Any 30 somethings going back to school?



  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member
    It's hectic to say the least!

    I'm 31 (soon 32) and mom to a wonderful 2 year old girl. Currently I work part-time, go to school full time (also doing my Master's). Some days I feel so overwhelmed with all the work, but I ALWAYS make the time to work out, REGARDLESS. I also cook ALL of my own meals which also takes up a bit of time. I go to the gym on campus (so that saves me some money) early in the morning. Because of this I can only get 5 hours (6 if I'm lucky) of sleep every night. And I only get this much by kinda slacking off on my school work during the week and then going full force on the weekends. If you really want to do it, you will. I use this quote as my motivation: No one said it would be easy, they said it would be worth it. I truly believe that.
  • 1ocean1girl
    1ocean1girl Posts: 197 Member
    I'm 30 also; started school about 2 months ago. I agree with bringing your own food, even if its just snacks like carrots, apples, or wheat thins. Im still working on uping my exercise though. I work full time and go to school full time. I have 3 hours in between each; which I spend with my 8month old. So i try fit workouts in during that time. I put my little one in her bouncer and she jumps while I do zumba then I hit the books. Well, thats the general plan, lol. Its all trial and error; you have to try different things till you find what works for your schedule.
  • blink1021
    blink1021 Posts: 1,118 Member
    I did it graduated back in Dec. 2011. It is hard balancing working full time a family and exercising but it is all pre planning. I would prep my food on Sundays for the week that included all meals. I cut out all t.v. time and used that time for schoolwork and my saturdays and sundays were all schoolwork. I was lucky that my husband helped me out with housework and our son, and I would get up early at 5am to workout. It was hard and at times I was tired I also would take days off if I had a lot of schoolwork, but it is doable and it is rewarding after you are finished doesn't feel like it at the time but it is worth it.
  • silverainn
    I'm 31 and started on a Bachelor's in autumn. I'm going to school full-time and not working, but I'm trying to finish my degree in 2 years, so I don't really have time for much else. My boyfriend and I actually moved cities so we wouldn't have social obligations and could focus solely on studying. The biggest problem for me with exercising is winter.. we get 2 months of darkness here and up to 6 months of snow/ice. When the weather is ok, I walk to uni and back every day (6 km, and I plan my route so it's uphill both ways), and otherwise keep weights at home to work out during study breaks.
  • cineshome
    cineshome Posts: 97 Member
    You guys are inspiring!
  • christy_frank
    christy_frank Posts: 680 Member
    I cannot that is why I am quiting my job and enrolling full time in the fall. In the meantime I will take some classes over the summer and focus on my fitness.
    I am 35, a wife and mother of 4
  • AmyzNewGroove
    AmyzNewGroove Posts: 144 Member
    The idea is a bit overwhelming, isn't it?

    I'm hoping to start an MBA program this fall (studying for the GMAT right now)...with all the balls in the air, somedays I wonder about my sanity! :laugh: I think the best way to juggle everything is to experiement until you find what works best for you and then stay flexible.

    Good luck to you! It will be worth it!
  • katnord
    katnord Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I am 30 and currently working on my master's degree. I worked full time when taking classes, and will admit that this was the hardest thing I have ever done!

    For me, it was really easy to get into a pattern of not eating enough during the week, and then end up filling up on easily accessible food on the weekends (and a lot of it.) To battle this I started keeping a file cabinet drawer of food in my office. It has Larabars, tuna packets, V8, apples, oranges, trailmix, raisins, tea, Tabasco, and peanut butter in it.

    My university has physical education classes and I sighed up for at least one every term, this way I had an assigned time to exercise that I had to go to. I also parked far enough away from campus that I got at least a half hour walk in each day (with a full backpack no less).

    I'd recommend spending some time identifying your problem areas (mine was sugary coffees, and an affiliation for Pizza pockets) and coming up with healthy alternatives that you can stalk up on and always have around when you get super crazy busy.

    Going back to school is such an adventure! Good luck!
  • Heavyd2g
    Heavyd2g Posts: 61 Member
    Good luck with it. I’m 30 and after qualifying as a Financial Advisor in my early 20’s I decided it wasn’t for me. I’m now working towards a Degree in Metrology which will be a 2 year part time commitment and I have completed some pre qualifications already. I’m also thinking about obtaining a Certificate in Astronomy and will register my interest for that next month. It’s not going to be easy fitting it all in but you only live once right?
  • fit4lifeUcan2
    fit4lifeUcan2 Posts: 1,458 Member
    I"m 46 and in college. This would have been my last semester but 2 of my classes were dropped so that means one more semester. If they drop them again I will not be at all happy! As it is I have to put off going to the university for my BA for another year because they only take admissions for my department in the fall. Anyway, I'm 46 and have disabilities. If I can go back then anyone can. Its never too late. Good for you going back! It's scary at first but then you get into a routine and find that its a lot better now at an older age than it was when we were younger. I'm a lot more focused and dedicated to my studies now. None of that silly nonsense to deal with like when I was much younger.

    By the way, I've lost all of my 66 lbs while in school. I started school august of 2011 and started trying to lose weight in 2012.
  • zuppie76
    I'm 36 and started my part time PhD way back in 2003, but took 4 years out to have my two girls. Submitting on 1st May. It has been tough finding time to fit *everything* in, and sometimes my girls have had time just with their Daddy instead of all of us - he's been brilliant throughout. Think I might be out of my mind, but I've applied for history teaching starting in September. Might not get in, but if I do, there will be a lot of problems around getting the girls to and from school, as the university is 70 miles away and as history is crucial to reconciliation here in Northern Ireland, the only place I can get the course is in that one uni.
  • rfsatar
    rfsatar Posts: 599 Member
    I was 42 when I walked out of an incredibly well paid (but ultimately stressful and unsatisfying) job to train as a journalist.
    I am also backing up my techie skills to dip in and out of contracting in between writing.
  • tmfrater77
    tmfrater77 Posts: 26 Member
    bump for later - great advice