of 14 for my MBA. I've been steadily losing weight. And I have a family, including a 4 year year old.

    I wouldn't say there is any magic formula or advice. You just have to want all of it. When you get this busy, if you don't like or want to do something, it's very easy to justify not doing it! I pack my lunches a lot more now. I eat Subway when I don't have time to pack.

    I totally agree with you that it was SOOOOO MUCH EASIER when I was 18. However, I just know this is what I want for myself and my life. And I'm willing to make it work. I refuse to use any part of it as an excuse not to follow through on something else. School/work isn't an excuse to avoid exercise (other than the fact that I rearranged my workout schedule to include a Thursday rest day because I'm out of my house from 7am-11:30pm on Wednesdays).The thing is, you just have to plan, be realistic in that plan, and then work that plan to make everything work together.
  • kelly101386
    kelly101386 Posts: 389 Member
    I am taking online course for my engineering degree in September, it's frightening but will be worth it to go into the field I want. I decided I wanted my kids before my career, with them both a little older I can start to do that.
  • katie_fitzy
    katie_fitzy Posts: 83 Member
    I went back to school in my forties with a family and work, and what saved me was using the gym at the school and taking walks, no matter how short,:happy: in between classes. Stay away from the cafeteria! and bring your own food, Good luck to you in maintaining a healthy life style and I applaud you for taking the leap to get your masters-good for you!
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    I'm not quite 30, I'll be 28 next month but I'm going back to school this coming August! It's going to be a massive change for our family and pretty hectic couple of years but I'm very excited about it. Thankfully I am going to be able to do a lot of my stuff via distance learning out of the school but I am going to have to go back to work (I'm a stay at home mom now) so I will be able to do a lot my labs on site and hands on in an embalming room instead of on campus.
    I don't really have a plan yet, I'm hoping that I will more or less just be able to keep on doing what I am doing now. I'll also have one kiddo in school full time and one in daycare part time so I'm hoping to have the odd hour to myself here and there to work out. ;) It's exciting but scary.
  • powlist
    powlist Posts: 23 Member
    I am 39 and started school almost 2 years ago. I attend online through our state college system. I only take one or two classes at a time, so it is a slow go to my degree. I feel that by earning my degree later in life, I have more experience and it has helped me write papers, and provide interesting discussion topics. Also, my kids have seen me struggle with a class, just like they do. I hope they realize that not every subject is easy, and if we try hard we can pass. (Although I am waiting for my daughter to help me with my math classes, things aren't the same anymore!)
  • rmkeech1
    rmkeech1 Posts: 12 Member
    At the age of 37 I've finally decided to start working on a degree. I've been lucky on the job front, my first career was 17 years with a large national retailer where I spent the last 10 as the mid-Atlantic Regional Manager. And I currently work for the county I live in as the Deputy Director of a department. But I've decided that not getting my degree is one of my regrets and it's never too late to go for it! I'm going to start slow, one class this spring at the community college and then take it from there. I'm not in any hurry because I don't need the degree to get a better job but I want to learn and grow.
  • lowpro1983
    lowpro1983 Posts: 305 Member
    I work full time and go to school part time. I was telling one of my friends about a new book I was reading...and her first question was, "when do you read?"'s all about good time management, planning ahead, and the mindset of "getting *kitten* done!" If you make things a priority, you will succeed.
  • melindenmark
    melindenmark Posts: 279 Member
    Hi, im 30. Moved to Denmark 3 years ago, had to learn a new language and now have just started uni (again). Its not easy but i think you need to make time to be healthy. for me i exercise first thing in the morning or straight after school (if i dont have work) before i go home.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    I'm a 40 something and I'm starting back to get my degree. Hopefully next fall!
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    I just started an EMBA program last week! It's going to be a crazy 19 months. I think the disciplined required to work full time, do coursework and then go to class will play into working out naturally. I know I can't go out and play, so I might as well break up the day with a workout and then get back to work.

    Fingers crossed. Right now Im getting sick, so I can't kick it off yet.
  • My wife and I are both heading back. Finishing our Bachelors now with 4 kids. I work full time day and take 12 hours a semester at night. She works nights and takes the same during the day. So we understand. Its worth it in the end and keeps the time flying by. Keep up the good work.
  • I am a 40 something that returned to school a few years ago. I think the key is good planning and time management. I agree with getting exercise first thing or making exercise a priority. Be flexible in what you do and how you do it for exercise. I also plan and pack lots of healthy portable foods like almonds, oranges, V8 etc.
  • PixEm
    PixEm Posts: 190 Member
    I started back to school when I was 25 and am now almost 32 and will finally have my bachelors in May. Go for it. It is a lot of work but it will pay off.
  • ccckwalk
    ccckwalk Posts: 262
    I am 32 and going back for Nursing. It is doable. Super hard work with family and trying to maintain. It does gets easier the longer you do! I pack lunches, log everything (I mean everything) and I try to focus on getting in efficient workouts as much as possible. Good luck. We go back to school to better ourselves we can't forget we all joined here to get healthier too, it works hand in hand! Enjoy your day girl!!!
  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm an internship and thesis away from my MA. I work full-time, go to school part-time, have a 2.5-year-old...yeah, it's tough. You've gotta make being healthy a priority. Something always has to give--for me, it's sleep. I wake up at 3:40 during the week to get my workout in.
  • jcjsjones
    jcjsjones Posts: 571 Member
    I am 33 and starting going back to school about 2 years ago. There are times when I get frustrated and impatient, but it's still worth all the trouble. You will learn your routine and then feel like something is missing between! Keep up the good work!!

  • Congrats to everyone here for doing your best to achieve your goals, education is hard enough by itself let alone with jobs and family to balance.
    The main problem i have at university is that i'm surrounded by cafes. Just on campus there are 2 coffee shops slash cafeterias and on the main street over there's an entire street of cafes and restaurants. It's so hard to get accurate calorie counts and be good when i get lazy and go there. Definitely always pack lunch if you know you're going to be tempted or try and choose the healthier options like the local subway if there's one close by.
    Most campus gyms will give you cheaper options to use them too so if you pack some stuff with you you can pop in in between classes if it's well suited to your routine.
    The other advice is that if you find yourself struggling you can always withdraw from a subject to ease the load, it takes a bit longer to finish but if you think you need the extra time to fit in some extra study for other subjects or family or work it's worth just taking the step back. You're still committed to finishing but if doing it part time makes it easier on you it may be a good option.
  • fightininggirl
    fightininggirl Posts: 792 Member
    me! I'm a 37 year old college freshman.

    I am on a special diet and doing my best to work out and get fit